MLP:TYT #42- Firework-ing Together Review · 6:30pm Dec 29th, 2022
I love G5. I really do. But what was this episode??? Why were they fighting? And I get the ponies have clearly evolved but since when could cutie marks become becons of light?? It was funny though. Also I am begging the writers to stop making Sunny's transformations so long and cringy. She doesn't need to float and glow for 30 seconds to turn into an alicorn. I can see the Sunny haters a mile away. They're gonna say she's showing off. She isn't. That is a writing flaw. I am glad to see the Pippsqueaks and Pipp's reaction to finding out they were missing and when they were found was adorable. Hitch was great as always. I am loving the father role he plays.
Rating: 6/10