• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2021


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  • 562 weeks
    So, where I might go with things;

    So, my premier fiction here was in fact a League of Legends crossover. I will say now that later writings will not truly center on League, but it will also include Diablo universe material, and Team Fortress 2 material (Not like we have enough of it, but I write what I like).

    With that said, I need help with titling my next story. Here's the skinny/desc. of the next possible story:

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  • 599 weeks
    Allow me to introduce myself...

    Hi there! I'm just another hopeful looking to write a good story (or die keep trying). I play Team Fortress 2, League of Legends, Diablo 3, Maplestory, and Minecraft.

    What? I still sound like everyone else? Fine.

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So, where I might go with things; · 11:22pm May 3rd, 2014

So, my premier fiction here was in fact a League of Legends crossover. I will say now that later writings will not truly center on League, but it will also include Diablo universe material, and Team Fortress 2 material (Not like we have enough of it, but I write what I like).

With that said, I need help with titling my next story. Here's the skinny/desc. of the next possible story:
A while ago, Twilight attempted to understand the ways of Ponyville's pink anomaly through her studies. A few years after her studies, a certain Apple filly unwittingly walks into the center of the Pinkie phenomenon.

The Prime Evil may have been defeated, but evil still roams the realm of Sanctuary. However, Sanctuary is unfathomable in size. This includes its many beasts and places, outside of the demonic holdings still present.

The gleaming hordes of metal and cold brutality still pour out of the workshops of Gray Mann. The 18 mercenaries of Teufort have held strong, but defenses can only hold for so long. With the help of a well beaten and bruised and freshly killed-twice wizard, the mercenaries seek aid in their never-ending war.

There are many questions this situation will raise:
"Who exactly do we pray to?"
"Why does Discord look genuinely unnerved?"
But, most importantly,
"What effect will this have on the price of Mann Co keys?"

Hope to write soon. Happy Ficcing, all.

Report Crimson_Lance · 331 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

This new story is a crossover of Diablo, right?

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