A bit about myself, and the weirdness that is my life · 8:52am Apr 28th, 2013
I can already see the glances going my way, wondering about me, so I felt I would post this entry preemptively, so as to avoid too many questions.
First, though, I will mention that you well already know some of this if you read the Miss Harshwhinny Is Best Pony group forums, as I was involved in a time operation there, and that was indeed the first place on fimfiction I visited. Before we talk of time travel and alternate realities, though, lets talk about matters closer to home.
Most of you are aware of Miss Diamond Tiara and I as arrogant, stuck up bullies that enjoy tormenting the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Rich snobs that believe themselves to be better then the rest of the world. And the truth is that at one point, you would have been right.
Some of you seem to think that I am a better pony then Diamond Tiara. That I was only a follower, and that Diamond Tiara was behind everything nasty we did. Some point to my applauding Granny Smith as a sign of this.
Some of you would be wrong.
I did applaud Granny Smith. She is a remarkable storyteller, and I always have been interested in history. And Fetlock Holmes novels, but that is another topic entirely. Applauding a good story does not somehow make me a better pony, though.
The fact is Diamond Tiara and I were equally rotten, and if anything, I had the edge on her.
The thing was that I gradually started questioning what I was doing. It wasn't a sudden thing, just a gradual realization that I was not, in fact, the pinnacle of all of existence. And eventually that I might be best served by trying to help others, not hurt them.
This was not well received by Diamond Tiara, and we had a massive fight about it. I left it convinced more then ever that I was right. Once I was out of school, I started trying everything I could to try to make the world a better place. I may have been rather naïve and optimistic, but my heart was in the right place.
I tried a bit of everything, and daddy was willing to pay the college bills for any courses I wanted. I turned out to enjoy psychology, education, and martial arts, free from Diamond Tiara's influence. I even discovered that I like working with troubled young foals after a while.
Eventually, I was approached by somepony claiming to work for a space-time operation in another reality that needed somepony with my skills. I was skeptical at first, but when they took me through a portal and I saw their base, I was quickly convinced.
They very clearly needed my help. The organization was opening portals to all sorts of alternate Equestria's with different time factors. One of the portals had opened to an Equestria with a large circle of pedophiles that had been abusing a hundred or more foals for their own sick, twisted pleasure. I truly feel they did the right thing in burning the city to the ground, and taking all the foals back with them.
Even worse, they were mainly alternate versions of colts and fillies I had gone to school with. And there was even an alternate me there.
I did end up bonding with one of them, an alternate version of Sweetie Belle. She was very messed up when I first met her. I eventually managed to get through to her about not bottling up her emotions, and that opened a big can of worms. She turned out to be extremely angry and hostile under her previous meek façade. She even took my combat lessons to heart, making her quite formidable. I think myself and future versions of herself are the only adults she trusts at this point. And she's taken to calling herself SB, probably to distance herself from the past.
SB does occasionally post on fimfiction, but rarely, and she hijacks SweetAI Belles account for it. But then, it seems like most Sweetie Belles do. At least SweetAI Belle doesn't mind much.
The time war started, though, and ultimately the base was destabilized in time. At this point, it's uncertain whether it will exist. I managed to stabilize myself and SB via a prototype device, and escape to the Library Outside SpaceTime at the last moment, though.
Ultimately, a few of the others also got here in time, though, unlike me, they aren't stable and can't leave. Not sure where things will go from here, but it leaves me with some time and a fimfiction account to fool with. And a talking moose to acquaint myself with, but lets not complicate things.
I hope that straightens a few things out, or at least, leaves you differently confused.
--Sincerely, Silvy