• Member Since 23rd May, 2015
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Grey Wolf

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  • 50 weeks
    Clean up

    Hello. You might be wondering who I am. I used to go by the username Henry101 and a seapony pfp. It's been a while, but I'm still alive.

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Clean up · 3:31pm Aug 8th, 2023

Hello. You might be wondering who I am. I used to go by the username Henry101 and a seapony pfp. It's been a while, but I'm still alive.

You might have noticed that all of my stories and blog posts are gone. I actually wanted to delete this account altogether. Don't worry, nothing serious. I'm not depressed nor did I come to hate MLP or anything of the like. What I did hate, was me. My past self.

Maybe you already know where this is going. First of all, I hate the stories I wrote here. You may disagree, and that's fine. But it's common for writers to cringe at their early works and want to erase them from existence, which is what I did. If you used to read them regularly press X to doubt, then I'm sorry. But I hope you understand how I felt.

The other cringe that my past self made was blog posts. Pretty self-explanatory. I purged those.

But lastly, my past self commented a lot on this site, among other things. This is why I wanted to delete this account and start a new one. However, that just didn't work. I requested deletion, then waited, and waited, for nearly a week, and nothing happened. Yes, I contacted Knighty (no hard feelings, man), but be never responded. So I took that as a sign (bleh) and decided to keep the account. So, if you run into any of my...less than flattering past contributions on this site, please ignore them. I've since grown up (25 yo now btw) and changed. And if I've ever offended any of you, I'm sorry.

Maybe I'm overthinking things, but still, this is what I wanted. As for writing, I'm trying to write something original (non-fanfiction), and I have no idea if I'll ever write fanfiction again. After I'm done rewatching the show, I'll consider. For now I'm just back to reading.

So yeah, I'm still here, and I hope you understand my decisions.


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