• Member Since 20th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2015


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    So uh? I'm writing this because I'm not really sure why... I'm working on the story slowly. Gallant's character walks a very fine line, so it's not always easy to write things as he would see them. It kind of bothers me that he hasn't lost a fight yet, that we've seen. He's not some fighting god or this ultra-powerful character. He's just this one, fairly clever pony, that knows one trick... Damn

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This is a blog post? · 3:03am Mar 7th, 2013

So uh? I'm writing this because I'm not really sure why... I'm working on the story slowly. Gallant's character walks a very fine line, so it's not always easy to write things as he would see them. It kind of bothers me that he hasn't lost a fight yet, that we've seen. He's not some fighting god or this ultra-powerful character. He's just this one, fairly clever pony, that knows one trick... Damn it. He's a one trick pony. I fell into that. But the point still stands, all we've seen is him getting the drop on ponies, he's not that badass. Ruthless certainly, you don't build a criminal empire that pisses off the Captain of the Royal Guard without making a name for yourself somehow.

I don't know what else to say, that's what's on my mind. Anybody wants to find me, I'm on League pretty much every night.
You can find me streaming twitch.tv/mistertxasranger also every night.

Report AtrumVenator · 329 views ·
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