Sweet Celestia I'm am so very happy to say that I'm back to my regular monthly chapters! So sorry I had to leave you guys hanging but things came up and I needed to focus on other things then writing. But never fees I'm back in business and am ready to start writing again!
Hay guys! Some stuff has come up so it pains me to say that I will need to put down this website for a while... I will get back on font you worry, and when the time comes I will have lots of new content ready to post! So this is goodbye till then! ~P.D.R.D.~
I want to write something that you ponies will enjoy, so I don't mind constructive criticism and challenge ideas. With my new story, "Sugar, Spice, and all things Nice" I'm already getting my hooves wet and going out of my comfort zone with it being a romance novel, but I have the question for you fellow ponies who will be reading this post of mine, should I have sex scenes? I have a few ideas
Happy thanksgiving everypony! I will have a new chapter up for " It's Boring at the Top" soon and hopefully a new story as my holiday surprise! I'm trying to go out of my comfort zone and try a romance story with two OCs of mine. It could take some time to get used to the style so I apologize for any cheesy lines, but I hope you enjoy! That's all for now bronies and pegasisters! I'll see ya