• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 7th, 2019


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  • 287 weeks
    1 View and I exist again and wrote something


    Edit: Ok fine I'll give the people what they want.

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  • 339 weeks
    without me

    So the FCC won't let me be
    Or let me be me, so let me see
    They try to shut me down on MTV

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  • 390 weeks
    You ever reach that tipping point?

    I don't want to be depressed. I live an amazing life and my troubles are largely manageable.

    That just makes me feel worse about being depressed though. Which makes me feel worse about being depressed because now I'm more depressed.

    I'm in the prime of my life and I feel worthless and lethargic yet I can't even explain the why to people I care about when I try to talk about it.


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  • 407 weeks
    New BBDatE Chapter is up + New cover picture is up!

    New chapter is up totally on time! We on the BBDatE have been working tirelessly with the Half-Life 3 dev team to keep the updates flowing on a clearly marked schedule to keep all of you up to date on our progress and make sure you all know where are progress has us at the moment.

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Need help with new story ideas/Updates on existing stories · 6:38pm Jun 12th, 2013

Alright, I've been wanting to start a third story up since I finished writing the first chapter of Bon Bon Dies at the End, and I need your help to think of a story to write. The reason is that back when I wrote on FF.net(before I rage quit that BS site) I would like to have three stories going at any given time, it just helps me keep things fresh because its hard for me to write in one universe nonstop and not get bored of it. The alternating chapters approach helps me keep my updates organized and stop me from getting myself stuck in writer's block.

I know I'm not the fastest writer on this site, you don't have to tell me that.

Dashie doesn't like my understatement

Okay, crappy cracked-esque picture joke out of the way I can't think of a story that I seriously want to sit down and write up, and the next chapter of ASOIAP is refusing to come out of me until I do so. So I need someone to hit me over the head with ideas that I can steal use.

Not anything big, just maybe a one-shot that you would like to see. I tried writing an OC Alicorn rap-battle story first just for shits and giggles, which obviously didn't pan out because I couldn't get myself to actually do it once I got a few hundred words in.

Just shout your suggestions at me and I'll decide whether I want to try them or not, I might say no if I don't think I can write whatever the idea is or if I can't motivate myself. Or if your a dirty Celtic fan, I'll probably deny you for that as well. Not really

Yes really

As for my existing stories I'm most of the way through the draft two of ASOIAP chapter three, I'll probably publish that chapter after the third draft. As for BBDatE, I've submitted it to EQD and await their list of reasons why it is awful filth, and why I should burn eternally for writing it. Also I've started chapter two.

Report Wargame · 208 views ·
Comments ( 25 )

fluttershy adopts a timber wolf cub, aj dosent like it one bit= conflict

a royal guard train'e gets in a brawl and as punishment has to serve as princess twilights personal bodyguard= romance, comedy
*note the guard can be an asshole at times, but usually means well.

duskshine falls through a dimensional rift on top of twilight sparkle. she is not happy about it= romance, comedy, slice of life.
*note this is a supriseingly rare ship. i have only seen it ONCE. it needs to happen, please:fluttercry::pinkiesad2:

if you want dark and epic, let me know:ajsmug:

1140167 Hm, slice of life and romance aren't really my things. I've tried, but they always turn out really awkward, always been sort of a dark/comedy kind of guy myself.

I'll have to take option 4 and ask for dark.

1140226 can there be romance? even if only a little?

1140226> also can i pm my idea to you. if you chose to pick it, i wouldent want to spoil anything

Well, if you're a sucker for the more serious stories like me, then I might have one for you, since I'm not planning to write it.

The title is Apophis. Does it ring a bell? No? Well, Apophis is an asteroid that has a small chance of falling on the Earth in 2029 and in 2034. Now, in Equestria, the Princesses see this asteroid and discover that it's heading towards their home. They discover it too late and can't do anything about it, death is certain, because the asteroid will hit the planet in six hours. They summon Twilight and tell her about the imminent disaster. They also tell her that the asteroid doesn't destroy the planet completely. The zebras and the horses from Saddle Arabia will survive because they are far enough away, but they have to live in a world that has changed drastically. Devastated as she is, they still give her a job to do, she has to help the Princesses transferring the control of the Sun and the Moon to the Zebras in Zebrica. They don't want to leave Equestria, they wish to die with their subjects. Twilight agrees and together they complete the spell. Twilight then says goodbye to her Princesses and leaves the palace. In Canterlot, she goes to the house of her parents and tells them about what's going to happen. They too say goodbye, and Twilight teleports to Ponyville, she has to warn her friends, and she has to take care of Spike.

In Ponyville, she gathers the citizens of the town and tell them about the disaster and that they should live their last moments together with friends and family. The citizens are devastated, but know they can't escape their fate. The citizens go to their homes to prepare, while Twilight converses with her friends. She asks them what they will do. Rainbow answers she has to go back to Cloudsdale to be with her parents. Fluttershy says the same, but she has to set free her critters first. Pinkie answers that she has to go back to the rock farm, and Rarity says she has to go to her parents with Sweetie Belle. Lastly, there's Applejack and she too has to stay with her family at the farm. Twilight agrees with them and for the last time they give each other a big group hug. She then returns to her library and sees Spike on the balcony. He points at the sky, and she sees what he's pointing at, the asteroid. It's only a few hours away, she realizes, and tells Spike about the catastrophe. He first doesn't want to believe his big sister, but in the end he just agrees with the fact that they're all going to die. Twilight lies down on the bed, Spike next to her, and she reads him a story about quests and medieval ponies. Spike falls asleep and she's grateful for that. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and stares out of the window, the asteroid is only a few minutes away. She lays Spike against her chest and lays her head on his neck, as to protect him, and closes her eyes. After a few minutes...


Now, you could make this a longer story where Twilight saves Spike and herself by casting a strong shield spell, and they survive, but are placed into a magically created coma until the earth around has cooled down enough. They wake up and have to traverse a wasteland in order to reach Zebrica.

But I think it's better to end with a one-shot.

Well, that's my story. You may now tear it down and burn it. Throw it off the Wall.

1140264 Done, done, and done. I won't write the story summary that you gave me, that would just be cheating, but I can definitely write a story about Spike walking through a desolate fallout-esque wasteland. I was looking for a one-shot, but this looks like a fun long-term kind of story.

Depending on what other suggestions I get I might not start writing immediately, but this is definitely number one on my list of things to write now :rainbowdetermined2:

1140269 Yeah, Spike totally alone in a wasteland, that sounds interesting. Would it be just a wasteland, or are there some kind of enemies he has to defeat or evade? I say evade would be better, since it would create a lot more suspense, but hey it's your story now.

If you throw in some enemies, I wouldn't suggest zombies, that's just so cliché. No, I'm thinking more of a war between the remains an oppressive government and the bands of outlaws. Spike would have to avoid both sides in order to survive.

1140277 No zombies, they've been done to death and I'll have no part in a zombiefic.

I was thinking along the line of survivors, people with shelters or lucky enough to survive the blast because of their geographic location. Also there would be plenty of cave dwelling animals in the Everfree that could be quite dangerous, and would now roam free.

It's gonna take some time to flesh this out a bit, and probably a few drafts just to make sure its done right, but its worth the challenge if you ask me.

Re-write the bible but in Pony terms. That would cos lots of controversy and publicity.

Or something fun like In a land ruled by prophecy and the whims of Gods, a young pony finds him/herself at the heart of a war he/she barely understands, wielding powers he/she may never be able to control.

[Pony Name] is a white-eye, born bigger, more charismatic and more powerful than normal ponies... but with that power comes unpredictable temper, and an inner rage he/she cannot always hide. Brought up as a wagon-brat, feared and despised by those around him, he dreams of a place in the army and a chance to live his own life. But when the call comes, it isn't to be a soldier, for the Gods have other plans for intemperate teenager: [pony name] has been Chosen as heir-elect to the brooding Princess Celestia, the white-eye Princess of Equestria.

The white-eyes were created by the Land's Gods to bring order out of chaos, for their magnetic charm and formidable strength makes them natural leaders of ponies. Princess Celestia is typical of the breed: she inspires and oppresses those around her in equal measure. She can be brusque and impatient, a difficult mentor for a pony every bit as volatile as she is.

But now is the time for revenge, and for the forging of empires. With mounting envy and malice the ponies who would themselves be kings watch [pony name]. Chosen by Gods as flawed as the ponies who serve them, as he /she is shaped to fulfil the prophecies that circle him like scavenger birds. Divine fury and mortal strife is about to spill over and paint the world with blood!

1140291 Cool, if you ever need some advice or suggestions with this story, don't be afraid to ask, the door's always open. I also don't mind to read your chapters before you publish it and give you my opinion. Content, not grammar, that isn't really my forte, that's why I have six editors and one pre-reader who help me with my newest fic, the Far Cry 3 crossover.

PS. (Back into Tyrion's role) Thanks for the follow, Jon. Let's celebrate this in the nearest brothel with wine and tits.


Re-write the bible but in Pony terms

In the name of Celestia, Twilight, and Luna's ghost, I love this idea.

I'm a practicing Christian, but I have to admit that it would be fun.

As for the rest, I kind of already have a fic with a war planned in it, and I suck at writing super powered characters, even though I love reading stories with them. Honestly I think you should give that one a shot, you seem to have an idea that seems pretty cool if you ask me and I'd love to help you with it. You'd have to avoid making your character come off as a Gary-Stu, but that's part of the fun of it. It sounds like he needs a platonic heterosexual life partner who can stick around and calm him down when he needs it, that would add some realism to him and give him a good foil.

1140310 Absolutely, I'm not the best with grammar myself, but I'm sure I can figure something out to solve that issue.

Bah, we can talk about the rest later when we get to Mole's Town, I'm not one for whores myself, but I can enjoy a wineskin any day.

1140327 Lol yeah im a protestant myself. Always great fun changing the bible for funs!

Lol not gonna lie just typed the back of the book Im reading called "The Stormcaller".

1140310 P.S. I believe Tyrion is the God of Tits and wine not vice versa ;) dunno why I said that just like meeting other GoT fans

1140359 Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I was gonna say that sounded unbelievably professional.

You should still write it though, I want read that with colorful horses.

1140365 I've got a God of War one I'm having fun with.Plus got a summer Placement so struggling to get that updated regularly :( but maybe, its a good story, almost like GoT!

Plus Ive just started a short about a scottish gangster sorting out problems

1140370 Is this scottish gangster ponyfic an autobiography? :ajsmug:


Basically just several of them but with Discord and that.

A strange new desease spreads throughout equestria. Nopony knows where it started, but now that its here they have given it a name: The black death.

The princess appoints twilight sparkle to find the cause for this new desease, but she is largely unsuccesesful. When hope seems to fade a new rumor emerges.

talk of a strange pony clad in black. Where ever he goes the death seems to follow. The strange thing is only the foals seems to be able to see him.

With new hope, Twilight sparkle and an reluctant Applejack, with Aplebloom in tow, sets out to find the strange pony and ultimately stop the plague.

so, yea death walks equestria:eeyup: the streets are litered with corpses and two mares and a foal sets out to put an end to it

1140295 lol that sounds grim and kinda awesome

1140398 Do it.

1140401 Hm, maybe. It'll take a bit of planning, but I can do that. I'll have to think about it, plagues are awesome in stories, but hard to pull off.

1140430im just glad you are considering it

1140430 1140167 Plague does sound a good idea, just need the right plague. And as rusty mentioned Death works well actually Plus you can always get help War, we won't give bad advice ;) And on that note you should follow me cos i have 2 followers:eeyup:

1140465 I'm cautious about sharing story details with my followers, you guys are the ones I'm writing for and I want to keep my stories a surprise for you guys.

1140433 Of course I considered it, you're one of my followers, which makes you instantly awesome. If anything I would say try writing yourself, the first story is the hardest, but once you get some work out it becomes more fun and a lot easier.

1140608i will take that advice to heart:heart:

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