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  • Tuesday
    A Guide to Classic Who Audiobooks and Collections

    Classic Who audiobooks. These are a vital element of the fandom. Put out by the BBC, these are readings of the novelizations, mixed in with a few sound effects and little bits of music. Often read by Doctor Who actors, they are always a high quality production.

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  • Tuesday
    A Guide to Classic Who Target Novelizations, and More

    Target Novelizations. Yes, you read that right. Starting in 1973, Target Books began publishing novelizations of Classic Who serials, and continued to do so into the 1990s.

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  • 6 days
    A Guide to Classic Who: What To Expect If You Don't Know Anything

    Yet another impulse post. But, hey, reading over old comments got me thinking. There are probably plenty of people here that aren’t very familiar with the classic Doctor Who series, and I might as well write something to give people an idea what to expect, and put it in a place where they don’t have to go through the comments on Aces High to learn (though I certainly wouldn’t mind new

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  • 3 weeks
    Aces High Chapter 6 Out Tomorrow

    Yeah, it’s that time again. After a VERY long time--I don’t like to think about it--I have another chapter ready. This one took a long time because I’ve had a LOT of big life stuff over the last few months, this chapter was difficult for personal reasons, and I had a lot of backstory stuff to work out, because it was about time to do that.

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  • 3 weeks
    From the Notebook: EQG/Flash Crossover Experimental Scene(s) 2

    Is it bizarre that right after finishing the last post, I launch into this? I swear, I don’t want to start ANOTHER story, but part of me feels on a roll. Though I suppose it helps that what I am sharing are ideas and half-thought scenes that I’ve tinkered with on and off for years, not something completely off the top of my head. Well, a little bit for the last one. Whatever.

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From the Notebook: EQG/Flash Crossover Experimental Scene(s) 2 · 9:13pm May 24th

Is it bizarre that right after finishing the last post, I launch into this? I swear, I don’t want to start ANOTHER story, but part of me feels on a roll. Though I suppose it helps that what I am sharing are ideas and half-thought scenes that I’ve tinkered with on and off for years, not something completely off the top of my head. Well, a little bit for the last one. Whatever.

This will be a set of scenes connected together. Again, these are what I’d call prototypes, or early drafts. I think it’s kind of interesting to refer to them as prototypes right now, even if the terminology is more science than writing. My weird ADHD brain does that sometimes. But don’t expect top-quality work here.

This one will also not be directly following the previous experiment, but would be a bit down the line.

To summarize the context: Before Sunset Shimmer launched her plan to steal Twilight’s crown, she found an Equestrian gemstone buried in the dirt, one charged with potent magic. Wanting to access the power, Sunset attempted to experiment on it late one night at the CHS lab during a massive lightning storm. A bolt of lightning came crashing through the window, striking the gemstone and shattering it, before the bolt hit Sunset in the chest.

Waking up, she found herself paralyzed from the waist down and with intermittent tremors in her hands, and faced with the possibility of permanent damage. Emotionally broken, all she can do is wallow in defeat even as Principal Celestia offers her a place to stay. School becomes a nightmare, where she’s picked on constantly, now that she’s much less of a threat. But one day at lunch, Fluttershy takes pity on her, and Sunset finds herself slowly making friends, and, miraculously, starts to heal from her injuries.

One day while walking through a park on her newly healed legs, Sunset tries running...and immediately crashes into a hill on the other side of the park. A new form of magic is pulsing through her veins, one she barely comprehends. But while she’s marveling at that, a gang known as the Great Whites [name subject to change] have been terrorizing local businesses. Because Mr. and Mrs. Cake wouldn’t give them free service, the gang wrecked the girls’ hangout of Sugarcube Corner.

Wanting to do something to repay her friends, Sunset decides to use her newfound magical abilities to round up the gang. She’s managed to get the location of their hideout, and as the scene opens, she’s used her fantastic speed to take all of them down. All except for their leader, Sharkey. pname also subject to change.


Sunset heard the sound of the Jaguar pulling out of the garage just as she knocked out the last thug. With a curse, she raced down the steps. Sharkey was getting away.

She just made halfway down the road when her legs started to weaken. Every step burned, her lungs heaved, and the magic that propelled her forward felt like it was giving out. Darkness crept at the corners of her vision as the Jaguar pulled further and further away. “H-Horseapples,” she wheezed, trying in vain to catch up. “Not now.”

If this entire adventure was proving anything, it’s that these...powers, for lack of a better word, weren’t quite stable. Or her body hadn’t fully adjusted to them. Or maybe they had limitations, like magical exhaustion. All this fighting and continuous use had drained what energy she had. But she needed to! Sharkey was getting away. What good was catching the gang if she let him slip free of the net?

“Come on,” she begged, forcing oxygen back into her lungs, willing her muscles to move, just a bit more. “Come on. Come on. Come on.” She pounded her boots into the asphalt, but her quarry continued to pull away. This was it. She’d failed.

Once again, she remembered the destruction they’d caused, not just to Sugarcube Corner, but all the other places. Her friends’ faces flashed through her mind. If Sharkey got away, he could come back with friends. He could reform his band of thugs. Oh, maybe not in Canterlot City, but somewhere else, at least. Somewhere else that would suffer just like here.

That was not going to happen.

Resolve welled up in her chest as a feeling surged through her. It was like she’d been struck by lightning all over again, but it didn’t hurt. Every nerve, every muscle, felt alive, singing with power. Suddenly, the pain vanished. Her legs accelerated, faster than ever before. The very force of the lightning bolt was inside her now, surging with every beat of her heart, filling her with its raw voltage. She could feel it around her, too, pouring out from her body, like she was the lightning.

Up ahead, the Jaguar came into view on the long, dark road. From underneath her helmet, Sunset Shimmer smirked. The race was on.

He’d lost his whole gang.

Sharkey had lost his whole gang, what? Some freak in a motorcycle helmet? Sharkey could barely believe it, but he wasn’t stupid enough to wait around for the hallucination to knock him around. Besides, he had friends. Plenty of friends. He’d be able to rebuild in no time. Then he’d come back and burn Appleville to the ground.

As he sped away, he found himself relaxing, He was home free now. He relaxed his foot on the accelerator, reaching for the radio, when he spotted a light in the rearview mirror. What he saw nearly made him choke on his own saliva.

That freak was still after him, glowing like a flipping Christmas tree. And she was gaining on him. Sharkey pressed the accelerator, watching the needle shoot up to eighty even as he made a dangerously sharp turn. And yet, as he raced down the next street, he still saw the glow coming after him like some kind of neon hellhound.

He fiddled with the controls to his NOX tank, boosting his speed further. The needle went to ninety. His tires screeched. He didn’t even care where he was going, as long as it was away from her. He turned corner after corner, clipping poles or mailboxes. The dents could be worked out, as long as he didn’t get caught.

His eyes shot to the mirror. She was still gaining. She was even closer than ever. It wasn’t possible. He was still going ninety miles an hour. It wasn’t flipping possible!

And then the glow was in his face. He dared to turn to the driver’s side window, where the woman...the...the thing, had pulled up beside him. Golden lightning arced off of her entire body like one of those coil things he saw back in middle school, lighting up the darkened street. Her head turned toward him, and he could have sworn he saw two glowing lights beneath her visor. “Pull over, Sharkey.”

Sharkey screamed, turning up the NOX, pushing the car to one hundred miles an hour. Faster than he’d ever gone. Faster than any sane person would ever go. But Sharkey didn’t care. His pulse hammered in his ears, beating away at his sanity as he tried desperately to escape his pursuer.

There was a house up ahead. He was going too fast to avoid it. Instinctively, Sharkey jumped to the passenger side, diving out of the car and rolling painfully on the street as the car charged forward under its own momentum. With the biggest adrenaline high of his entire life, Sharkey got to his feet, fleeing into the maze of alleys.

He’d get away. He’d hide. He’d hide for hours if that’s what it took. He’d--

Sharkey never got the chance to finish that thought before a gloved hand grabbed the back of his jacket.

Sunset swore again as she watched Sharkey bail. With every ounce of her speed, she dove through the driver’s window, shifting herself into position and slamming her foot down on the break, praying to Celestia, or any deity that would listen, that the car would stop in time. The tires wailed, but luck was with her, because the car began to decelerate, stopping mere inches from the house front.

All around her, lights were turning on, people rousing from sleep from the terrible noise in the street. Sunset exited the car before any of them could see her. The more important thing was Sharkey. He was on foot now, trying to avoid her. But thankfully, he wouldn’t have gotten far. And he hadn’t. She found him in twenty seconds, not a hundred feet from the road where he’d nearly crashed his car.

He was pale and sweating, all of his swagger replaced by terror and exhaustion. She’d almost feel sorry for him, if he hadn’t deserved it. Moving at super speed, she grabbed him by his collar and kept going, lifting him off the ground, letting him yelp like a frightened puppy before stopping in front of the alley wall.

“Who the hell are you?!” Sharkey screamed, heaving for breath.

“I’m the one taking you down,” Sunset growled. Even through her helmet, she could smell his breath. Horseapples, it was bad. “You guys are through, you here me?”

The gang leader deflated, seeming very small. “What are you going to do with me?”

Sunset smirked. “I have a few ideas.” Then she took off again, dragging a screaming Sharkey with her.


Okay, that’s all I’ve got, and for today, too. Whew, that was a lot to do in one day. Hope you guys find this interesting. If you do, tell me.

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