• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Grainne Ni Bhroin

Trans gal from California


GrĂ¡inne Reading Order · 2:51pm February 6th

Since a lot of my stories tend to feature this character, I'm going to compile them here in something of an intended reading order, going off of in universe chronological order.

Going Home
Fuel for the Fire

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Derpibooru and transphobia · 2:42pm January 2nd

So by this point, after a couple days of discussion that resulted in a resounding "It's too much effort and we don't care enough to do it." from their staff and their malicious editing of my DNP, I'm kinda outright done with Derpibooru. At this point my stance on them is, if you care about genderqueer folks at all, use another site and consider filing a DNP with them like I've done.

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Getting my name change · 8:59pm Nov 14th, 2023

I'm working now towards completing my legal name change, a big step for many reasons, one of which is financial. While I aways hate to ask anyone for support a name change, and all the follow up document changes, costs a lot. If you've enjoyed my works and want to help out I've set up a ko-fi to take donations, https://ko-fi.com/grainne_ni_bhroin

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