So, the epic conclusion begins, and that story i wrote all that time ago is also finally submitted... apparently I didn't do that when i was supposed to and it was just sitting there... waiting for me... well, there you go. Once I finish the final chapters I will be working on the other stories.
I have been busy with real work, as well as Ponies. you can expect the next Sherlock hooves... at some point. n the meantime i have another story. i usually don;t write Sadfics but i was struck with inspiration.
A friend of mine(Film Reel) edited the first Deduction is Magic. Now it makes a little more sense, in both plot and grammar. Also, new chapter up. Longest chapter of the series, and they will probably get longer. It may last more then four chapters as well, but don't quote me on that.
My words, spoken out loud during the episode, "Palace labyrinth? Why is there a palace labyrinth?... for all your labyrinth needs?" Also, Fluttershy is INCORRUPTIBLE. I can't wait for the next episode.