• Member Since 12th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 15th, 2013


um.. I'm a 15 year old guy from wales. That's about it.

More Blog Posts2

  • 631 weeks
    Music is magic

    A kickstarter project has been set up by Timothy Cass and Jonathan Kershaw it has been started to highlight brony music in the community and needs $2000 to produce a documentary filmed at Everfree convention with interviews with many musicians.

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Music is magic · 7:55pm Jun 16th, 2012

A kickstarter project has been set up by Timothy Cass and Jonathan Kershaw it has been started to highlight brony music in the community and needs $2000 to produce a documentary filmed at Everfree convention with interviews with many musicians.
It currenty has $689 of it's goal with 14 days to go. Pledgers are awarded with different gifts for example a $10 pledge will get you :Honorable mention in the film credits along with a heartfelt thank you. http://tao-mell.deviantart.com/ will also make a custom OC or other drawn image just for you.
There are many other awards for pledges up to $250. even though we are mainly focused on writing on this site i still think it is a worthy cause.

For more information visit :Music is magic- Kickstarter

If you didn't realize i have nothing to do with this i'm just spreading the word.
And remember make like a marshmallow and give.

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