• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 6th, 2014


I'm a genderqueer multiple living in NZ. Male or neutral ponouns please. I offer my services as a proofreader and pre-reader, and I'm getting back into writing.

More Blog Posts3

  • 563 weeks

    I've decided that I'm going to try and churn out some one-shots based on writing prompts, I'm aiming for one per day. They may be short, but they'll happen, if somewhat sporadically. It may not be in order. I'll probably put them in a compilation story or something. The prompts are as follows (the list will expand as I go):

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    1 comments · 357 views
  • 565 weeks

    I belong to a group of people called KAOS, who hold mock killing rounds with Nerf guns, and parties. There's some annual ones (First, Perversion, Toga, Rubix Cube, Gothic Vampyre, 48, Waifs and Strays, New Years, New Years 2.0, etc). This year, I plan to attend Perversion as Pinkamena from Cupcakes. However, I can't find any replicas of the dress. Can anyone link me to one, or to someone who does

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  • 565 weeks

    Hey guys.
    I'm in the process of murdering editing Where All Words are Written at the moment, at the suggestion of a friend. Let me be the first to say I hate talking with editors when I write, I always feel like I can't protest what they're saying, even if I don't like it. Then I get scared that if I don't do as they say they'll find out.

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    2 comments · 294 views

Prompts · 5:21pm Apr 1st, 2014

I've decided that I'm going to try and churn out some one-shots based on writing prompts, I'm aiming for one per day. They may be short, but they'll happen, if somewhat sporadically. It may not be in order. I'll probably put them in a compilation story or something. The prompts are as follows (the list will expand as I go):

*Objects around Ponyville keep appearing and disappearing, and only one pony seems to notice.
*Campfire tales
*[First Person POV] I am so angry about...
*[First Person POV] I feel anxiety when...
*Describe ways in which a character does or doesn't allow cleanliness
*[First Person POV] I am sad when...
*[First Person POV] I am happy when...
*Describe ways in which a character does or doesn't show kindness
*Describe ways in which a character does or doesn't show creativity
*Describe ways in which a character does or doesn't show goodness
*Describe a time a character intentionally hurt somepony
*[First Person POV] I feel powerless when...
*Write a dialog between a character and their mother
*What is a character's greatest fear?
*Write an (unsent) letter to a character's grandfather
*Write 10 lines, each starting with the words "Fairness is..."

Prompts randomly generated from this site

Report sky_petal_blank_flank · 357 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

This is a great idea! I would recommend spacing it out week-to-week though, in case you aren't able to complete them daily, or once every two or three days. Just a suggestion.

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