• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 11th, 2020


Physicist brony extraordinaire!

More Blog Posts41

  • 446 weeks
    Howdy howdy howdy

    Hey there, my followers and readers. I know, it's been quite awhile since I've thrown up a blog post or anything. And there is a good reason for this. I got a new job as a teacher so my free time has been both cut and expanded greatly, and yes, I know that that is a bit of a contradiction but it's what it is.

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  • 470 weeks
    Shocking! A new chapter is here

    Hey there all of you. Here's something that Ii'm sure not a lot thought was going to show up. Yes, it is in fact a new chapter for "Twilight Sparkle, Librarian"!

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  • 482 weeks
    Hey all

    How ya'll doin' out there? This is your friendly neighborhood Raryn with a short update for all those followers of mine. Writing of G-Pony episode 12 is currently still stalled, I haven't had much time to devote to it recently due to university stuff. But I will be getting to it at some point soon.

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  • 501 weeks
    And there we go

    New chapter is up and running. Go read it.

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  • 501 weeks
    Dun dun dunnnnn!!!!

    Everyone, be on the lookout today as the next chapter of G-Pony is almost finished and the only reason it'll be a little longer to be finished is the fact that I need to sleep!!!!

    So, this is Raryn, saying goodnight!

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So, Bronycon, yeah. · 5:05am Jul 3rd, 2012

So, I went to Bronycon. And it was AWESOME!!!!!

Excuse me, I had to get that out of my system. But it really was awesome. Me and four friends drove up in an RV and camped right outside the convention hall (saved a whole lot on hotels ha ha). And had a blast. We got there on the Friday before the con and got or badges and just hung around the front hall, saw Mr. John De Lancy walk by as well as Tara Strong which was cool. Anyways, that was the first day.

Next day, the first day of the con. Woke up around 7:30, got out and stood in front of the convention center around 8:30. Waited in wrong line then realized it and worked my way up to the front of the hall. Meanwhile, all the big names were walking in. The voice actors came in to a rousing roar of applause. But what was really funny was how Lauren Faust managed to walk by under the radar. Also, I saw a ninja.

Then the con opened, my plan was to go straight to John Joseco's both to get some buttons I wanted. Wound up standing around his booth for I think 2 hours as I was slowly pushed to the side. But not that that was a bad thing or anything. Wound up talking with the other artists that were there, WillDraw4Food, MXC, and UC77 (He had a crazy hat). Great guys, great artists, bought some prints from all of them.

Anyways, after sometime, I got bored and wondered around the con. Found out they were selling the new MLP trading cards and bought some packs. Walked around some more, bought buttons, bought some prints from Pixelkitties (Funny stuff), then struck up a conversation with Kevin Sano (also a great guy, and funny). After that I went back to JJ's booth, still as crowded as it was earlier. Stood on the side and struck up conversations with those around me. Promoted my stories, I think I got at least a few people interested in it. Anyways, standing there was boring, so I got WillDraw to do a commission for me, as I put it: Pinkie and Surprise trying to prank each other. What I got: Pinkie and Surprise having a standoff with each holding a pie, awesome.

So as I was standing there, waiting in the massive crowd to get some buttons from JJ and waiting for Will to finish my commission, over walks, I believe it was Cereal from EqD. So we started talking as well about stuff. Then he went off to find UC who had wandered off. Then Sergeant Sprinkles, of Cupcakes fame, and once again I struck up a conversation. I didn't have any idea who he was to start out with, which was funny to both of us, then he slowly gave me clues and then it stuck and we both laughed. So I eventually gave up, again and went back to wandering. Flitted though some of the panels, got food, bought more swag, went into the game room. They had a demo of PonyKart, the pony cart racing game. Didn't play it myself, but I did watch as someone managed to exploit the game's "lack of polish" and fly around the track spewing items everywhere. Then I noticed that there was also a playable demo of Filly Games "Welcome to Ponyville." I liked the game and I can't wait until it is out.

So following this I finally managed to get the buttons I wanted from JJ. One of the other artists got them for me. And to end that day, I attended Dr. Psych Ologies panel on the brony community and the types of bronies out there, you know, real science. Once that was done and over with, went back to the RV, didn't go to the Bronypalooza party and actually managed to get to work on going over one of the many stories people wanted my help on. Then sleep.

So the next day I slept in (I know, a travesty for such an event!) And went about my business doing things when all of a sudden, I see the lights start flickering and, like many others, believe that someone had found the light switches. Then we were told to evacuate the building because apparently, something had caught fire. It was one of the lights above the mane hall. So we waited outside for a time until they let us back in. Went around some more, got more swag, talked with egophiliac and got a sketch, went to the cosplay contest and saw some really good costumes (including, the Shmooze from G1 and the random appearance of Spiderman). Then the ending ceremony. Left early and with friends, met and talked with artists from the Artist Training Ground (ATG), great guys, talked about my story, they seemed interested in it so yay me for promoting myself.

Then of all things, the people behind "world's largest semi tractor" that had been sitting out in front of the convention center for the con showing pony stuff decided to start showing episodes on the thing. Now that was an experience and a half in itself. You don't know what you're missing until you watch the episodes with a group of over a hundred others. We sang, we gasped, we made fun of stuff for the hell of it and that went on from7 until 10 when we were told that we could no longer watch ponies outside because there was a quiet time for the area.

And that was my experience of Bronycon.

And for those who have been awaiting the next chapters of my stories, now that I am back, I shall dive headlong into them so that I can get them out to you all. I love all of ya

This is Raryn, saying that he will be going to the next Bronycon when it happens.

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Comments ( 1 )

Awesume for you [Cuz u can haz bronycon] and awesume for me. [Cuz I can haz ur fic updates!]

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