
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

DayZ of our Lives Hiatus. · 11:23pm May 4th, 2015

Hey guys, just an announcement.

DayZ of our Lives is going to be going on Hiatus for a while.

After considering my options, I felt it's best to sit down and write as much as I can, when I can, and bring it back in force once completed.

Sorry for those readers who were looking forward to it, but this will allow overall better quality and story progression.

Report FlashFrame · 185 views ·

It took an extra week but... · 12:39am Apr 12th, 2015

New Chapter of DayZ of our Lives is up!

I hope those of you following me enjoy it. Keep me informed what you like, and what you don't. And while I might not change much in my vision, I AM open to feedback guys!

Thanks again for reading... and keep your eyes out for some other Cross Over stuff I have in the works staring our favorite Unicorn turned human!

Report FlashFrame · 168 views ·

New DayZ of our Lives chapter soon. · 3:50am Apr 5th, 2015

It's been a while since I posted. There's been some crazy stuff going on in regards to my job and all [ie I have no job now] so things have been difficult in many areas.

On the positive side, hopefully, now that I have a bit more, free time. I can finish up, and polish the next chapter of DZorL. And hopefully, for those of you following me, it'll be a chapter you like.

I just wanted you guy's to know, I'm not going to leave this story hanging if I can keep from it.

Report FlashFrame · 122 views ·

DayZ of our Lives · 1:15am Mar 12th, 2015

Hey guys.

To those of you following me, and curious as to when the next chapter of DayZ of our Lives will come out, I'm hoping to have it up and out by Friday March 20th.

There's some stuff going on IRL that's been distracting me from writing. But I WILL get a new chapter out as soon as I can. So hope for an update between tomorrow and next Friday. And uh, thanks for the patience.

Report FlashFrame · 176 views ·
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results