
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

An "I'm still alive" update · 10:05pm Dec 13th, 2016

Hello everyone guess who's not dead.

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Ideas for the future · 2:11am Dec 4th, 2016

Ok for the longest time I've wanted to do another Super sentai crossover fic set in the equestria girls universe. So what do you guys think if I took a ranger or two from my kyoryuger fic I do which takes please in the pony universe and made then different rangers in the other universe.


Slumps suck · 4:32am May 11th, 2016

If your wondering why it's been a long time since I've posted a new chapter of Ponï Zuden Sentai Kyoryuger, it's cause I've been in a slump. My job has been zapping my enargy and I haven't been feeling up to writing. I do have a few storys I want to start including another big crossover. I do have the new chapter in the works. I just don't know when it will come out. Here's hopeing your not hating me or think I pulled a MangaKamen and moved to YouTube. (No offense Manga sempi if your reading

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Next gen heros · 12:17am Nov 4th, 2015

If I were to do a special of "Ponï Zuden sentai Kyoryuger" involving the future team how would you guys think I should do it. I have the characters I just need a story.

This is still in the idea phase so the possibility of me just dropping this idea is still out there so if you got something good please share it. And it can take please in the Pony would or the EQG would.


Future project · 7:17pm Jan 13th, 2015

I know I'm on brake but I'm brainstorming what I might do after Ponï Zuden Sentai Kyoryuger. It will be based on the new sentai Ninninger and will take please in the EQG universe. Hears the line up

Aka Ninger-Soarin
Ao Ninger-Ticker
Ki Ninger-Neon Lights
Shiro Ninger-Aria Blaze
Momo Ninger-Cadence

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Shoud Discord be silver? · 4:37am Sep 22nd, 2014

This won't matter till way,way,way,way later in the story but. What do you guys think about Discord being Kyoreru Silver. Now this isn't writing in stone yet but I just thought of it today. It may be a perminit or it may a one time thing. All the rangers have been disided on but this is an idea I want your input on

Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results