• Member Since 9th Nov, 2012
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  • 595 weeks
    Pony BESM Attribute: Musical Number!

    First bit of new Pony BESM stuff, the most complex new attribute I created. Fittingly, it was made for Pinkie Pie.

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  • 596 weeks
    Been a while, huh?

    Sorry about that. The overwhelming majority of my pony-related energies have been going to my analysis blog, My Little Pomo. Especially lately, since I've been working on a (massively expanded--it's about twice as long as the original posts) book version of my coverage of the first season. Speaking of which, the

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  • 632 weeks
    BESM Ponies 1: Cutie Marks and Blank Flanks

    Big Eyes, Small Mouths Second Edition is an out-of-print anime RPG known for being extremely flexible and adaptable, but easy to break. It has fairly involved character creation, but the actual gameplay is pretty simple (character creation is about 4/5 of the rule book). I love it, and I've decided to develop some rules for playing ponies in it. To do this, I'm creating some custom attributes and

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  • 632 weeks
    Progressing Pony Projects

    Current status of stories (all Lunaverse):

    Jackelope Valley Festival: I just put up chapter three. Ended up only meeting one Daughter of Discord. Next chapter we'll meet the rest and the story will really start rolling.

    Untitled 1: No progress on giant spider story. Still uncertain about writing it or how to approach it.

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  • 634 weeks

    I'm going to use this to track my progress on stories for FiMFiction as well as other pony-related projects.

    Current status of stories (all Lunaverse):

    Jackelope Valley Festival: I just put up chapter two. Next chapter we'll meet the Daughters of Discord, and then the chapter after that the story really gets started.

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Pony BESM Attribute: Musical Number! · 10:49am Aug 14th, 2013

First bit of new Pony BESM stuff, the most complex new attribute I created. Fittingly, it was made for Pinkie Pie.

Musical Number (1/level): You have the ability to sing a random song out of nowhere. Singing a song requires a Performing Arts (Singing) check. On the first round of singing, you must use your action for the round to start the song; on subsequent rounds you can continue the song without using up an action, but you must make another Performing Arts (Singing) check at a cumulative 1-point penalty. Starting a new song takes a new action, but resets the penalty.

Example: Pinkie Pie has Performing Arts (Singing) 2, and Soul 9. She decides to sing a musical number and maintain it as long as she can. On the first turn, she has to use her action to start the song; there are no difficulty modifiers, so her target number is her Soul stat plus her Performing Arts level plus a bonus for the Singing specialization, 9+2+1=12, a guaranteed success. On the second turn, she can take other actions while continuing to sing, but her target number drops by one to 11. She rolls a 12, however, so her song falters and does not provide any effects this round. On the third turn, she starts a new song, and the target number goes back to 12.

Pick a song from the following list for each level of Musical Number you possess. You can only sing one song at a time, and must end the previous song before starting a new one (except for Crowd Song, which works differently from the others). The song types are:
*Duet: You help a friend by singing together with them. If you succeed at the Performing Arts (Singing) check, they receive a one-point bonus to one roll this turn.
*“I Want” Song: Sing about your hopes and dreams and destiny. If you succeed at your Performing Arts (Singing) check, you can reroll any one failed roll before the beginning of your next turn.
*“I Am” Song: Sing about who you are and where you come from. If you succeed at your Performing Arts (Singing) check, restore 5 HP, plus a number of HP equal to your degree of success.
*Encouraging Song: Sing a song to cheer up your listeners! If you succeed at your Performing Arts (Singing) check, they (but not you) restore 5 EP, plus a number of EP equal to your degree of success. (This is the TOTAL number they receive, not each. You decide how to split the EP up between them.)
*“The Villain Sucks” Song: Sing about how nasty and awful someone is to bring them down. If you succeed at an opposed check, your Performing Arts (Singing) vs. their Mind Shield/Soul, you can force them to reroll one successful roll before the beginning of your next turn.
*Villain Song: Intimidate your listeners with a song about how evil, cunning, and dangerous you are. If you succeed at an opposed check, you Performing Arts (Singing) vs. their Mind Shield/Soul, you can apply a one-point penalty to any roll they attempt before the beginning of your next turn.
*Crowd Song: Sing along, everypony! Starting on the second turn of any other Musical Number, you can declare it to be a Crowd Song. Everyone listening must join in the song (if they choose to resist, they must first roll against your Performing Arts (Singing) with a Mind Shield/Soul roll). Since it’s the second round or later, everyone involved in the song can still take their normal actions while singing, and you receive a bonus to your Performing Arts (Singing) check for the round based on the number of participants:
1 additional participant: 1-point bonus
2-5 additional participants: 2-point bonus
6-20 additional participants: 3-point bonus
21-50 additional participants: 4-point bonus
51-100 additional participants: 5-point bonus
More than 100 participants: 6-point bonus
The Crowd Song does impact the effect of the current song, both for opposed rolls like a Villain Song, and rolls to determine how much of an effect something like an Encouraging Song has. Once someone joins in, they keep participating in the song until either it ends, or they successfully roll to resist. As a result, Crowd Songs can last a lot longer than other types of songs.

Optional rule: At the GM’s discretion, they may give a player an additional 1-point bonus on their Performing Arts (Singing) check if they can actually come up with and sing a spontaneous song.

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