• Published 17th Sep 2017
  • 968 Views, 23 Comments

Equestria Girls In Disguise: Switched! - Dark Nightshade

Another accident in Wheeljack's lab goes wrong, and now Sunset Shimmer, the Rainbooms, the Shadowbolts, and the Autobots have to learn to live in each other's lives.

  • ...


Everyone except for Sour and Smallfoot were still screaming in fear at the situation they had been stuck in. Now they were stuck in each other’s bodies.

“Geez, how long can they scream?” Wheeljack tried to say over their terrors, holding his hands on his audio receptors. “Surely, they must be throwing out their voices by doing this…”

After five more minutes, everyone had finally stopped screaming and tried to get adjusted to their new bodies. The Rainbooms and Shadowbolts tried to feel around in their bot bodies while the Autobots had issues trying to balance with their human bodies.

“Why are we switched!?” Twilight screamed.

“We can’t be robots again!” Rainbow yelled. “I have an important track meet tomorrow and I can’t miss it for anything!”

“Is it really that bad?” Smallfoot asked.

Everyone looked back at Sour and Smallfoot who still stood. They didn’t seem like they were freaking out.

“Wait… did they get switched too?” Pinkie Pie broke the silence.

Let's see how long it takes them,” Sour snarled with Smallfoot’s voice. “I bet five bucks Indy won’t last ten minutes.”

“Ahem.” Indigo snapped, with her black hands on her, er, his hips. “Care to explain why you aren’t freaking out, Sour, Smallfoot?”

“Well…” Smallfoot said. “I’ve actually been playing human several times in the past when I took Sour on dates. I’ve pretty much gotten used to this. Plus…” She did one spin, twirling the skirt around that Sour was wearing. “I actually wanted to see what things were like from my partner’s view.”

Fluttershy let out a little giggle. “I will admit, it is kind of nice to see things from another perspective.” She raised her arm out that belonged to Bumblebee, looking at herself. “This is pretty cool.”

“Yeah, okay, it may be fun for you two, but it's not exactly a picnic for us! I mean look at me, my legs are skinny, and I’ve got a high crotch!” Sunny complained. Looking to the side, she saw Outback in her own skin tapping his foot against the ground with a scowl. “Not that it's a bad thing!”

“Look, clearly this was all another one of his big design flaws.” Sugarcoat made air quotes in Highbrow’s body. “Just turn us back to normal and get the machine set up the right way and we’ll leave you to it.”

“Uh… that may be a problem.” Wheeljack said.

“Let me guess.” Highbrow knelt in Sugarcoat’s body. “It’ll take far too long and you’re just one Autobot. You really need to get another scientist friend, Wheeljack.”

“I’d hire Von Joy, but he’s busy over in Canterlot. Wish we took Perceptor with us back down to Earth…” Wheeljack shook his head.

“Look, even if you can’t fix us, you’ve really made a right mess of this, Wheeljack.” Outback scoffed in Sunny’s outfit. “I don’t think you’re really cut out for this sorta thing if you’re just gonna make screw-up after screw up.”

“Look! I may screw up every now and again, but we always get things fixed. Until we can get this manner resolved, you all need to learn to live in each other’s body for the meantime.”

“I can’t be in this body for so long!” Lemon whined. “Blaster’s got my boobs! And my butt!”

“...I did not need to hear that.” Sour said, shaking her head, rubbing her red hand on her green visor.

“Hold on, everyone. Ya’ll are takin’ this a little bit too hard.” Applejack spoke through Ironhide’s voice. “I’m sure that Wheeljack didn’t mean to do any harm with his little experiment, but now we need him to try and fix this as fast as we can. We wouldn’t want any other bots to notice us like this.”

“He, I mean SHE’s right.” Sunset stammered. “We can’t let the others know, or they’re going to panic.”

Rainbow nodded. “She’s right. Besides, we were actually bots for a few weeks when we first met the Autobots. If we can make it through a few weeks, then I think several hours should be a piece of cake! Or a day…”

“Easy for you to say!” Sugarcoat snapped. “You’re not the one who has a body with a head that detaches easily.”

“Technically, Autobot heads are harder to sever than human heads,” said Optimus Prime. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, girls.”

“Unless you are a Headmaster like me. Well, was.” Highbrow replied, staring up at his own body. “Do be careful though. If you try to transform, my head will just detach into a smaller body. It’s a lot harder to transform back into a giant again.”

“I hope that I am not intruding, but I have news of another Decepticon renegade out on the loose,” Teletraan-1’s voice drifted through the lab. “I have reports that Blitzwing is rallying a lower-rank Decepticon by the name of Stockade into destroying the nearby forest. If he is not stopped, the oxygen of Canterlot could fall rapidly, plunging humans into a state of breathlessness.”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Scrap. Okay, looks like we’ve got a Con stop. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy, you’re with me. The rest of you… I’ll think of something later. Autobots…” Sunset readied herself to sound off. “Transform and roll out!”

Sunset’s body changed its shape into the semi-truck that was Optimus’s vehicle mode, and the rest of the girls transformed into their guardian’s alternate forms as well. Then in a zoom, all of them rushed out of the lab ready to face their foe.

“Great, so they get to go deal with a Con while we’re by ourselves?” Sugarcoat complained.

“Hey come on, we can still have some fun. Maybe there’s a place we can go to for the time being. What if, uh… Hey. How about this. Teletraan-1. Just for fun, can you find us the nearest haunted, abandoned amusement park?” Indigo smirked.

The oldest site is a few dozen miles north of the city,” Teletraan-1 showed off the site of an abandoned theme park. “It was shut down after a fatal error on one of the roller-coasters, taking the lives of six people in the process.”

“Can you open up a Groundbridge for us there? We need a place to chill for the time being, plus… if we’re gonna be in these bodies for a bit, we can practice where no one will see us.” Indigo said.

Understood. Opening Groundbridge now,” he boomed.

“Come on ladies, er, guys.” Indigo said, running forward. The other girls ran forward as well, leaving their guardians stuck in the girls bodies.

“Hey, wait! Don’t damage my…” But it was too late, and they had already left. “Body.” Hound drooped. “Well great, now they’ve run off with our bodies.”

“Well, I’m sure they’ll be back soon,” said Outback. “Anyone fancy a barbie while we wait? I’ve heard these human bodies have amazing senses of taste.”

“I would suppose so,” Smallfoot said, doing another twirl and giggling. “I really like these skirts. They’re so cute! Knockout, what do you think?”

Knockout was too busy staring at himself in a mirror, looking at Rarity’s entire body from top to bottom “Oh my god…” he gasped.

“What? What’s wrong?” Bumblebee asked.

“I’m FABULOUS!” Knockout grinned.

Blitzwing and Stockade were blasting trees out of the ground with their heavy firepower. Being a triple changer, Blitzwing had no trouble bombing some trees in jet mode while using tank mode to clear out the ones that he couldn’t reach. As for Stockade, he used his blaster to destroy the tree trunks from the root, causing one to hit another and cause a domino effect of falling trees.

“Those foolish AutoNOTS aren’t gonna be able to stop this!” Blitzwing took to the skies again. “Take that, nature!”

Sunset and the girls all halted in place, watching the two Cons make their attack.

“Looks like we’d better hurry.” Sunset moved closer and hid behind a tree. “Take out the lower-level con first, then move on to Blitzwing.”

“Seems like Starscream’s now sending his own little minions to round up Cons.” Rainbow smirked. “Can’t he just do it himself?”

“Starscream isn’t fit to run a bakery, Rainbow,” said Rarity. “What makes you think he could possibly command the Decepticon horde?”

“Well… Megatron’s not around. He’s free to command everyone else. I’m only saying.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Let's talk about this later. We need to stop them before someone gets hurt. Autobots, let's Blitzwing them back into the Stockade!”

Pinkie Pie just facepalmed.

“Oh, COME. ON!” Sunset groaned. “Can’t I just have one good battle cry?!”

But before anyone could say anything else, Blitzwing drove his sharp jet’s tip right into Sunset’s back, before taking her high into the air and slamming her down on the earth. He then turned into tank mode and pointed the barrel at her face.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Optimus Prime…” Blitzwing chuckled. “Of all the times I’ve had to fight you, this was the weakest ambush you’ve done yet.”

“It may not be our best, but we still win in the aftermath!” Twilight retorted.

Blitzwing huffed. “Stockade… see that Bot there? That would be one of our former Cons. Show him what happens to those who betray the Decepticons.”

“By your command, master.” Stockade pulled out a hot burning stick used to mark cows. It had the Decepticon logo on it and he was about to put it right in Twilight’s eye when Rainbow just kicked Blitzwing away and flipped Stockade onto his backside.

“Attack!” Blitzwing hissed and turned into jet mode.

The girls and Decepticons were locked in a fast-paced battle that no human eye could keep track of. Rainbow Dash tried her hardest to keep up with Blitzwing while the others focused on Stockade, who was quick to turn into vehicle mode and outrun their attacks.

“I wish Sideswipe could move at Blurr’s speed,” Rainbow groaned, narrowly missing another hit with her fists.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stood for a moment and pulled out guns from their backs, ready to shoot.

“Ready, Fluttershy?” Pinkie grinned.

“You sure we can beat this guy?” Fluttershy asked. “He’s just one Decepticon, y’know. And there are seven of us.”

“Aww, it’ll be fine!” Pinkie booped Fluttershy’s nose.

The girls just opened fire on Stockade, but Blitzwing kicked up the ground and made a quick wall of earth for a few seconds, which fell back into the ground shortly after.

“Oh come on!” Rainbow groaned, positioning her gun. She pulled the trigger, but Blitzwing came charging at her, and threw a hard punch into her face, knocking her flat on her back. “Why are these suits so friggin heavy?! I could just use my magic and run rings around this guy!”

“We have to work with what we’ve got, Rainbow!” Sunset called back. “Just keep trying!”

“Look, I can see you’re out of practice, so I’m just gonna put you out of your miseries real quick.” Blitzwing turned back into transformer mode and charged up his cannons. Two massive beams of light slashed along the ground, causing explosions to burst up around the Rainbooms.

The girls were thrown all around in the air as the explosion went off, and as it did, Stockade and Blitzwing just transformed and left the scene while the girls suffered the attack.

Sunset groaned as she pulled herself up. “You know what… being a robot is a lot harder now. At least before it was easier.” She stretched her arms around, trying to loosen some of the rocks that fell into her pits.”

“Hey, I’m sure that the Autobots are having just as much problems as we are…” Applejack tried standing back up, but couldn’t move an inch.

The bots were all gathered around a barbecue, laughing as they fried up burgers, hot dogs, and shrimp. Outback manned the grill while the others sat around a picnic table outside.

“Man, I gotta hand it to the girls. I’m pretty jealous right about now.” Bumblebee took a big bite out of a burger. “This stuff’s pretty good!”

“Well there’s one other thing you forget, Bee.” Smallfoot said, leaning forward. “I’m a cyborg, remember? I live off of human food. But I am glad you all are enjoying what I enjoy every day.” Smallfoot just smiled as she laid back on a beach chair.

“Man, I kinda wish I was a cyborg like you, Smallfoot.” Sideswipe slid a hot dog into his mouth. “Thrr frrd hrrh hr ammmzng!”

Smallfoot let out a small scowl as she wiped some spit from her face. “Okay, first of all, when you eat, please don’t talk with food in your mouth. That’s gross. Also, chew with your mouth closed, I don’t need to be staring at the inside of Rainbow’s mouth.”

“Oh!” Sideswipe gulped the food down. “Sorry about that.”

“Hey it’s fine Sideswipe, don’t beat yourself up about it.” Smallfoot said, sipping a drink.

“I tell ya, I don’t think I’ve ever had a barbie in ever.” Outback took a shrimp from the grill and took a big bite out of it. “Now I know how the Australians feel when they they say throw a shrimp on the barbie.”

Highbrow took a bite from a burger as well, but he thought for a moment as he looked around.

“Hey, uh guys? This just occurred to me. Are we sure the girls would be… okay with this?” Highbrow asked.

“Why do you ask that?” Hound replied.

“Well, we don’t exactly know their diets, and I’m not sure how much this food will affect them.” Highbrow said, taking another sip of water.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, guys. We’re all just chilling. It’s what humans do, don’t they?” Hound smiled and slipped a shrimp into his mouth. “Plus, I’m sure the girls can manage putting on a few calories.”

Smallfoot blinked as he looked at Indigo/Hound. “Well I don’t know about you, but I’m only eating lightly because I don’t want to make my girl upset when she gets back in this body. If there’s one thing I know she wouldn’t want, it’s gaining a lot of weight.”

“You can feel free to finish whenever y’want, y’know.”

“Well, I’m going to at least play safe for a bit. This isn’t my body after all.” Smallfoot said.

“Speaking of which, how are the girls doing?” Optimus lifted a brow. “I’m sure they can succeed, but I still want to make sure.”

“Last I heard, they were doing alright.” Ironhide replied. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

“I agree. Rarity may be a fighter, but I’m positive she’ll know not to scratch my paint.” Knockout said, sipping some tea. “Ah… that is absolutely wonderful. Now I see why she loves it so much.”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Punch said, with a small gulp. “I hope…”

All of a sudden, a groundbridge opened up, and the Rainbooms all fell out the other side, covered in ashes and blaster marks. They all groaned and looked up at the Autobots as the portal behind them faded away.

Sunset breathed heavily. “I was wrong! Being in each other’s bodies is a lot harder than I thought!”

Rainbow then glanced up and she let out a scowl at Sideswipe. “Hey! What are you doing to my body?! You’re gonna get me fat and stretched out!”

“Yeah… I think it’s time to jet.” Sideswipe was about to run away, but Rainbow quickly caught him.

“Oh no you don’t, boy.” Rainbow crossed her arms. “You’re not getting away that easy.”

Sideswipe sighed. “Scrap.”

Rainbow shook her head. “I need to stay in shape for the game tomorrow, and putting burgers in my belly isn’t helping!”

Rarity groaned as she pulled herself up, and Knockout froze when he got a look at himself. There were now scratches and marks all over his finish. Worse, he noticed his right arm had one of the car doors removed.

“You… do you know how hard that is to replace?!” He spluttered.

Rarity gulped. “Oh no…”

Twilight sighed. “This is going to be harder than I thought…”

Author's Note:

Ooh, drama! :derpytongue2: