• Member Since 30th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2020


I am a college student, who love mlp since I was little and was drag back into the fandom five years ago. I love chatting with people about ponies, so feel free to have a random chat with me.

More Blog Posts600

  • 412 weeks
    Mix feelings about Linkin Park new music

    As much as a love Linkin Park old stuff, their new stuff ( like Heavy) isn't that bad EXCALTY compare to most Pop music nowadays. And if they can it work, their new stuff can be for the better ( unlike I want to say about Beyonce, her last two albums haven't been her best, compared to her work in the past </3)

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    1 comments · 711 views
  • 427 weeks
    And beside anyone tell me:

    I do know about the New Code Geass Anime coming back and it being an official tie into the anime than just being an ova ( with I do like but this will be a tie into the anime we are talking about) for all of you that haven't been following for a long time: Code Geas is in my top 10 of all time favorite anime). And Still looking forward to seeing Code Geass: Akito the Exiled when it comes to DVD

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  • 427 weeks

    Did i miss anything from everyone/ what have been happing in the MLP fandom?

    0 comments · 573 views
  • 427 weeks
    Long time no see everyone i guess? :/

    First off I am not dead. Just a lot of crap been happening in my life for the past couple of months ( for everyone that don't follow me on any of my social media) To save you guys the Sh*t that has been going on it was first my headaches getting worst for three months and then family stuff (I really don't want to talk about at the moment) and then the dumb election drama, and with all of that

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  • 445 weeks
    Just saw Star Trek Beyond and...

    I got to say that Star Trek Beyond is worth seeing( and that is all i hve to say about the movie but...) got to say that the villain was weak overall and should have been better ,but tht is it the only thing i didn't like abou tthis movie.Sorry but Khan is better villain this time around. But seeing Anton Yelchin in his last movie and the Leonard Nimoy (him as Spock) tribute

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Skyrim blog: I MIGHT join the Dark Brotherhood? · 6:48am Feb 8th, 2015

I was talking to my brother yesterday about the how much I really enjoyed the Thieves guild's "storyline" and asked if is it worth joining the Dark Brotherhood he said that "it's more stealth.... Kind of like the thieves guild in a sense but instead of stealing items, you're stealing lives. " I might join the Dark brotherhood but i might finish up that one companions quest before I start anything else :twilightsheepish:

Report MegAnimefreakx3 · 521 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Fair warning: Have no qualms about being evil. Because you are going to be.

2778512 ok thanks for the heads -ups :pinkiehappy:

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