• Member Since 1st Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A Brony and a Gamer!

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  • 2 weeks
    New Overlord!

    A new chapter of An Overlord Apart is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

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  • 6 weeks
    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading!

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  • 6 weeks
    More Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

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  • 7 weeks
    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Wicther is up and ready for reading! Enjoy!

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  • 7 weeks
    New Witcher!

    A new chapter of An Equestrian Witcher is up and ready for reading. Enjoy!

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I am back · 5:03am February 14th

Sorry for the long absence everypony. I was out of town when I got a call about the house I live in with my roommates and I was told it had burned due to a space heater being left on. So needless to say everything went up in flames. Thankfully I had my chapters on cloud storage but I only got a new PC recently. I had been able to log in occasionally through my phone but not very often. I did finally get a new job so I am in a much happier position and not as stressed out as I was. I am hoping to post new chapters as soon as possible. I am hoping to have a new one for each of the ones I have active. Thank you for checking in on me. It was nice to know I was being thought of. I will keep all of you posted so thank you again for bearing with me while I got back on my hooves. Thanks again!!

Report OblivionShadow · 129 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Glad to hear that you are doing better. Sorry to hear about the fire, but glad that you are recovering.

It's taken a while but I am glad to say that each of us is in a much better place. We used the insurance to rebuild and we all moved back in a couple of months ago. Anyone who ever says insurance is a great thing to have is an idiot. Lol. It's great to have the protection of them but they are a royal pain to work with.

Dude u ok
I'm asking cuz shit a fire hurt one my buds while we in the military he had to head home
U good?

I’m doing better. I wasn’t in a good place before it but now I’m in a better head space. Was a shock when my roommate called me to tell me about it. I was most upset about my stuff but I was glad no one was home when it went up lol.

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