I Never Would Have Thought It Possible...Before Today. · 5:22am May 6th, 2012
917 views, 51 favorites, 47 positive reviews, and 21 comments.
All on one story.
All in about thirteen hours.
It's a truly fantastic feeling. To know that I, a fledgling writer of only fifteen years of age, am truly producing works that have been met with this much acclaim? It's astounding, really. I always had doubts, insecurities, this nagging feeling in my mind that I might have been doing something wrong. But to have all of these doubts cast aside, to come across the realization, that beyond all of my previous thoughts to the contrary, I am actually doing something right...
It's truly amazing. It really is.
I probably haven't made it clear how much I put into these. A very good portion of my time has been spent poring over these works, and it was thanks to this community that I actually learned where my true talents were. It is a method for me to let loose all of these feelings that tug at my subconscious, to release a portion of me that I keep inside, away from even my closest of friends. It's a way to show people who I really am, and a way that I can interact with others who share my interests. It is a gateway to another realm, a sanctuary from a life where there is no one that I can fully relate with, that I could spend hours with and feel no sense of awkwardness and anxiety.
I do not speak solely of writing, but of the brony community that I have come to join and meet throughout these past few months. Their goals, the belief system that keeps the community going, is the sum of a variety of different values that I thought I was alone in believing.
I had at last found light in the abyss that I had been wandering for ages.
And for this support, these revelations, these things that let me keep going, I would like to not only thank the people who have taken the time to read the works of an upstart writer, and not only thank the people that made this fantastic show...but I would like to extend my most sincere thanks to this amazing community.
La fiamma volontà bruciare per l'eternità , i miei amici.