I am not a fast thinker so my fanfictions might take a while before they are completed. · 10:00pm Sep 2nd, 2015
I have 2 series I want to do
The first series is about the changelings, one changeling in particualer and how he has to unite Equeatria and the changelings to a peaceful compromise or a war will commence
The second series I will do is a VERY dark series about a killers thoughts and lifestyle mainly on how he kills and covers his tracks, alot of gore will be in this series so be warned if you do not like gore steer clear of this series
Having ideas and plans is always good, and if it is translatd into stories; this is even better.
I have numerous stories about Changelings, but not this exact one.
I don't have all that much on the killing side, aside from the one where Pinkie Pie is on a Mission to kill various Ponies pointed out for some reason. She proves to be a very capable killer and cunny like few in the arts and how to hide her true person in the act.
Using the more obscure refferences and a few head canons along the way makes for all the more fun.