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More Blog Posts44

  • Today
    How About Some Marvel Story's guys?

    Title says it all, I'm just gonna give you a quick list of fun story ideas that involve Spike going through or teaming up with some of the heroes of the Marvel universe, some are pretty fun from what I've been planning out, and please let me know what your thoughts are with what ideas I have for them!

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  • Tuesday
    Ideas for My Ninjago Story

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day, I was just wanting to make a blog that gives you all some ideas that I'm gonna do for my Ninjago story: Spike the Spinjitzu Master, not only will these ideas involve some characters like Spike, his Serpentine daughter Allison, and Kai in ways, as well as another character I'm gonna get too, but it'll also help make the story stand out a bit more then in the

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  • 6 days
    Super Spike Galaxy, First look!

    Hey guys hope your having a good day so far! I just wanted to post all of you another first look at a new story I'm making, Super Spike Galaxy! As the title implies, it's about Spike going through the Mario Galaxy games. And it's a story I'm looking forward to making!

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  • 1 week
    I'm on a break

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day so far, I was just coming in to give you an update on stuff currently happening right now. Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in one of my stories since Monday, but I thought it would just be best for me to take a break for the week, I've had a lot of stories to work on, and I just wanted to rest for a bit. I'm gonna get back into working on them this

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  • 1 week
    Just A Simple Question For You All

    Title says it all. And the question simply is: What is the worst episode of MLP for you? Common question I know, but I was interested in hearing some of your guys's opinions because we all can agree not every episode of that show is perfect. For me, Father Knows Beast is the worst episode with how it lies on a huge question that we all had for so long, and the fact that no one after that episode

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My thoughts on TMNT + Story updates · 5:53pm February 20th

Hey guys i hope your having a great day so far, i wanted to make a blog post that discusses my thoughts on huge franchises such as TMNT, i wanted to share a bit more about myself with you all and see what your thoughts are on huge things like this, i hope you find these thoughts good and let me know of your own in the comments, then at the end i'll give you an update on some story's im gonna be updating soon.

Now Let's begin. TMNT is a franchise that's been around LONG before i was born, i was born in 2003 when that years new version of the turtles just started airing. I didn't remember much as a child, but i'm still glad i was born into an era where the turtles are extremely popular. I've been watching all the 4 shows that have come out so far, each one does it's own thing, you know the ones. The 87 one, 2003, 2012, and Rise. What i appreciate a lot about these shows is that they always do something different and try to make them stand out. Rise has it's fun comedy and amazing fights, 2012 has it's fun story's and gets better as the season goes on, the 2003 show did the most when adapting the comics and ended with the 87 crossover show, and the 87's are the OG turtles that will be iconic for a really long time.

These shows are probably something we all remember from our childhoods, i grew up on the 2012 one because i thought it was really engaging when focusing on episodes that involved the Kraang or Shredder, I recently got the entire 5 season show on DVD and it's been a great watch. After finishing that i decided to try and watch the other shows, luckily i have streaming, and the 2003 show is on Youtube in a large playlist, all 7 seasons. TMNT holds a special place in my heart, they're characters are always meant to be fun and cool with the audience and it's really cool when they do darker story's like The Last Ronin, one where Mikey is the last turtle to survive and is meant to avenge his brothers.

The franchise always experiments, and even after Viacom has the rights to it, it's a franchise that still is incredibly great, i've watched most of the movies from it, from the OG 1990 movie, to the 2007 TMNT movie, which was decent, it had an awesome fight between Leo and Raph, my two favs, and the Rise movie which had some of the best 2d animation fight scenes in a movie i've seen in a long time, and Mutant Mayhem, the recent movie and was extremely fun. I'm still getting caught up on the movies but i've gotten through most of the shows so far.

I've always loved this franchise, i'm sure most of us do to, we all have our favorite versions of the shows and who our favorite characters are, and i think that's because each one does something that's different, but something cool. I usually don't like the term" Different and it's ruined" Because it's meaning people just aren't liking any changes to previous works, or it's just not they're thing. And while i can understand why they don't like different things, i still think they should at least try and see what they could offer, it's one of the reasons Rise was only 2 seasons and a movie, because fans weren't happy abut how different the turtles looked and the direction it went to, people thought it was gonna be like Teen Titans Go and i'm just like.. no, that show sucks and i'm furious that that's still going even after MLP FIM ended, i can understand why some like TTG but i think we all agree it should've ended after season 5 or so because it's gone on for way to long and is only really still going because it makes WB a lot of money.

Rise is doing it's own thing to stand on it's own and i'm glad the people who like Rise like what its' doing. That's what each TMNT generation does, it does it's own thing to make itself stand out, and it does some stuff that other generations do as well, like making April a teen like the turtles, i love this franchise for what it does, and am glad that Mayhem will get a sequel and can't wait to see how awesome Shredder will be. Shredder is always an awesome villain in each show and they do something to make them menacing, like 2003 Shredder literally being an Utrom and one that's pure evil, or 2012 Shredder having a great backstory with Splinter and him becoming the Super Shredder by season 4, he's always an awesome villain and shows just why he's the turtles arch rival.

This is a franchise i've held in my heart for years, i don't think there will ever be a version of TMNT that i hate, even stuff i don't like as much from other versions, it doesn't mean i won't love this franchise, characters and story's, and all it's done to shape our childhoods.

But i think i've said all i can for a blog post right now, to make things short. I love the TMNT franchise and always will, i'm glad each new generation does it's own thing, and i cannot believe they're gonna be 40 years old soon like we aren't getting any younger guys goodness. I'll always love the characters, story arcs, and what each show does, no matter what show does better then the other, all of them are great and deserve to be remembered. I'll put a movie ranking in this once i've seen the rest of them but feel free to let me know what your favorite TMNT movie is. Now i am gonna go to the updates on my stories.

Now let's start with my Ori story, i'm sorry i haven't updated it in a few months, but with me being focused on my current Spike in TMNT story, it's been hard trying to go back on it when it's not only my longest story yet, but my most popular with 1.6k views so far, i've been wanting to get back into the story for a while now, and i'll be able to soon because thanks to more writing experience i have, i can make the chapters less of a point a to point b, and have Spike and Ori bond with eachother before reaching the emotional ending of the game. I wanted to take some time off on it because i wanted to gain better writing experience and be able to try and make story's like that special. Ori is a special game to me, it's an emotional series that feels like i'm playing through a Pixar movie, you can't deny that these games can do something that can make you feel sad, from the opening of the first game, to the ending of the second, and the journey Ori goes through with it. I wanted to make sure Spike can feel like he could be in these games too with the right story and writing, and it's a little hard to write it because we all know how the story ends. And unless they make a 3rd game, i'm probably gonna make a third original story at one point. But to put it short, i'm gonna start updating the story again and try and make them longer then they are currently, i hope you look forward to it and feel free to leave me your thoughts on it and what i could do.

As for my Kung fu Panda story, i'm gonna get back to writing that story soon too, i still feel like i should keep my focus on it, i've only gone through the first movie, and with the 4th movie almost releasing, i think it's a perfect time to start updating it again. You'll know when it's updated when i change the cover art, my friend Dragonknife5 helped find some fitting artwork that suits the story and franchise, so once that story's artwork is changed, that's when the story's gonna get updated. I'll start doing some original chapters with Spike and the 5 and Po, i want to make sure they all bond with eachother and flesh out Spike's relationship and his character the best i can. I'll cover the 4th movie too when it's best and i hope you look forward to it! Feel free to leave me ideas on what i can do for any original chapters if you want, i'm open to ideas and wait a little bit longer!

I know this sounds like i may overwork myself, but don't worry, i have a lot of free time and just want to give you guys the best stories i can make. Part of the reason why i wanted to make these stories in the first place was to show you things i think would be fun for a crossover story with Spike, and how Spike can be written in general. I also just wanted to make more friends online, because you all have been really kind since i started writing and can't be more grateful for you all. I have plenty of story's coming even after i'm done with all 3 of them, it's gonna be a journey for sure, but i wanna make sure i can get them all complete, no story left behind! I hope you all look forward to seeing them soon and have a great day!

Report Dragonfan101 · 180 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Couldn't say anything better myself brother.

As for my Kung fu Panda story, i'm gonna get back to writing that story soon too, i still feel like i should keep my focus on it, i've only gone through the first movie, and with the 4th movie almost releasing, i think it's a perfect time to start updating it again. You'll know when it's updated when i change the cover art, my friend Dragonknife5 helped find some fitting artwork that suits the story and franchise, so once that story's artwork is changed, that's when the story's gonna get updated. I'll start doing some original chapters with Spike and the 5 and Po, i want to make sure they all bond with eachother and flesh out Spike's relationship and his character the best i can. I'll cover the 4th movie too when it's best and i hope you look forward to it! Feel free to leave me ideas on what i can do for any original chapters if you want, i'm open to ideas and wait a little bit longer!

Will you adapt the TV shows (Legends of Awesomeness, Paws of Destiny, The Dragon Knight) as well?

Good talk about the different TMNT series though the years & what makes each one of them unique Dragonfan!:rainbowdetermined2:

I like many others didn't gave Rise a chance when it first aired, it wasn't until the movie came out that I was like *oh crap, these fights are awesome* so I went back & saw the series from the start and fell in love with it, becoming one of my fave TMNT series!:raritystarry:

I lost count at how many times I facepalmed myself for missing out so I always recomend this series to my friends & have spread the word, here's hoping it can get 1 more season cause it really deserves it!:twilightsmile:

Your addition of Spike during these crossover stories have been a treat to read & I'm so looking forward to seeing him on your Kung Fu Panda 2 when it comes out (also looking forward to a certain P&F story in the coming future as well, with him sharing the spotlight with a cool orange dragoness:moustache:)

Keep up the great work Dragonfan & thanks again! 😁👍

I may do the Dragon knight, i don't think LOA is considered canon honestly, but i could adapt a few episodes that are from the series into it, i am thinking about doing How to train your Dragon as well, as it's movies and shows is something i think would make a great story, especially this iconic moment where Hiccup punches Snotlout and knocks him out.

Funnily enough, I had an idea of Spike post-MLPS9 find a portal that led him to the Barbaric Archipelago either pre-HTTYD1 or pre-HTTYD3.

Come to think of it I was born a year after you dragonfan101 funny huh

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