• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2016


"Bucephalus" is the name of the ancient Thessalian warhorse that carried Alexander the Great into battle.

More Blog Posts4

  • 611 weeks
    Dishonored DLC: Play as Daud!

    Hey everyone (All 29 of you, I think.) As you may or may not know, Dishonored is recieving two new story-oriented DLC packages!

    Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall DLC announced on PCgamer.

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    2 comments · 757 views
  • 617 weeks
    [Rambling] Voice Acting: Hypothetical Chemistry

    Hello, everyone being forced to listen to my ongoing drivel.

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    0 comments · 450 views
  • 626 weeks

    Salutations, followers, watchers, etc. First off, I'd like to thank you all for being patient with the next chapter of "Dishonored: A Ruined and Drowning World". I'd like to apologize for being so sluggish with my progress on the next chapter, considering the cliffhanger from the most recent chapter.

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    3 comments · 485 views
  • 630 weeks
    New chapter tomorrow

    Greetings, followers.
    I have the next chapter for 'Dishonored: A Ruined and Drowning World' all ready to go, but I'm holding off posting it until tomorrow, on the basis that I think it would be in bad taste to upload it on Remembrance Day.

    1 comments · 400 views

Dishonored DLC: Play as Daud! · 12:43am Mar 22nd, 2013

Hey everyone (All 29 of you, I think.) As you may or may not know, Dishonored is recieving two new story-oriented DLC packages!

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall DLC announced on PCgamer.
Yes. That's right. We're going to play as DAUD. Are you excited for this? I know I am!

Despite my excitement, I have to say with some regret that the introduction of this DLC will set back my already glacially slow progress on Dishonored: A Ruined and Drowning World. Mainly because I'll have to make sure that I don't do anything that will turn out to be breaking canon later. (It doesn't help that between this and Starbound I have the attention span of a Goldfish.)

Chapter 9, however, is still in the works. I can't give an estimate on when it'll be published, mainly because I myself have no idea how big or small it's going to be when finished.

Again, I'd like to thank all of my readers for their generous patience in dealing with my insufferably lethargic attitude as of late. I'm giving it my all to pick up the pace.

Report Kleptoshark · 757 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

GOLDFISH!!!*floats away*

Really, really can't blame you, Klepto.

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