• Member Since 1st Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A Brony and a Gamer!

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  • 2 weeks
    New Overlord!

    A new chapter of An Overlord Apart is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

    0 comments · 97 views
  • 6 weeks
    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading!

    0 comments · 51 views
  • 6 weeks
    More Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

    2 comments · 104 views
  • 7 weeks
    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Wicther is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

    0 comments · 44 views
  • 7 weeks
    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading. Enjoy!

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Ideas · 4:19am March 11th

Hey! I will be out of town for a week or so. I'm away on a trip for work and I hope I can come up with some knew and fun ideas for you guys when I get back. I do have the next chapter almost ready and will post it when I get back. I am then going to work on the Ponyville COnfidential episode. I am not sure what I am going to have Oblivion do in that episode. But I am out for ideas. So please let me know if you have any ideas or fun things that might happen in that episode. Hope everypony has a good week.

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