• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 23rd, 2024


I love ponies, big band music(fallout), dubstep, and this site.

More Blog Posts14

  • 573 weeks
    A thing.

    Im gonna do a thing with changelings. Here i fucking go.

    0 comments · 444 views
  • 590 weeks
    i have no clue what i'm doing.

    I need someone to help me with writing. I have an idea, it's going okay, then i get stuck. I can't move the story along. i... i just get STUCK. i hate it. help me please

    1 comments · 288 views
  • 633 weeks
    almost the end of the world (maybe)

    and i haven't written virtually anything. damn i'm lazy. for new years, i want one of my resolutions to be for me to write more.

    0 comments · 316 views
  • 639 weeks

    To my tiny following. I am taking requests. post what you want in the comments. I'll write almost anything.

    1 comments · 449 views
  • 655 weeks
    Maybe it's all i'm good at...

    I sit here and think to myself. Maybe I'm only good at writing trollfics. and on top of that, the only thing i've actually gotten approved is inspired by a video. i think i should try sexty minute prompts, but i want to do something original. I'm trying sites for ideas. but im just like, "UGH! I DON'T FELL LIKE WRITING THIS RIGHT NOW!" But I have a lot of good self generated ideas that i think my

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    6 comments · 403 views

Monopolies · 1:58am Apr 15th, 2012

You guys have heard of stories like how did i get here, or my second life, or maybe you have an obsession with conversion bureau fics like i do. You also must know the authors of said stories, and if they get ad revenue, (which im sure they dont) would be generating a decent amount of money. But that is not the point. My point is, how they are extremely popular on this site. All of the popular writers have been featured im sure at least once. The latest is a group of authors collaborating to make a story called, How I Met My Pony. It is a great story, I am still reading the newest chapter and i like it. But what im trying to say is, if im saying anything is, that this site is too mainstream. By that, i mean it is becoming increasingly harder to eek out an existence on this site. I mean, who actually browses for new stories? Everybody has their favorite writers and they only wait for the newest chapter from them.(I am obviously guilty of this as well.) I mean I have 99 views on my most viewed story. That being said, i am not the best writer and i have miles of room to improve. Many the people who joined around the time i joined and from that time on are having a hard time trying to write and get views.(notice i said many) The upper crust has formed, and it is a thick as bedrock. Now, all this being said, I am a writer therefore my point of view is obviously biased. Also, Im not saying it is impossible to become a popular writer on this site. Im saying it will take a long time and your words will have to have as much inspiration as the man that god chose to copy down the bible for him. I like this site. I truly do. But it is like every other site that has user created content and the user interface that allows users to follow and like other users. The majority of traffic is headed toward the people who have gotten here early are the ones who have become popular. And others are starving for sunlight at the bottom of this metaphorical rain forest. Well, im going to learn how to write better now.

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