• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 15th, 2017


I write novels about crime, fantasy, and the supernatural. Sometimes, I write about ponies... is for fun!

More Blog Posts39

  • 470 weeks
    Where Have I been?

    Well, I guess there is no getting around the fact that I've been gone for a while, and even after I said that I wasn't going to go and disappear for any more long stretches of time. Bad, me!

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    3 comments · 385 views
  • 490 weeks
    January Update - Writing and Stuff

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    1 comments · 358 views
  • 492 weeks
    Still Here, Just Writing... slowly.

    Well for those of you that are sure I've dove to my demise, I assure you, I am still here, and working on my fan fiction. Unfortunately, it's taking a lot longer to get this next chapter out. Never fear though, I am working, and with any luck, there will be more Bunderbliss for everyone.

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  • 494 weeks
    A Brief Update / Holiday Antics!

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  • 497 weeks
    The Novelty of Writing 04 - On Rainbow Dash as a Complex Character

    It's been a while since I wrote one of these, and while I was out of town for the holiday, I had some interesting conversations with another brony concerning Rainbow Dash. The same one I usually have with this fellow brony, time and time again. "Why do I like Rainbow Dash?"

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    4 comments · 428 views

Update Time: or Vlogging is for Geeks · 4:19am Mar 24th, 2014

Well, it's been over a month since I last wrote a blog entry, or did pretty much anything besides lurk on here. The truth is, I've been rather busy; the websites, the writing, the real world stuff: it's been a blast and a half.

Since I last wrote, I've made a few changes to my websites. I've combined Pet Shop Daily with my geek oriented site, Western Otaku, and revamped the format to include updates of both LPS and MLP; I figure that it's my website, I can do what I want. And, since it seems that there are a large number of bronies that are also self-proclaimed otaku, then whose to say that I can't combine it all under one roof?

I've also switched to a vaporizer for my nicotine. Instead of using the changable cartridges, it uses liquid refill, and it works better. I can now consume mass amounts of nicotine without all the problems of tar and lung crippling shit.

I've also lost over ten pounds. Summer is coming on, and I wanted to get more active, so I went back to work temporarily doing construction, and being on your feet all day, sweating, eating small amounts of food, and lifting fifteen pound framing nail-guns all day will get you ripped fast. I'm feeling good, though looking firghteningly tanned. And it never fails, whenever I get tanned, I get spoken to in Spanish. I'm not Hispanic. I'm Native American. Not that it matters. I'd probably tell a fellow Apache to jump high if he or she spoke to me in the native tongue too.

In addition to all of the above, I am still writing, though it is slower than ever; my time in the evenings is very limited. I've pretty much only been writing smut fan-fiction about futanari CMC characters... which will never get posted here. My work on a third novel is temporarily suspended until this current construction job is completed, then I'll be back to writing with a vengance.

For those that are interested, I have started up a geek-driven YouTube channel. Just search for "Western Otaku" under the advanced search for channels. That's me in the hat discussing "How To Watch Anime" and ranting about the nine year old that was bullied for taking his "MLP" backpack to school. You can get a good look at the madman behind the loonacy, and leave me a comment, or subscribe and like.

To make the videos I purchased a nice Samsung HD camera that takes really great video, and I snagged Sony Vegas (now Sony Movie Studio 13).

A huge shout-out to my wife, BHLani. We will be celebrating our second wedding anniversary tomorrow. Booyah gangstas!

That's all for now. I'll try to post again as soon as I can.

Report Davidism · 230 views ·
Comments ( 1 )
#1 · Mar 24th, 2014 · · ·

Construction, been there. Well, minor construction when it came to working at a hotel. Rooms would be destroyed to a point where it would seem run down or the interior of a halfway house!!! And a lot of messed up things happened there. Though, lost a lot of weight, and my inspiration.
Hope you are fairing well. Can't wait to read Mr.God.

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