• Member Since 19th Aug, 2023
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More Blog Posts44

  • Today
    How About Some Marvel Story's guys?

    Title says it all, I'm just gonna give you a quick list of fun story ideas that involve Spike going through or teaming up with some of the heroes of the Marvel universe, some are pretty fun from what I've been planning out, and please let me know what your thoughts are with what ideas I have for them!

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  • Tuesday
    Ideas for My Ninjago Story

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day, I was just wanting to make a blog that gives you all some ideas that I'm gonna do for my Ninjago story: Spike the Spinjitzu Master, not only will these ideas involve some characters like Spike, his Serpentine daughter Allison, and Kai in ways, as well as another character I'm gonna get too, but it'll also help make the story stand out a bit more then in the

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  • 6 days
    Super Spike Galaxy, First look!

    Hey guys hope your having a good day so far! I just wanted to post all of you another first look at a new story I'm making, Super Spike Galaxy! As the title implies, it's about Spike going through the Mario Galaxy games. And it's a story I'm looking forward to making!

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  • 1 week
    I'm on a break

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day so far, I was just coming in to give you an update on stuff currently happening right now. Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in one of my stories since Monday, but I thought it would just be best for me to take a break for the week, I've had a lot of stories to work on, and I just wanted to rest for a bit. I'm gonna get back into working on them this

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  • 1 week
    Just A Simple Question For You All

    Title says it all. And the question simply is: What is the worst episode of MLP for you? Common question I know, but I was interested in hearing some of your guys's opinions because we all can agree not every episode of that show is perfect. For me, Father Knows Beast is the worst episode with how it lies on a huge question that we all had for so long, and the fact that no one after that episode

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Thank you MatPat · 8:46pm March 9th

Hey guys i hope your having a fine day today. I have important news that you all may know, but i'd like to share my thoughts on this too.

As of today, legendary Youtuber Mathew Patrick, aka Matpat, the Game/ Film/ Style/ Food theorist, is officially retired from Youtube. After over 10 years of enjoying his fun theories, seeing him bond with other people like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, even FNAF creator himself Scott Cawthon, he is finally stepping down as head of his 4 channels, and passing them onto the people he knows and trusts can handle them, handling 4 channels is insane, and the amazing stuff he did with them is something i won't ever forget.

Matpat is a special person for me, i'm sure he is for a lot of us. He was one of the best theorists out there for the last decade, making amazing theory's that while ridiculous at times, always was fun to listen to and laugh with his jokes. I was really inspired by Matpat, the way he improved with writing his theories over time, being able to handle over 4 channels and produce so many great videos over the years, it's something special. He's one of the reasons i was inspired to start writing stories like these, as i wanted to not just share good stories with all those who view them, but to have fun with my time like he always did.

Him retiring is very sad yes, but he is going out to live his life to the fullest, to enjoy spending time with his family and have fun and do what he thinks is his life. While i am really sad that he's gone now, at least he's out there living his life the best he can, spending time with his friends, family, and just being who he wants to, maybe one day he'll come back, but that's like he always says.. it's just a theory. Thank you MatPat for the incredible times you've given all of us, love or hate his videos, you can't deny how much he impacted People's lives for the better, and i will always love him for it, it's been a great ride, and i hope his channels can thrive even without him there, thank you MatPat, you are a true legend.

Report Dragonfan101 · 111 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Let's say this one last time: but hey that's just a theory a style/food/film/.....GAAMMMEE THEORY

Thank you matpat...

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