• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen February 5th


Compulsive writer of crossovers

More Blog Posts97

  • 414 weeks
    Pointless Blog #1: Nothing of Interest Here (I mean it)

    Random pointless blog because I am making simply to share something that has captured my heart. Tis a metapor as much as artwork or playing card. For it is entirely useless and utterly shit for use, yet it looks incredibly cool.

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  • 415 weeks
    Some Art and Other Stuff

    Yeah, this year hasn't been good for writing. I've managed to get a little done, but no promises on a timetable. For those who are still eager for more, I'm trying, and I hope to have something for one of my stories soon. I might try to focus on finishing Bloodlines, but I'm not sure. In the mean time, enjoy some commissioned art I got done for Justice Itself, and then just some other art I got

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  • 429 weeks
    Solution to writing problems?

    ...turns out, it's sitting in bed with laptop instead of using my PC. Yeah. Obviously I've been having troubles writing since this year began, despite, but I'm slowly getting to work again. Going to try and take it easy in my writing, because If I stress on it I'll make no progress, but thought at least some of you would like to know I've started to make progress again, however slow it might be.

    2 comments · 538 views
  • 439 weeks
    Friend In Need

    This isn't about any of my stories, sorry, but something a bit more important. A friend of mine, Noble Cause, is in rather dire straits right now and at risk of losing his house before he can find work. He's been a pre-reader on EQD and his advice when preparing Treacherous Mists to be sent to EQD was invaluable, along with him just being a

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    0 comments · 427 views
  • 440 weeks
    Plans for 2016

    Bored, so thought I'd waste your time as well by writing this, just a general rounding out of plans for the year. Might be interesting.

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Justice Itself - Ch 3 RPIN · 6:00pm Jun 22nd, 2012

If you got this notice before you got the story update, well, its also been updated. Go have a read, but be sure to come back too.

My RPIN, or Random Possibly Important Notes are just some vague 'behind the scenes' type things because I hope at least one or 2 people read this and it makes my ego puff up something fierce. And when its busy puffing up its not bothering me.

The main point of this chapter was to showcase an important thing for me, linked to what I first thought when I saw human Tyrael.

"Does he know how to piss?"

This probably says very bad things about me.

But, well, would he? He's existed as a being, to quote the games "of sound and light", they don't eat or anything like that, at least as we've seen. They're more like energy beings in a container, their true form shown only by their 'wings' as I believe I read a Blizzard employee explained it in a similar way about the wings being more their true form then the armour.

Tyrael likes humans, yes, and helped them but I doubt he watched them go about their daily lives, making notes on how they go to the toilet or such. Oh, he'd know in a distant and vague way that they have to discharge their bodily waste but its never been important. Its one of the main traits all the mortal life seems to share with demons, their flesh and waste and such, so he probably didn't want to dwell on it.

I know some people will be a bit underwhelmed by the revelation of the letter's contents, but I think this is important. Tyrael is learning about having a physical body from the ground up

As for that last bit...well, that's part of the plotline but its not going to turn up for a while.

Tthose of you who have played D3 and like me go through every conversation option with NPCs will have heard Tyrael mention Ardleon, during Act III when he talks about how he could have slain Azmodan had he not heard his ally, who he names as Ardleon, cry out for help and gone to his aid. I needed an angel name, and that one would work just as well as any other, plus it gives the character an established relationship with Tyrael.

On that note, don’t expect him to turn up for a long time. If Tyrael adjusting to Ponyville and his body is Act I, the story of Ardleon's appearance is Act III..We've still got two Act bosses and a few mini-bosses to down before you get to see him in action.

But trust me, I'll make it worth the wait and the ride will be as fun as I can manage.

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