• Published 1st Jan 2016
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Equestria Girls Ghostbusters - Wildcard25

A ghost haunts CHS, and Sunset and her friends call upon their Princess friend who sends them experts in the field of supernatural, or rather their successors

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Ghostbusting Training

Once the Ghostbusters and the girls returned to Twilight's house, they went to her lab garage and laid out all the proton packs they brought with them, and several other ghost hunting tech.

Princess Twilight looked at the technology feeling nostalgic, "I remember when Egon and the others taught us how to use this tech. Now it's time I teach my friends here how to use it." she told the university students.

"So let's do it already." Eduardo said.

"Right." Garrett said, as he and the others turned their attention to the group of girls, "Ok, girls listen up. There's a ghost haunting your school, and we need additional help in catching it. So we need your full cooperation."

"Oki doki loki!" Pinkie answered with high spirits.

"Pinkie, this is serious." Kylie chided her.

"And I am serious. See my face." she gave her a forced serious expression.

Kylie didn't know if she was taking it seriously, but pressed on, "Right. Anyway for beginner ghostbusters you'll need to at least believe in UFO's, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster, and the theory of Atlantis."

Applejack gave her a dry expression, "No offense, Kylie, but after all the stuff we've dealt with before this ghost showed up. Believing in all that ain't gonna be a problem."

"Then let's move on." Eduardo said, as Roland held up the PKE meter.

"First off, this is the PKE meter, or Psychokinetic energy. We use this tool to track ghosts by reading their psychokinetic signature in the area."

"Sort of like my device here," Twilight showed them the object hanging around her neck, "When we first scoped out the school after the first attack, it detected an energy from some ectoplasm we found at the scene."

"Impressive work on this little gadget." Roland admitted, as the girl felt sheepish.

"Come on, Roland, moving on." Kylie reminded him.

"Oh, right," Roland replied, as the group and Princess Twilight each picked up a proton pack and strapped it on, "Here's one of the main tools we use when catching a ghost. The proton pack."

"Proton pack?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"How do they work?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

"I think it'd be easier to show you." Eduardo replied, as the others agreed.

"Slimer," Princess Twilight addressed, "A little help, please?"

"Yes, Princess." Slimer answered, as he flew out of the garage.

The five stepped outside the garage and aimed upward at Slimer before unleashing their proton streams. Slimer flew around mostly to dodge the blasts, as the girls observed in marvel.

"Whoa, nelly." Applejack gasped.

"Pretty, like fireworks." Pinkie said in amaze.

"This is amazing." Twilight gasped in awe.

The group shut off their packs, as Roland spoke, "The proton packs shoot a proton stream made of positively charged ions that counters the negative energy in a ghost."

"Looks awesome." Rainbow said, feeling eager to use one.

"But there's something very important you must know when using them." Roland explained.

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't cross the streams." he answered.

"Why what'll happen?" Applejack asked.

Princess Twilight spoke up, "In the words of Egon, try to imagine all life as you know stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light."

The girls were in shock upon hearing the affect, as both Twilight and Sunset Shimmer spoke simultaneously, "Total Protonic Reversal."

Princess Twilight and the Ghostbusters nodded, as Roland continued with Kylie holding up the trap, "Once we have the ghost subdued we use these traps to contain them. They're guaranteed to hold a ghost in place. Unless you count classes that go past ten, then it'd be really difficult to contain."

"After we've captured the ghosts in these traps we take them to HQ and lock them inside a storage facility." Kylie finished.

"Has any ever escaped?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, Dr. Spengler mentioned that there was a time where some ghosts got out and they had to recapture them." Kylie explained.

"And one ghost hitched a ride on another ghost they had to release." Eduardo added.

"Had to release?" Rarity wondered.

"Long story." Eduardo replied.

"So now that you know how our tech works, we need to teach you how to use them." Garrett said.

"Anyplace we can go that's less conspicuous?" Kylie inquired.

"I think I know a place." Rainbow Dash answered.

"Then lead the way." Roland said.

"Girls, grab a proton pack." Princess Twilight ordered.

So each girl grabbed a proton pack and strapped it on. Rarity groaned, "Not only does this clash with my outfit, but it's sure heavy."

"Quit your complaining. It ain't that heavy." Applejack said, as she strapped hers on.

"I feel a little nervous wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on my back." Twilight voiced her worries.

"Don't worry, we're gonna walk you through it. Now let's go." Garrett said, as they followed Rainbow Dash.

The athletic girl led the group to a building, where she picked the lock for the door allowing them to enter. They walked inside and stood inside an indoor gym.

"What is this place?" Eduardo asked.

"The old community center that closed years ago. These days it's mostly used for storage. I come here every so often to practice my basketball skills." Rainbow Dash explained.

"So you break in and enter?" Twilight asked, while crossing her arms.

"Don't be such a spoilsport, Twilight." Rainbow replied.

"It seems big enough to practice," Garrett said, as he surveyed the wide layout of the gym area, "Ok, girls, let's get to work."

"Yeah." the girls agreed.

And so the training began, with Princess Twilight and the Ghostbusters walking through the girls on how to properly use the equipment. Princess Twilight was helping her counterpart hold the proton gun tightly and aim it right. After a few tries, the science girl was finally able to hold it straight and not let it flail around.

Pinkie on the other hand was letting her proton gun fire it's beam all around, "WHEEE!" she cheered, as the others took cover, until Kylie turned the proton pack off, "Pinkie, remember the dangers of crossing the streams? Molecules in your body exploding? Remember that?!"

"Silly me. I guess I got caught up in the moment," Pinkie giggled, "Ok, I'm all good." she reactivated the pack and was aiming it steady and with care much to Kylie's shock.

Fluttershy was shaking as she tried to hold her proton gun still, as Eduardo was helping her, "Come on, Flutters, like this." he helped her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Eduardo. I just feel so nervous like what if I accidentally hit someone instead of the ghost?" she trembled

"Don't worry about it. Just relax and let me help you." Eduardo calmed her.

"Thank you, Eduardo. You really are a kind soul." Fluttershy smiled, as Eduardo felt flustered but shook it off.

"Forget about it." he replied, and continued to help her.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Sunset Shimmer were using their own proton packs perfectly, while zapping at some nearby practice dummies that were stocked in.

"Oh, yeah! I'm so awesome!" Rainbow pumped a fist up.

"Don't be getting ahead of yourself, R.D," Garrett spoke, "Cockiness will be your own undoing."

"Yeah. Remember the battle of the bands tournament." Applejack reminded her of the girls need to show off.

"Ok, you got me." she sighed.

"Still, you girls aren't doing bad at all." Roland admitted.

"It's really not so hard once you get used to it." Sunset Shimmer said, as she handled the proton pack like a charm.

"Easy for you to say." Rarity groaned, as she tried aiming her particle stream straight.

At it was getting late, Kylie spoke, "May have to call it for the night, guys."

"All right, girls, take five." Garrett ordered, and the girls sighed and powered down their packs.

"That was exhausting." Fluttershy panted.

"I know." Rarity agreed.

"Think we can go stop Grogar now?" Twilight asked.

"Well, you all seemed to have a handle on the packs, but I don't think it's wise to go after him while exhausted." Princess Twilight noticed they were tired.

"Yeah. I'm actually pooped." Pinkie yawned.

"I think a good night's sleep is what we need." Applejack suggested, and the girls agreed.

Eduardo suddenly realized something, "Hey, guys. You realize we got no place to stay, right?"

The other three and Princess Twilight realized it, "Oh, my gosh, you're right." the princess gasped.

"So now what do we do?" Kylie asked.

"Hey, no sweat, guys," Rainbow began, "You can bunk at my place. There's room to spare."

"Thanks, Rainbow." Roland said.

"Sounds good to me." Garrett agreed.

"Better than a dumpster." Eduardo admitted.

"How about it, Twilight?" Kylie asked the Princess.

"Actually, I was hoping I could stay the night at Rarity's," she turned to the fashion girl, "I hope you don't mind, but there is something I want to discuss with you."

"Oh, well. No trouble at all, darling." Rarity answered.


"Well, let's get going." Applejack said, as the group left the gymnasium.

Later at Rainbow's place, the four Ghostbusters were in the house making themselves at home, "So where are your parents?" Kylie asked.

"Out of town for a few days. Isn't it awesome they left me by myself?"

"Means they at least trust you enough." Roland answered.

"Come on, guys, let's hit the sack." Eduardo plopped on the couch and kicked his shoes off. When he put his feet up on the coffee table, Kylie gagged at the sight of his sock covered feet while holding her breath. Slimer giggled at her reaction.

At Rarity's, Princess Twilight was up in Rarity's room, as Rarity was showing the princess some sketches and designs of jumpsuits, in which the pony princess was giving her thoughts on. Later Rarity was at work sewing and putting together outfits, while Princess Twilight helped out as much as she could. When the two were finished, they turned in for the night.