
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Fic won second place · 10:48pm Nov 2nd, 2023

The story didn't perform super well, but it was still good enough to win second place in the Spooky, Cloppy contest. There were only about six entries in the contest, but still really cool for a story that I wrote at the last possible minute and submitted pass the deadline.


Well · 1:06am Nov 2nd, 2023

This is my lowest-performing story so far. I expected the premise to garner more traction, but I can't complain. It's still in the popular box, and apparently, it was featured for a brief period of time. It's whateves tho, I completely rushed it out, so I shouldn't expect it to perform well.

Consider this my technical return. I'll write more good shit in, say four to five months. All seriousness tho, I have several idea floating around, and I hope to write them soon.


I wrote a thing · 6:08am Nov 1st, 2023

[Adult story embed hidden]

Hey, remember when I wrote stuff? Yeah, I'm still doing that. If you like the things that I write then go read this new thing that I wrote! It's not on par with the usual content I prefer to write, but I decided to have at it an release something in time for Halloween. Literally conceived of this story last night and started it earlier today.

It has tiddies.

And ectoplasm!

Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results