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:D X3 =^-^= <3 :P ô_ō -_- Ó_Ò ...enough said, I think...okay, maybe not, but, Eh, oh well.

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"We all have our Angels and Demons..." · 5:42am Feb 25th, 2012

My...my dreams.

Now, normally I don't even HAVE dreams, then when I do, usually don't REMEMBER them, but...on that RARE occasion that I DO have them, and I REMEMBER them, they are just...just AMAZING. This last one, specifically...it was just...scary, awesome, and calming all in one...when I have people in the dream, I usually can't place faces, I just seem to KNOW who they are...but there was one "character" which just...everything about her was so vivid...I just feel like I HAVE to share this with, well, whoever cares. So, if you don't mind, here's a story from within my mind. Unaltered, unrestrained.

Don't worry, it's not horrid, it's just...different...for me, anyway.


The first portion involves me watching a little girl, but I'm nit actually in a body. It's like a third-person perspective. She is just crying and looks terrified at the dead body of what appears to be her father. Her name is Hannah, and she just killed her dad. Her mom had been dead for years...


So next, I'm in my own body and me and my mom have adopted that little girl. It's been some years and we end-up moving into the very house the girl killed her father in, for some reason. Once she realizes this, she becomes scared and suddenly starts talking about seeing...something watching her...following her through the house. 

Now, obviously, we don't believe her, but then it starts happening to me and my mom. I realize that there really is something otherworldly in the house, and decide that it had a hand in what happened years ago in there. Soon enough, I have a run-in with some kind of dark shape while alone in, I think, a dark back room. I didn't know what it was, or even what it did, but it scared the crap out of me and I bolted into the bright living room with Hannah and my mom. I explained that something appeared after I started questioning it about what it did to Hannah all those years ago.

It didn't follow me out, thankfully, but I knew it could, and I knew that it was still watching...not watching Hannah anymore, but watching ME. I was scared...constantly shaking. But I knew that, if it really wanted to harm me in anyway, it would have done so already, so...I tried to confront it again. Funny thing is, though, is that IT confronted me first. My mom and Hannah were out back and I suddenly bolted upright upon seeing a solemn and very, very pale young girl about my age peering at me from halfway around the hallway corner. She was practically surrounded by a shadow haze, similar to what I saw the first time, but obviously not as thick this time around as I could actually make-out her physical appearance.

She had somewhat long and very straight black hair, and a solemn and grey expression. In fact, everything about her was just grey-scale. From her eyes, to her hair, to her skin, and to her clothes...she just looked...sad...she had a black funeral cap and dress on...I just...didn't do anything except stared back. She would suddenly phase out and leave nothing behind...this would happen pretty much every time I was alone at home, so I eventually became used to it and finally decided to strike-up a conversation...


She furrowed her brow in confusion, but said nothing.

"Why? Why did you make Hannah kill her dad?" I asked, standing up and beginning to approach the apparition. 

Normally, she would dissipate quickly if I did this...nit this time. She shook her head, and finally spoke in a quiet, solemn voice to match her appearance, "I didn't..."

"Then who, or what, did?"

"...he did."

Now I gave the look of confusion this time, but I suddenly turned around upon feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I caught a glimpse of something darker than a black hole before being blinded momentarily, a sever and traumatic chill blanketing me entirely, inside and out.

When it was over, I knew that whoever the girl was, she was not there to scare or hurt anyone. She was there to stop whatever just attacked me.

When I straightened up, the girl was further around the corner, but still there. She seemed to be hiding...and as I looked closer, she also seemed to be just the tiniest bit brighter, as if color was returning.

"The fuck was that?" I asked, taking a deep breath and finally calming.

She merely shook her head before disappearing around the corner, leaving me by myself.

After that, I figured I would try to learn as much about this grey girl as I could. Like what was she? Why was she really there? What was with being greyscale? What was that other entity that attacked me? What really happened with Hannah?

Unfortunately, I got none of those answers...but, every day, her hue would brighten; color would return. Her clothes even changed one day.

Instead of a funeral attire, she suddenly appeared in the kitchen in a green button-down shirt and jeans...and best of all, she was SMILING. Her color, at this point, was practically entirely, vibrantly returned. Her hair was still a lovely and glossy black, but her skin was a beautifully tanned white, and her eyes...they were an extremely vibrant and mischief-filled CRIMSON.

"That's new..." I stated quite dumbly.

"Like it? I do too."

Although I really knew nothing about her, she literally warmed-up to me, and I warmed-up to her...I also learned only I could see her for some reason, as my mom walked in and said hi to me as if there wasn't a mysterious yet beautiful woman standing in there with me. Even Hannah couldn't see her, but she always seemed to know what something was...there.

What I DID learn, though was that she adores contact. Apparently, while she at first couldn't even be seen by me, as my fear for her dwindled, her capabilities and senses grew. Soon I could see her, then as we talked I could approach her. Then I could view her color, and soon her personality followed. After that, I could feel her, or, rather, she could feel me. She was apparently quite a playful person...always making jokes or playing with my mom and sister as they couldn't see her. They would always wonder why I was sickening and laughing at nothing, hehe...

Eventually, she almost seemed to be glowing and her clothes changed yet again. At that point she wore large, black, baggy jeans, a white tank top that only came down to her stomach, and—because she found enjoyment in exploiting the fact that I am a guy and she was a beautiful woman—dark red panties...oh, and her hair changed again as well. Still long a black, but not as straight. It seemed to be messy and unkempt, but it also seemed as though it was meant to be that way, as streaks of crimson, matching her eyes, ran throughout in perfect patterns and lines.

Everyone that frequently visited or lived in that house knew about her. At first they were all skeptical, until we demonstrated by having her lift me and shove me and throw me...yeah...she also loved to beat-up on me, too.

She became, basically, my best friend. She was always there with me at home. Of course, always hanging over my shoulder or in my lap for some reason, but always there...she would help me with life problems, or just when I needed to talk, or just when I needed a friend...everything was just...great.

Then an old demon reared it's head again. We were on the couch, watching TV, when the screen suddenly fizzled off. I frowned and smacked the remote.

"The heck?"

Then...a shiver went down my spine while all my hairs stood on end...and She had a look of terror all over her face.


Suddenly, as though it faded into this world from the depths of hell, a demonic and damned voice screamed as some kind of dark figure exploded into existence out of the blackness left on the TV screen.


If flew straight at me, leaving me NO time to react. I swear I was doomed...but a soft hand pushed me aside. When I looked up, She had her hands in the couch and a leg up to kick away His attacking arm. I looked on in awe as she doubled up and delivered a backhand to His face, quickly following with a roundhouse kick which sent Him exploding into nothing...he was gone...for now.

"What...? What the HELL WAS THAT!?" I screamed, bolting up and looking around frantically.

"Him...HE. The one that killed Hannah's father...the one that wants to kill you."


She didn't answer. She never did, "Stay with me, at all times, Zac. Never let me go, please. I will never let you go, or else he will take you away from...from everyone."


The rest is just a lot of Him attacking and Her defending. She always kicked ass...he never could get me.

But after I woke up, after I left the dream world...it felt like HE was still there, like he was still watching me I was terrified the past day...hoping like hell that he wouldn't leave the shadows and attack...he never did, though. At first, I thought He was just toying with me, but soon...as I recalled what I knew of Her, I figured out her name, even though she never told me.

Her name gave me hope, gave me comfort...He was scared of Her, and She was still with me.

Her name, of course, 
was, and still is


We all have our Angels and Demons, and, I may not be a psychiatrist (or whoever studies dreams...), but I think I just told you about mine.

Lucky you.

Report Zarius9998 · 136 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

No, it was a completely mortifying dream. I was SHAKING the entire day afterwards. :ajbemused:

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