• Member Since 31st Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 11th, 2011

Megawacky Max

A brony from South America who wants to give Pony Fiction a chance. Let's see what I can make, here!

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  • 664 weeks
    WANTED: Pony fic grammar corrector

    Did you know I've written a silly little one-shot fic? Why, it's right here: Rarity's Absence

    Well, I've been attempting to send it to Equestria Daily, but despite the improvements it still requires corrections. Being my native language NOT english, I will never achieve such feat.


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WANTED: Pony fic grammar corrector · 11:20am Nov 4th, 2011

Did you know I've written a silly little one-shot fic? Why, it's right here: Rarity's Absence

Well, I've been attempting to send it to Equestria Daily, but despite the improvements it still requires corrections. Being my native language NOT english, I will never achieve such feat.


I'm looking for anyone who can proof-read the story and highlight (or even correct) my grammar mistakes, so I can try and send it again to Equestria Daily. I will of course credit whoever helps me with this, mentioning their name and even linking their collection from every place I've posted this story so far.

Can anyone help me, then?


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