• Member Since 13th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen May 11th, 2023


loves my little pony friendship is magic and didnt think it could get any better until the discovery of FluterDash!

More Blog Posts28

  • 488 weeks
    drawings of some of my favorite casters AS PONIES!


    also want to point out this was my VERY first attempt at doing a drawing the wasnt either full frontal or full side view :pinkiehappy:


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  • 507 weeks
    RAINBOW ROCKS! did it rock?

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    IMmortal!!!!!!!!!!!!! black gryph0n!

    people! its fucking out...and its GODLY!!!!!!!!!!!! http://blackgryph0n.bandcamp.com/album/immortal i plan to pick up a physical copy at bronycon and have him sign it but i just couldnt wait another couple of days and bought the digital as well. the songs Another End and Zero Gravity are SOO good (and zero gravity has one apple bloom as a guest! =D )its $10, GO BUY!!!

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    BRONYCON! 2014 (fun edition =D )

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  • 523 weeks

    i wanna know if any of you are attending MLP MSP this weekend! if so i would be honored to meet with anyone who wanted to! i wanna meet some of you awesome writers =3

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kirby triple deluxe review? spoilery possible! · 1:18pm May 4th, 2014

Nintendo, if you are looking for that magic shovel kit of games to dig yourselves out of your predicament, THIS IS THE WAY YOU DO IT! Make more games like this! This is going to be my first review in quite a while considering: A) for a time there I could not afford nor where there any good, new games for me to buy (I don’t have wiiU/ps4 yet so :P) and B)sometimes I don’t really have the money for it =/ I say "review?" because i haven't really done one in a while so *shrug* we shall see how it turned out =3 (if you don't know, i post reviews here sometimes so *shrug* that's a thing i guess =/ )

But recently I got really hyped up, is said “alright, midnight the second I’m buying Mario golf” mainly due to nostalgia but then it occurred to me: another game comes out that day. Wanting to save money I had wanted to wait but I thought “NAH Kirby is alright, so what if return to dreamland let you down because it was easy, im’ma buy this” let me tell you it did not disappoint.

As I mentioned Kirby return to dreamland (while fun) was a big letdown for me, it felt way to easy. So getting this game I was taking a big risk. Not even looking up so much as a trailer before getting it I began playing. The normal gameplay of the game is pretty simple, straight forward for the most part. Throughout the game the platforming typical to the series was tight as always but one thing got me: The bosses. While facing off against some of the games bosses I noticed i…ACTUALLY DIED?!? O.O what the hell???? Old school gamers don’t DIE to bosses in games new to this generation. This really sucked me in and made me really strive toward getting better. It could have just been the power up I was using wasn’t the bosses weakness but really I’m not going to question it. Overall the difficulty in this game was pretty well handled, not to taxing but not godly easy!

One thing that kinda let me down in parts where the graphics. For the most part I’m not talking in game, the in game graphics looked really good for a 3DS title. Heck in the entire game, I don’t think I EVER experienced any slowdown or lag. I’m talking about the cutscenes… even though there are very few of them they are REALLY bad. It’s not that they are pixely or anything, their problem is that they are blurry as HELL! Again they are fluid but it actually hurt my eyes to try and watch (without the 3d mind you, I can only imagine them in 3d… oi!)

And while we are on topic of 3d, since it’s a 3DS title I would like to touch on how the 3d was used. The 3d in this game was really well implemented. It’s not like New Super Mario Bros. 2 where it does NOTHING! Nah, this game used it well and used it often enough that you might have a bit of a tougher time gauging where things might be going on screen if you don’t have the 3d on. Boss fights being one of the things that used the 3d heavily. A boss might gear up for an attack and weave between the background and foreground and you have to dodge the in-between. Another great 3d implementation were things like hand springs where if it hits you it SLAMS Kirby right into your screen, making him slide off before respawn. There are TONS of things in this game the 3d is used for and I would say to date, only 4 other games come to mind that knew how to use 3d (maybe not as perfectly but they used it well).

In terms of level design I will say this: I enjoyed the games design but it’s nothing ground breaking. It’s a platformer and its will feel VERY familiar if you are used to playing platformers but especially so if you’ve played any Kirby game. The collectability of the game is fun and not too distracting but for someone like me who LOVES collectithon type games it seemed…easy. Like unless you have NEVER play a game in your like or you don’t like collecting then its fine but for me it felt like everything was almost too hard to miss. As if unless I was actually going out of my way to avoid collecting rather than going out of my way TO collect something. As for inputs and buttons again not much to say. Only thing I will complain about is the motion control for tilting while in zip line carts. Other than that frustration it’s Kirby, not much to say.

One new addition to the Kirby series was his hyper vortex suck ability. This thing is OP as HELL, in the later levels Kirby takes on this tank 10 times his size and sucks it down piece by little piece leaving nothing left even having to spit out the end level door…. Nuf said!

The story of this game is…lacking to say the least. Its not that its bad, its really not its just all the way up until the final battle we had NO story whatsoever other than X gets kidnapped. THAT’S IT! The opening of the game (while no plot was truly established and you don’t know WHAT is going on until the very end) actually opens up BRILIANTLY! Completely silent OTHER THAN THE MUSIC! I don’t know about you but for me that was a HUGE plus!!

Lastly segwaying from the beginning of the story with a really great piece playing out to the sound of things happening in the initial cutscene is music! Now for games in the last 4 years (while there have been great games) all I’ve had for the most part that’s been positive was music. Music of this generation of games has blown me AWAY! 2 examples: 1. Pokemon White, didn’t like it much, the music AWESOME! 2. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, amazing game from what I’ve told but I HAD to own the OST, the boss tracks being somewhat METAL BASSED? Hell yes! The music in this game was tremendous; it really sucked me into the game! Hearing old tracks with a spin on them or completely new tracks that flowed perfectly with the worlds blew me away. I’ve said it before, while I play video games a lot, it takes MASSIVE amounts of good elements to really suck me in like this game did!

This game was nothing more than an impulse buy, I admit that. But I wish it wernt so! This game was SO good and I would really recommend it for just about anyone who has a 3DS. The game had a few hiccups in motion controlling and the collection aspect but otherwise this game is the type of game that has the formula (I feel) to really help get Nintendo back on track! If I had to put a score, it would be an 8.75/10!

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