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A saga of Sonic the Hedgehog characters living in G5 Equestria.

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  • Friday
    Sonic x Shadow Generations looks FUCKING GREAT

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  • Tuesday
    The Final Act: Part 2 is OUT!

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    Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out is out NOW!!!

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  • 1 week
    The Final Act: Part 1 Poorly Explained

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  • 1 week
    Sonic x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2 Teaser: A Leader's Past

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  • 2 weeks
    Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out | Official Trailer

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You can do it · 6:06am Oct 15th, 2023


I've been writing stuff for you guys for the past year and 3 months, always with the goal of entertaining you, making you laugh a bit if possible, or just distract you from stress that life can be for 5 minutes or more.

However, that doesn't mean that I lack personal problems or anything like that. I never like to talk about that with anyone around here 'cause... Well, they're my problems, and you guys have better things to do than just hear me complaining about my life and all the crap I go through. Yet that doesn't mean that I don't want to be a bit more realistic today.

I don't wanna just publish a random post about the next story or stories in my current saga and act like everything's fine when it isn't. I say this because, by the time I'm publishing this, I'm not fine. Don't worry, though, it is not a big deal, just lots of stuff that piled up and now they're blowing up in my face. Nothing to call home about.

But come on, this blog is not to tell you guys I'm not okay so you can feel bad for me. Yes, I'm not fine, but instead of doing the usual things like keeping it to myself, I want to change that today and do something else.

*Clears throat*

Right now, you're sitting there on your PC, your laptop, or reading this from your phone. You're a person that has dreams, ambitions, goals, the usual. There might be a high chance that you're working very hard right now to accomplish your dreams. If that's the case, good for you.

BUT, there's also a MUCH HIGHER chance that you are not, and you probably don't even know why. So, take this post (if you want, that is) as a little guide.motivation so you can actually go and follow your dreams. I mean, it's just my opinion, but it might help you out. Who knows!

1- Convince yourself.

I highly believe that EVERYONE is capable of ANYTHING. You just need to motivate yourself, to work very hard, and to believe in yourself (I know this last thing might sound cheesy and dumb, but trust me that it is important).

Let's say that you wanna become a Basketball player. The first step to get into that is to actually believe that you can do it. Remember that sometimes I write a joke that says, "Now keep telling that to yourself until you believe it"? Well, time to apply that, but not as a joke: As a motivation. Just go watch yourself in a mirror and say, "I'm gonna be the best Basketball player the world has ever seen". You've got to actually believe in your own words.

Now, don't roll your eyes nor look at me like I'm crazy: Believing it is not enough. You've got to work hard to accomplish that dream. Let's say you wake up at 10 a.m. and train for Basketball around 2 hours daily. This could lead you to be a very good player. But I know for sure that somewhere else in the world, there's someone waking up at 8 a.m. and working 4 hours daily.

And there's also someone else waking up at 6 a.m. and training 8 hours daily. Because if you actually love Basketball and aspire to be like Michael Jordan or something, you've got to understand that he got where he is because he made an effort and worked hard to be there.

Now, if you come and tell me "But that's because he's talented", get the fuck out of here then, because that's just one of the lamest excuses I'm ever going to hear. Talent just makes stuff easier for others, and there's obviously people that can make stuff easier than others. However, that only means you have to make a little more effort than them. After all, no one gets far just by being talented.

2- Always keep going

Life sucks, people, that's not even an opinion, is a fact. No matter what you do or where you are, you're always going to meet people that won't rest until they have destroyed you in ways you didn't even know you could get destroyed. No matter what you do, there's always a group of people that's gonna approach and say "Just give up, you suck at this”.

There's people that are going to dedicate time and work to show you that you won't get far in life, that you won't accomplish your dreams. Even worse, they're gonna make an effort to hurt you, to bring you down. And you know why? Because those persons that haven't been able to accomplish their dreams will become miserable, and they want you to be miserable by telling you that you won't accomplish your dreams, either.

But my friend, that's a fucking lie. You can do anything that you want to accomplish. Don't let a random guy in the street tell you how far you'll get in life. Because the only person that can put a limit to yourself is you.

If you want to get to the other side of the world, you're gonna do it! If you want to be the best boxing fighter ever, you're gonna do it! And if you want to be an astronaut and go to the moon, of course you're gonna do it!

And it is not easy, it never is. Everything that's worth the shot in life is incredibly hard. It doesn't matter how many times they want to take you down, and it doesn't matter even how many times you accomplish it. You're gonna wake up, clean the dust from yourself, and keep moving forward. Because you're gonna have awful days, days where you just want to give up, days where you'll ask yourself "What the fuck am I doing?!"

But you won't do it, you won't give up. You're gonna stand up again and keep going. Because as long as you're doing something that you love, everything else doesn't matter.

If you go to college, don't study something that you don't like just because it's gonna give you money, nor because it's gonna make your parents happy. And if you're a parent, then let me lecture you on how the world works: Your life is yours and yours only. Only you can choose what you're gonna use your time for.

There's gonna be a lot of people that won't support you in what you're doing, let's be real... But when they see your passion over it, when they see your work and how hard you worked on it, when they see that you put your heart and soul in what you're doing, they're gonna support you all the same. Because if you put your soul and your heart in what you are doing, there's now way it won't work.

Because when you hit 90 and you're dying on your bed, what would you want to say? "I dedicated my life to something I didn't even like", or "Wow, I dedicated my whole life to something I really liked, to something I loved"?

Money comes and goes around, but the happiness of doing something you love with your heart? That has no price.

So what the hell are you doing there on your computer?! Get up from there and start working on your dreams already! The world can be yours if you want, you just have to get out there and be brave enough to take it with your own hands.

Just... Live life the way you like it the most. Everyone has one chance, one life only. Are you going to waste it doing something you don't like at all? Or are you gonna spare it by doing something you love with your soul and heart?

You. Can. Do it. :twilightsmile:

Report BronySonicFan · 172 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

This was beautiful. You have no idea how much I needed to read this. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the advice my friend. 🤗

BSF, this is amazing. Not many people get to hear things like this, and I think that we need more of this everywhere. And you’re right! We can do it. Our lives are ours to control, not some random government neckbeard or high end business boss who think they own us. We are the masters of our future, and we are the ones who can achieve our dreams and aspirations.

Nothing can stop us. No one can hold us back. Not even ourselves. So to whoever’s reading this? Word of advice. Get your ass out of bed, off your couch, up from your chair, and MAKE! YOUR DREAMS! COME TRUE!

Whoever disliked your comment is an absolute dick.

I'm really glad I could help with my words. :pinkiehappy:

No problem! Thanks to you for reading!

Couldn't say it myself better! :twilightsmile:

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