• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 5th, 2013

Angel of Darkness

More Blog Posts4

  • 604 weeks
    so I'm wondering about something...

    Hey peeps, so I've been thinkin that since this is a site were you post stories, if you guys would like for me to post a story myself. If you do, comment below what type of story it should be (clop, war, building relationships, ect.) And who the characters should be as well. Also, if you want an oc in this story please tell me about them and their personality. Thank you and have a nice night. Or

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    16 comments · 350 views
  • 604 weeks
    Q&A possibly NSFW

    I figured I'd do something for all my peeps and that's a Q&A. So, comment below your questions and I'll do my best to answer it. All questions are welcome

    15 comments · 288 views
  • 605 weeks
    Confessions and Stuff

    Ok so I figured why not confess some stuff that I don't exactly feel comfortable sharing in a group. So let's get started.

    1) when I was gone I tried to end my life. I felt like I simply could not find my place on this earth.

    2) I'm a coward. A fraud. The only thing that's a badass in my life is my OC the Angel of Darkness.

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    12 comments · 268 views
  • 605 weeks
    And so I've returned

    Hey fellas! I'm back and I'm wanting to know where all mah peeps are. I've missed the time I spent on this site and I'm glad to be back. Now I just found out that the group that got me started has been disbanded and well that's brought me and Angel down. So comment down below a welcome back if you missed or at least remember me and what you think I should do. I'm open to everybody's suggestions

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    0 comments · 223 views

so I'm wondering about something... · 2:39am Jul 7th, 2013

Hey peeps, so I've been thinkin that since this is a site were you post stories, if you guys would like for me to post a story myself. If you do, comment below what type of story it should be (clop, war, building relationships, ect.) And who the characters should be as well. Also, if you want an oc in this story please tell me about them and their personality. Thank you and have a nice night. Or day depending on where you are.

Report Angel of Darkness · 350 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

you should write a romantic clopfic with our two OC's and I'd be willing to proofread the story.

1194699 I can do that. Write something that I wish was a reality. Sorry if I sound a bit creepy I'm... I'm just lonely. But I'll get to work on that when I wake up. But since I've never written (typed) a story before, it may be... amateur at best.

1196093 if you're lonely I'll give you company...

I could really use that. Oh and with the clopfic, do you want our characters anthro'd or normal ponies? And also, what should the title be?

1196608 anthro tends to lead to more options for sexytimes.

1196713 that's what I was thinking. So about the title...

1196726 for me the title is the hardest thing to come up with, but my brain thinks in scattered thoughts so I work on parts of a story or essays.

1196735 well I'm with you there. Damn, why can't anything be easy?

1196737 if life was easy then what challenges would there be?

1196785 point taken. But then again we wouldn't have trouble tryin to find a name for a story that I'd kill for it to become a reality.

1196794 how bout "there's a first for everything." ?

1196964 I like that. It's also one of my sayings. There's a first for everything, a last for nothing.

1197009 If you need someone to edit and proofread the story I'd be willing to do so.

1197013 Yeah I'm definitely gonna need that. My grammar isn't exactly 100%. Meaning that there's gonna be a lot of typos

1197031 I've taken english comp in college so I needed to have good grammar for my classes.

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