• Member Since 15th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 19th, 2015


More Blog Posts11

  • 542 weeks

    And nothing has changed at all. I think we need to bring NSFW posts back. It's really fuckin' boring without that shit. I understand there are NSFW stories out there, but that doesn't cut it. No, it doesn't. I CAN'T BLOODY WANK TO WORDS ON A SITE PAGE. AND TO ALL THOSE WHO MIGHT SAY, "YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE THE SCENARIO IN YOUR HEAD", FAK OFF.

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    1 comments · 275 views
  • 554 weeks

    Okay then. If you are reading this, thank you. This is only to point out my previous blog post about a story I would like to write. Just look for the one titled "Story Stuff".

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  • 555 weeks
    Story stuff

    Hello my few followers or people who decide to read this. Anyways, I have decided to start making a new story, and it is going to be about Apocalypse NBM-1, which is a the detonation of a Nuclear Biochemical Missile (note that this doesn't belong to someone else's universe.) I would also like for you guys to be in it and contribute characters if you would like to be. Basically, you tell me what

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  • 560 weeks


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  • 560 weeks
    very importnt thng pls read

    So, it's been a while since I last posted something. So, I have a very important announcement for everybody that follows me: I play (or read, if you prefer it that way) Homestuck. I know, it is a very serious thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if you criticized me for it. Also, I should mention that I'm gay.

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The end of doge · 1:16am Nov 26th, 2013

The A-10s screamed past the doge base, GAU-8 30mm miniguns tearing through the doge MBTs and IFVs. The doge anti-air guns fired at the A-10s, hitting some of the attack jets in their wings, tearing the wings off.

"Ahh, shit! Fuck, I'm going down! Mayday, mayda-" Yelled Captain Rorke as he was shot to hell by the doge anti-air.

"such hit. much explosion. so dead." Said the doge gunner as he watched the Warthog crash and burn into the background.

"Captain Rorke is down! We gotta do one last gun run and then get the hell out pf this place!" A pilot yelled into the radio before getting hit with a missile and crashing into the doge takeoff-strip. The four remaining pilots turned their planes around and readied their A.S.M.s.

"Burn in hell you fucking shibes!" One of the pilots yelled as she launched all of her A.S.M.s at the doge command center. All four of the missiles hit the command center. A doge anti-air gun turned to face the A-10, and fired at it and brought it down.

The three remaining pilots flew outmof the enemy base, not wanting to be shot down and converted into a doge slave.

Then, out of the blue, a squad of Russian Superhinds flew towards the doge base, hydra rockets and A.S.M.s at the ready. Following them was an American C-130 carrying American and Russian paratroopers, guarded by American F-35s. The Hinds flew into the base, lighting up the remaining anti-air nests and defense structures to allow the C-130 and F-35s an easier time getting close to the base.

The F-35s shot forward, raining bullet hell upon the straggelers stupid enough to wander out in the open. The C-130's cargo bay door opened, allowing the paratroopers to jump out and eliminate the doge command bunker, plant the suitcase nuke, and end the doge meme forever.

Report CancerousGingerScorpio · 217 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Sorry but, what the hell is DOGE?

1541893 doge is an overused and shitty meme that is essentially trying to take over the internet with it's shittiness.

1542843 ah yes. I've seen that meme before. It is an extremely shitty meme. It will be EXTERMINATED.

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