• Member Since 11th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 8th, 2016



Happy Halloween, Nasty Nightmare Night! · 10:55pm Oct 31st, 2014

I'll be honest with you, from where I am, it doesn't feel much like Halloween. I don't think it felt much like Halloween last year, though at least last year we had some decorations up. It's sad to see my village so lacking in trick-or-treaters. Then again, what am I doing, sitting inside waiting for my newly purchased Xbox One to download Sunset Overdrive, a process which reminds me why I never download any game I could get in physical form. Sadly, this was how it came with the console, and now I'll be waiting past midnight for it to finish.

Grin Brothers

Starting things off, uploading blogs is indeed inconsistent. This is the same with my writing schedule, sometimes it goes wonderfully and other times, not so much. My plan is to focus on SSB for the remainder of the year, having another chapter and a long desired one-shot to write up, and then the following year to strive to gain a balance between MLP and SSB. It's doubtful though that even with said balance I will achieve a great uploading schedule because fanfiction is not the priority, for the priority currently is the same thing which has been slowing down blog updates as of late; Grin Brothers.

Currently I only have one laptop, and with that same laptop I record episodes. When my brother needs to edit and render videos, he takes over, and I cannot access my laptop. I hope to change that in future, but money will take some time to build up. I'm going to try out for a post man job, needed for this Christmas period, so maybe I'll acquire enough through that provided I get hired. Point is, Grin Brothers will interfere with work on fanfiction, I hope to make it into a profitable venture one day and I enjoy doing it a lot. Of course, I enjoy fanfiction a lot and feel it is something I need in my life, it gets me social with others on the internet, I enjoy the nature of uploading works chapter by chapter, and I enjoy talking with you all. So I'll keep at it, just need to prioritise though.

My Little Pony Videos?
Now spending so much time talking about Grin Brothers actually serves more of a purpose than just an excuse for the lack of blog updates. It also leads me into the topic for this blog. Grin Brothers was decided early on to be about video games, and focus solely on matters surrounding that. Any videos uploaded to Grin Brothers, although it might change in form, will be about video games.

That said, I have sound recording equipment, a video editing software, have my own personal channel, and hope to make a decent amount (maybe even the majority) of my earnings through YouTube, so I thought to myself, I could always do my own videos. I could always do my own videos, on my own channel, about non-video game related matters such as cartoons/animes... maybe even My Little Pony.

I then got to thinking though; is there anything I could do unique enough to distinguish myself from other My Little Pony videos out there on YouTube. There are already plenty of YouTube reviews of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic out there, so what could I do that would be unique, and so I brainstormed ideas; ranging from focusing on not just My Little Pony, to focusing on the fact that I seem to be one of the few Bronies who openly praises G3 and covers the subject of it.

Ultimately though, I encountered the big obstacle... what does making these ideas into video format help with? All of the ideas I pondered, I soon realised are matters I'd gladly cover in blog format. The matter of doing them in video format only had two positives to it, and neither of which I feel benefit the content. One of those factors is that I could potentially earn money, which just seemed greedy, whilst the other was that there was a higher chance of getting the ideas and content noticed. Even though I am a Brony, it is a large fandom, and I do wonder how much affect my content has overall. How much do I... provide in a way, as part of a fandom, as part of a somewhat indirect community.

In the realm of fanfiction, I feel that Magnetism has made me feel I've contributed a decent amount. Not huge, but many have enjoyed it, I just wonder whether my former blog analysis, my Friendship is Magic and G3 reviews, and whether future blog projects provide fans of both My Little Pony and those who follow me for my fanfiction, with plenty for them to enjoy and/or interest them.

In the end, I do feel that sticking to working on just blog works best, for now at least. I feel quite at ease writing, even though I do enjoy making videos a lot (if I could, I would record every thing I play of every game I play). The ultimate thing is that I don't see an immediate benefit to doing videos concerning My Little Pony over writing them in blogs, particularly over my reviews which I pride myself on being fairly quick to be uploaded (with a couple of exceptions). Tell me your thoughts on the matter though; are there any My Little Pony discussions or topics that might best be done within video format?

As for the next few blog posts, having thought of ideas to distinguish myself in a video format basis, has in turn actually given me more ideas for blog posts. I'm going to try my best to, this time, actually upload on the fortnight. My next post will likely be my final G3 episode review, but who knows, I'm buzzing with ideas at the moment.

Report Souldin · 454 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

My plan is to focus on SSB for the remainder of the year

I'm with you on this. This game is gonna be awesome on the Wii U :rainbowkiss:

having another chapter and a long desired one-shot to write up

And I'm looking forward to that. It's been a while :raritywink:

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