• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2012


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  • 643 weeks
    A quick notification

    Well, as many of you have noticed, I haven't been posting updates recently. I've been so consumed with life and almost forgot about this :c.

    So, I will start working on the story again ASAP, and should expect a chapter on Sunday or Monday.

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    1 comments · 368 views

A quick notification · 6:13pm Mar 24th, 2012

Well, as many of you have noticed, I haven't been posting updates recently. I've been so consumed with life and almost forgot about this :c.

So, I will start working on the story again ASAP, and should expect a chapter on Sunday or Monday.

On a side note, how are you guys liking the story? I have some plans for the future, but some suggestions would be amazing at the moment, and greatly appreciated. So, just PM me your suggestions, and I will definitely review it, and most likely add it to the story (if it is following the plot so far and makes sense).

Report NeutralParasite · 368 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Ive noticed and im missing it. Come on man! I cant wait for the next update! If you really do need help then i could offer some advice on to what to write. I miss you! (actually your story) (joke)

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