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What to do? What to do? I guess I’ll ask you! · 9:37pm Sep 23rd, 2014

Hello there everyone, it's been a little while longer than I had hoped for but I'm here with a blog update. I'll admit, not much has transpired with me since the last blog post. I finally started making progress with Smashing Reactions, the 4th chapter finally being uploaded, though the arrival of both Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution and Hyrule Warriors look set to interfere with further work. That said, my current fanfiction focus is still on my SSB works, but I do hope to be able to get some MLP focus soon within the fanfiction realm.

Of course, I'am currently venturing into other fields, as many on you may know, so I shall begin addressing another matter before I get to the heart of today's blog post.

Grin Brothers
The Grin Brothers is set to finally begin updating on a consistent schedule. My brother and I have recently uploaded the following video to our channel;Grin Brothers Upload Schedule, and to simply summarise things, we're looking set to begin consistently uploading an episode each day, very soon. Enough of my shameless self-advertising though, you're hear for pony related matters and I've sort of got something here for you.

Blog Ideas
It has recently struck me, that although I was eager to return to updating blogs on a consistent schedule (my aim is to update fortnightly on Fridays/Saturdays), that I actually have very few ideas right now as to what blogs I should do. My return to making these blogs had three well thought out blog ideas, summed up as simply finishing my reviews for Season 4 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. After that though, none of my other ideas are completely solid. That said, I do have ideas, and so I shall share with you some of the potential plans for future blog updates:

First off, I shall be finishing my reviews of G3 My Little Pony. Not including the G3.5 series, I believe I was nearing the end of my G3 MLP reviews when Season 4 started up. I shall be returning to finish off the remaining reviews I have for the G3 My Little Pony series, and will likely make more blogs based off the subject matter, be it an analysis of G3 or what elements I believe of G3 could work or I'd like to see within Friendship is Magic.

Discussions, perhaps even reviews, of My Little Pony merchandise is also something that comes to mind. Thanks to two BUCK conventions, as well as Toys R' Us, I've begun to amass quite a bit in My Little Pony merchandise. I even enjoy myself to a My Little Pony Easter Egg earlier this year, and I feel that the various products and merchandise of the series, ranging from the DVD's, to the Trading Card game, to all sorts of things, have conversation potential.

If I were to look back at my blogs of old, I'm sure I'll be able to remember many of the blog ideas I had once before, and which are still usable. I remember considering the creation of blog regarding my personal headcanon as to how the Mane 6 would look as humans, as well as various My Little Pony game ideas that I had plans to expand into specific genre covering posts. One idea that still remains strongly in my head is a discussion on OC's, or rather, if given the chance what sort of character would you introduce to the MLP series. This idea was focusing more on the introduction of secondary main status, or simply secondary status, but put simply, I have ideas for this matter, characters that I have thought of myself who I feel would make great additions to the show through filling in certain areas.

Finally though, there is one idea I've been considering, both in order to fill in for things when I can't think of anything else and to motivate me to be true to my title; I'm the Review King after all. That idea is to centre blogs around reviews I do of fanfics, perhaps simply reposting my review of the fanfic with some added details, along with a link to said fanfic in order to promote it because I like being a nice guy. Like with a lot of the ideas, there are ways for this to develop further, comparisons between fanfics for instance, or interesting inspections of works I either favour or don't usually pay much attention to. It also leads nicely into my final part of this blog and the reasoning for this blog's title.

The Key Question

What sort of blogs would you like me to do?

As in all of you, every one who happens to be reading this here blog, what blogs would you be interested in reading? What subjects would you like for me to share my opinion on and discuss? These subjects can be about more than just My Little Pony, it can be on fanfiction as a whole or even about myself. What sort of things would you enjoy discussing with me and sharing your thoughts with me on?

Furthermore, in relation to the fanfic idea, are there any fanfics you'd like me to read and review of yours? Of course, I'm uncertain as to when I'll start this sort of thing, even if I decide to do it, but I'm willing for suggestion. Naturally though, given the nature of my blog updates and many busy plans I'd be unable to read anything too lengthy (let's limit suggestions to fanfics below 5500 words, or simply requests to only read the first chapter of a fanfic), but I'm all ears for suggestions. I remember in one of my recent blogs one of my readers asking for me to read their story... unfortunately I've been busy... and forgot, but if you still wish me to, a reminder here and I may just get on it.

To summarise, what do you think of my ideas for potential future blogs, which of these ideas are you interested in, and are there any sort of blog posts you'd like to see from me? Cheerio for now, and I hope you enjoyed this blog!

Report Souldin · 499 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

What sort of blogs would you like me to do?

Well I'm okay with the kinda of blog you always had.
As for the subjects, you can always talk about your opinion on some things, like for exemple a new shipping that you love, a certain fanfiction that you really liked, or even your favorites characters forthe next Smash Bros.

That is awesome for grin brothers. I have question? Will you be willing to fight me in ssb 4 when it comes out? Or Pokemon ? Or friend code, or anything?
But anyways I always enjoy your update blogs. But I think if you did only those it would be pretty boring if you run out or stuff to talk about:twilightsheepish:

So, I'm like a week behind with updating already I see. Unfortunately, I had to lend the laptop over to my brother so he could sort out Grin Brothers videos, hence the lack of an update.

That said, I should be updating tomorrow, and I hope to update this coming weekend as if I were following the regular schedule.

2478041 Super Smash Bros is a topic I'd rather avoid at the moment, a great deal of it is causing me immense amounts of anger. That said, you did inspire the idea for the blog post I shall be writing up tomorrow, so thank you very much for your comment and suggestions, Fernesh. :twilightsmile:

2478409 I'll be more than happy to give you my friend code. Just message me and I shall see about doing it. That said, I no longer plan to get Super Smash Bros for 3DS, and don't really play versus with Pokémon, so unless you have a Wii U and plans to get SSB for that, not sure if I'll be able to take up your offers on fights for those games.

Thanks for the comment, One piece wolf. :twilightsmile:

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