• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 8th, 2013


More Blog Posts5

  • 571 weeks

    I´m back MLP... and now is for sure, no more stupid school to stop me, no more hard responsibilities and stupid homework. Now I have a degree and a stable job that I have mastered so I won´t feel the evil stress from before.
    I´ll try to take new projects, retake old projects and Ill try to become a proofreader to gain more experience, basically to understand foreginers ways of view.

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    0 comments · 368 views
  • 621 weeks

    Man Im sooo outdated, I dont even understand some weird memes that are appearing on the WWW

    been separated from a compien replacing thve beter was realy streesful

    been replacing ponies with work excersie and xbox, but you know what....

    I STILL LOVE PONIES (in a good way)


    after a weekend of stresful work

    0 comments · 363 views
  • 637 weeks
    Blogs are fun!!!

    I didn´t thought that writting a blog would be so relaxing but I must admit that its really fun for me.

    Well first Ihave been re-writting some part of my fic to make them more understandable.

    Second I haven´t uploaded anything recendly becouse I´m waiting my new co-writter ExtraExtraPie to send me his part (or opinions) to make a better story.

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    0 comments · 311 views
  • 639 weeks
    Couldn´t stop myself from writting something

    I just need to write some thing in this blog, yes I now that I just have one watcher (And i´m very graetful and happy for that) but well the blog needs to be update, because it exist for something, doesn´t it?

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    0 comments · 292 views
  • 644 weeks
    I need help!!!

    If somebody reads this (i really dont belived) i really whant to write and post some stories here but well my english suck, you (anyone) see im mexican and i really like fantasy, slice of life and sci fi but well i might understand and talk english but when it comes to write something im just a block and i have a (HORRIBLE) lot of bad grammar. and even if i see a lot of fanfic with bad grammar,

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    2 comments · 327 views

WAT!!! · 11:31pm Aug 15th, 2013

I´m back MLP... and now is for sure, no more stupid school to stop me, no more hard responsibilities and stupid homework. Now I have a degree and a stable job that I have mastered so I won´t feel the evil stress from before.
I´ll try to take new projects, retake old projects and Ill try to become a proofreader to gain more experience, basically to understand foreginers ways of view.

if someone read this... Hello!! :)

Report FenrirBlackfire · 368 views ·
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