• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 5th, 2018

Astral Star and Company

An enthusiastic group of fans, getting together and sharing our ideas!

More Blog Posts37

  • 463 weeks
    We're not dead! (Just to let you know)

    Greetings and salutations everyone,

    First, let me humbly apologize to any and all of you for the lack of activity recently. School is taking up very much of our time and right now our main focus is the preliminary exams and our upcoming HSCs. To alleviate any confusion, we're based in Australia where the education system is different.

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    0 comments · 430 views
  • 491 weeks
    And we're back!

    Greetings and salutations everypony!

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    0 comments · 337 views
  • 494 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    We wish you all the best for the coming year!

    ~Astral Star and Company~

    0 comments · 333 views
  • 497 weeks
    Well, it's been a while...

    Howdy folks,

    Looks like we're back! After a long couple months of studying, I think we're good to go back on the writing department. Sorry for being away, hell, when I joined up I didn't think anybody was reading these, but Astral insisted on it, so here it is...

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    0 comments · 305 views
  • 506 weeks

    Hello everybody, Quetzal here signing in from America!

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Comment Etiquette · 6:19am Feb 24th, 2014

I've been seeing this around, a lot. I mean, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. So, I might as well write something worthwhile about it. People on the internet, are not the nicest bunch, that's for sure. One particular feature of the internet community I want to discuss, is comments.

Comments are the audience's way to communicate with the writer/artist/composer (I'm just gonna say 'composer'). It's the bread and butter that can encourage, or depress absolutely any one on the internet. I don't mind them myself, as long as they are worthwhile. You can call me OCD, but when people comment on my work or message me, I expect a few things. Some of them being:

1. Grammar and Punctuation

Some people's grammar is appalling on the internet. Don't let that people refer to you. Take the extra few seconds to look at your message and check that your grammar and punctuation is correct. If you don't, at least make sure that any other person can pick it up and read it clearly. If you don't even care, you can either:
a) Go back to primary school
b) Care, and something about it
c) Don't post anything
d) Post it anyway, but expect a rather rude reply (if you get one)

2. Constructive Criticism

What I hate, is haters. My definition of haters is a group of people who go around and hate something, without any good reason. If you are one of these people, then leave, NOW! If you are going to 'hate' my work, you might as well tell me why. It's a magical thing called 'constructive criticism'. It's when somebody actually takes a couple seconds more time to tell me, why you didn't like my work. It can be anything, just be honest and clear with your explanation, and I won't hold anything against you. I'm kinda new to writing, so any opinions and tips will be most welcome.

3. Treating your fellow Internet Patrons

This one should be simple, BE NICE! If your not nice to me, refer to the above point. If your not nice to each other, then we may have some problems. I won't tolerate any arguing, pushing, shoving or other mistreatment in the comments box, or any where for that matter. 'To each his own' as it were, every one has their own opinions. It's not your job to go around telling people what to do, people get paid for that. If someone offends you in some way, I'll deal with it. If someone posts an inappropriate comment, I'll deal with it. Seriously, if you have a problem with me, or any one who posts a message on my profile, I'll happily talk it out with you.

My demands are simple, and easy to follow. Just treat everyone here how you would treat them in real life. I'll see you all later

Signed, Astral Star

(This post was suggested by Verity Honora, and I couldn't agree more)

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