• Member Since 24th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2020


I wish I could write, I wish I could draw, I wish I could play. Unfortunately against my might, it is not my forte. So I sit here among my own defeat, knowing I could never match or join the great.

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  • 482 weeks
    The answer of an age old question

    To those who actually follow me (and pay attention to what I have to say),

    I have come up with a theory for the cutie marks, if that is still a valid problem to us. For those who don't know the problem here's a rundown.

    1. How do blank flanks become skilled with a special talent even if their cutie mark has yet to appear? (CMC)

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  • 483 weeks

    Rules -
    - You can only change the underlined parts.
    - Don't be a dick.
    - Post the rules.
    - Post the tag, so I can track this. #TheExperiment
    Let's see how far (and how creepy) this thing can get.

    Blendy was a talking blender, and he loved to shred with his pony friends.

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The answer of an age old question · 6:23pm Jul 17th, 2015

To those who actually follow me (and pay attention to what I have to say),

I have come up with a theory for the cutie marks, if that is still a valid problem to us. For those who don't know the problem here's a rundown.

1. How do blank flanks become skilled with a special talent even if their cutie mark has yet to appear? (CMC)
2. If a cutie mark is swapped with somepony else then how is the talent not swapped as well? (Magical Mystery Cure)
3. When a cutie mark is removed all together then how does the talent go as well? (The Cutie Map)
4. And what of the cutie pox?

I can understand how these cutie marks might represent a problem, especially to the shows continuity. However, here is my solution to this problem.


I know what you're thinking; "You dumbass they are the same thing!"

Incorrect! A special talent is the skill that a pony is unique at while a cutie mark is what represents the skill. As a pony is born their special talent is formed, they just don't know what it is. When they realize what their talent is their cutie mark appears as a sign of self enlightenment. As I will prove by answering the questions above.

1. As stated above they are born with the talent, they just don't know what it is yet so the cutie mark doesn't appear until they know what it is.
2. Since I theorize that cutie marks and special talents are two different things, marks can be traded but that does not mean that the talents themselves are traded as well hence Applejack being horrible at designing dresses while still having Rarity's cutie mark.
3. As I stated before they are two different things, but when Starlight Glimmer removed the mane six's cutie marks she also inadvertently removed the special talent and fusing it to the cutie marks themselves explaining the faint glow of the cutie marks when they leave their host. Leaving the ponies markless and telentless.
4. Now the cutie pox would be a problem, if the fact was that these ponies were born with their talents, as in natural talents. The cutie pox cutie marks are not natural, but artificial talents meaning they don't fallow the laws of existence. So when a cutie pox victim gains a mark they also gain an artificial talent represented by that mark, and once cured of their marks the talents themselves are removed as well except for the naturally formed talent within the pony.

If you believe in my head canon, please feel free to spread this. If you have a question on my theory, I'll be glad to answer it.

Thank you for your time.

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