• Member Since 8th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2015


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  • 597 weeks
    Jumping back in....

    So hey there Everypony, I've been away for some time and i have not had the time to get back in to writing my first story, And i kind of been on and off of some sites for some time, When coming back on here, I thought that i could reread my story just to see what i had done...........And yeah..........It sucked

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Jumping back in.... · 2:49am Feb 11th, 2013

So hey there Everypony, I've been away for some time and i have not had the time to get back in to writing my first story, And i kind of been on and off of some sites for some time, When coming back on here, I thought that i could reread my story just to see what i had done...........And yeah..........It sucked
I will be re-editing the Whole story from the first chapter to the stop point for the next one, And i hope this may help me with the story board for the animation that i will be working on for the time being, So with that I give you a good bye and see ya when i re-upload the Re-edited Chapters so yeah,
See ya later.

P.S. Little spoiler for you guys, I will be also be releasing my Newest story......
Now that's not the REAL name, But that's for me to know, And for you my pony friends to Later find Out........?
Thanks guys and talk to ya later.
Now i say good bye.

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