• Member Since 20th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2014


I tend to be the one in the comment section that trips over his words.

More Blog Posts4

  • 531 weeks
    Bipolar? Pfft.

    So I was bored and I decided to take online depression tests.
    I'm told I have Bipolar Disorder.
    Ironically, I feel chipper as fuck.

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 535 weeks
    Essentially talking to myself

    Just talking to myself.
    Nothing else here on my blog.
    New story idea if you're interested!
    Although it usually just poops out near the start and my final product is stupid.
    Have some Smooth McGroove.

    0 comments · 234 views
  • 539 weeks
    Don't touch my favorites.

    Whatever you do, don't look at my favorites.
    You did didn't you.
    You heartless monster.

    It just occurred to me that I'm talking to myself...


    0 comments · 247 views
  • 541 weeks
    Blogs hate me.

    It just occurred to me that I'm terrible with blogs.
    Blame it on my awkwardness.

    0 comments · 233 views

Bipolar? Pfft. · 3:27am May 22nd, 2014

So I was bored and I decided to take online depression tests.
I'm told I have Bipolar Disorder.
Ironically, I feel chipper as fuck.

Report Akiba · 319 views ·
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