Project ACES 167 members · 70 stories
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"Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.. Men and women who are trained from a young age to join their sacred ranks, or invited by them to join if showing great promise and what makes an Assassin. The Order of the Assassin's was established in the year A.D. 1120 to counter the Templar threat. As of recent times, the Templars are to my knowledge have been effectively wiped out. The Brotherhood had extensive networks throughout most, if not all nations on the planet. Training in assassinations and stealth are unparalleled, even compared to Cerberus, Black Ops units and some Splinter Cells. Today, there are only a handful of Assassins alive, they had the quality and skills. But the Templars had the numbers and money, wearing them down over the centuries." I quietly explained, my eyes closed as I lay on the bed. I opened them to the stunned and surprised looks from them at my knowledge of that.

I inspected what Orion had retrieved, a set of ancient Brotherhood Equipment, and a modern set. Although the ancient set had a blade, a decorated dagger.. The same one I had except mine was in far better shape. They watched as I silently reached behind my back, and pulled the blade free in a swift yank, bringing it in front, blade facing inwards. They eyed the dagger, seeing the Creed's emblem upon the blade.

"I got this from an Assassin, I killed him in a vicious hand-to-hand fight. This was way back during the Anean Continental War, during the military evacuation to Khesed Island. From what I gathered, he'd mistaken me for a Templar Major in the Airforce. Major John C. Hawkins if I recall correctly, the guy was killed by a 'mugger' in Ortara later on when we invaded the mainland." I flipped the blade around in my hand, playing with it as I spoke.

"The knowledge of the Order is from when 'Cerberus' was still a project with me and Tia. Known back then as, "Children of the Night" or better known as "Militaires Sans Frontieres" Which translated is "Soldiers Without Borders", before it became what it is now. I had weekly reports made on the group, and thats all I ever found and uncovered.. Other than fighting one, but that was his stupid mistake..

Pay no mind to the Battles you've won,
It'll take more than Speed and Skills,
It'll take a lot more than Rockets and Guns,
A helluva lot more than Machines and Blood,
As the hands of the many must join as one,
And together we'll slay Archangel.."

I finished coldly, since Strigon team had created that in response to my sayings and prayers in the battlespace. It always pained me to hear that, as my wingman usually had a response to each time he heard it, and that was so often, that each time it was said after he was killed.. I'd listen for a response that'll never come. I shut my eyes tightly at the painful memories, I sighed as I stopped playing with the blade, holding it by the point. I opened my eyes, looking deeply into Orions lilac eyes as I spoke.

"And that my dear, is what I know..."

Group Contributor

"And Exactly HOW do you know all this?" Cole demanded, rising. "And why the hell are you part of Cerberus?! The same organization is causing thousands of deaths on the Mainland as we speak!"
"That wasn't what Cerberus stood for!"
"Bull Shit. Your organization has caused pain and suffering to hundreds, if not thousands of lives! Both human and Pony! Don't believe me? Let's ask your friend, who was on the front lines in fighting your 'noble' Organization." He turned to the Marine, who was now looking on the floor. "Tell him Riley! Tell him what you saw during the raids on the Cerberus labs! Tell him about the human experimentation, the slavery they forced CHILDREN into in hopes of making humans susceptible to magic!" Not waiting for a reply, Cole whirled back on Archangel. "You've been gone a few years, so you've missed a bit. Like bombings in the streets, murders of veterans who denounced the organization, the midight kidnappings of children from their homes! All done by the great Cerberus organization in the name of advancing humanity."

Group Admin

[Revised 3:00AM]

My anger began to build as Cole berated me for Cerberus's actions, the organization that betrayed me, and what I, and the real Celestia created it for. I wasn't responisble for what they did and done, yet he blamed me. His anger from the earlier incident with Orion fueled his rage, I sat quietly, defending myself, but he continued.. And crossed the thin white line, denting the hold on my anger.

"Why don't you just go back to Cerberus, and continue the murders, tests, and war crimes!" Cole shouted, earning my first response in a few minutes of taking his insults and berating.

*Thwack-Thump!* I stood over Cole as he rolled around in pain, his nose bleeding as my anger began to show. My fist shaking as I struggled not to beat his face in.

"Tyler stop!" Amber ordered, but they would never understand..

"See, your no better than they are! If Anthony could see you now, he'd be fuckin' asha-" *THWACK-SMACK-THWAP!* I restrained myself as I delt him three fast heavy blows to the chest, he wheezed in pain as Riley, Amber and Orion stared in shock. I leaned down, grabbing him by the throat as I pinned him against the wall of Orions cabin.

"I'm done with your bullshit Cole, let me explain and force this into your thick skull, before I shatter it by beating you to death." I snarled, my voice cold and filled with venom, as I struggled to restrain my anger.

"You think I haven't seen the news, read the reports, and observe what they've done? I seen first-hand what they've done, but you can't seem to realize I have NO part of their operations today. And likely have no fucking clue what they did to me do you? No, you don't, but since you've gone down that road, I'll share it with you, and maybe, just maybe. You'll understand what I've gone through in part of the time I've been gone. Back three and a half years ago, I was summond by Celestia, the real one, to Canterlot. She had taken interest in my project, the project known as 'Soldiers Without Borders'. A organization created to respond to any military situation or natural crisis, fast and without hassle. The organization had no goverment, only me and Celestia. I soon surrendered my position opting instead to serve on the ground, in mud and blood. Only keeping a piece of my administrative power of the organization, I served in aid operations globally, seeing horrible things commited by warlords and corrupt goverments, and aiding in natural disasters and doing peacekeeping operations." His eyes looked into mine as I burned mine into his, my grip tighened on his neck.

"Thats when Celestia vanished for a week, without a fucking trace or even a notice. Only to return as strange as she left, and I noticed she seemed different, and began to act different. She was more aggressive, more harsh and brash. And began to take risks, and crossed the line where me, and ten of the most and well trained loyal soldiers, resigned. We were the best of what was Pre-Cerberus at the time, but she began to violate and ignore the very things the organization stood for.. Only, she didn't let us leave. She changed the organizations name to Cerberus, changed the overall mission for the organization, and took us prisoner. And made us the prime candidates for Project FOXHOUND, creation of the perfect soldier, who obeyed and did as he was commanded without question or thought, with maximum, deadly efficency." I paused as the horrible memories came flooding back, the pain...

"I still have nightmares, everytime I sleep, I see myself in that small cage, feeling the pain and agony I suffered there. The amount of Injections, surgerys, and forced training took its toll on us. And if we disobeyed? We were tortured, far worse than what we recieved on a daily basis. And I disobeyed for a long time... As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months.. Our numbers dwindled, from eleven total, to just one, and that was me. They destroyed ten men, trained in combat; their bodies broken, their minds gone! Yet, I survived, determined to live, to fight, and not to become a personal tool of war. I watched ten of my closest friends, suffer by torture and by science, as they painfully and slowly died. I planned my escape for months, and when that chance came, I took it. And delt a massive blow to the organizations project, I murdered the scientists responsible for our misery in those cages, and destroyed all the data and documents on the project. Leaving me, as the worlds only example of FOXHOUND..

After I escaped into the Equestrian wilderness, I cried in agonizing pain for days, because my body couldn't handle any food, as the food down that hellhole was purposely rotten, sawdust filled, and likely injected. My body rejected everything except water for twenty-six days, I lost a helluva lot of weight when that happened. Not to mention the amount of infected cuts, gashes and half-healed surgical incisions, those.. Those caused pain on levels you couldn't even imagine. When I finally reached help, they helped me recover.. Only to discover my body had been doing it already, at a enhanced rate compared to a normal human. And because of that, my body is covered in scars, eternal reminders of what I suffered." I could feel tears running down my cheeks as my mind recalled those times in hell with sharp, horrible clarity.

"And since then, I've done what I can to stop them from restarting FOXHOUND. But it seems they've moved on from super soldiers to magically enhanced humans, using plasmids and drugs to give them magical energy. And from what I discovered, those projects are a FAR CRY from what suffering nightmare I endured. But they slowly die after full-transformation, and because of the same brainwash shit I went through, they break and don't care, they only serve Cerberus, at any cost, including their lives. And if I didn't survive and destroy the data and documents on the project I was forced through. This war would have been lost by now, and the world in a far darker place. For my suffering and pain, I spared the world a far worse nightmare, one I now suffer.. So realize this Cole, I stopped being a part of that organization when they betrayed what it originally stood for, tortured me for months, and using me as a fucking test subject." I released him, and he slammed down hard onto the floor of Orions room, while let the tears fall freely, as my repressed memories, feelings, and emotions returned. Cole took the time to regain his breathing, Amber had tears in her eyes, looking beyond mortified by my story, Orion eyes watered as she looked at me in horror similar to Amber's. And Riley looked at me with great shock and horror, as he held Amber as she cried softly.

"Now.. I-If there are no objections, I-I'm going for a drink.." I mumbled softly and quietly, trying to hold back the sobs and cries I had buried for far too long. As I left her cabin, and headed for my quarters. I remembered someone left me a fully stocked mini-bar, enough to make sure I get flat drunk, and soften the pain. Until tomorrow at least..

Tonight is going to be a long, long night...
I decided to intro my own reference's, in addition to the already added ME3, AC3. Gotta have Metal Gear Solid..

Group Contributor

Once Archangel was gone, all was silent for a moment.
Riley glared at Cole.
"You're a fucking asshole, you know that?"
"Maybe so..." The pilot said, rising. "But at least we know he's not a Cerberus agent."
Talisman's jaw dropped,
"This was all to see if he was working for Cerberus?!"
"Not entirely," Cole admitted. "I had to vent some anger at the stupid SOB, but it took out two birds with one stone."
"Why the hell would you think he's not on our side?"
"We needed to make sure." Cole replied. "Admit it, one of our friends coming back from the dead all of a sudden, hearing he had ties to Cerberus, it was very suspicious."
"Well, I hope he passed your little 'test'." Talisman said, anger rising.
"He did. Had he just shrugged off my accusations, I would have been worried, But instead, he showed genuine hurt and sorrow when I brought it up."
Talisman walked up to Cole, then clocked the pilot right in the jaw.
Cole collapsed to the deck, out cold.
Talisman turned back to Riley,
"Let's go," She said quietly. "I want to hear the latest reports on Gracemeria."

Group Admin


Orion's feelings were varied. First, solace, upon knowing that the humans didn't know crap about the Brotherhood, then shock, as Archangel spouted facts like wildfire.

Then he pulled out the ceremonial knife. Her ceremonial knife. Orion realised with a gasp that it was him. She was torn. Her hoof itched for the knife so close.

Then the fight. Orion stood by, silently hoping that the both of them would kill each other. But then Archangel moved off, and Cole was left stunned on her floor.

She sighed. Looks like I have to do it after all... I have to be sure...

Orion quickly retrieved a bucket of cold water and took some amount of pleasure in dumping it on the pilot.

"Get out of my cabin and go buy a drink. We've got a long ways to go before we hit your mainlands."

The sopping wet pilot made his way out, and Orion was alone. Once again.

She quickly donned the white cloak and the olden weaponry, tugging along the other box.

She found him alone. In his bedroom. Quietly wasting away in drink. The light's were at ten percent. Good enough.

She slipped in unnoticed. Quickly jumping, she pulled herself up onto the rafters above the door, where the lights interfered and created a pool of darkness. Mustering her best voice, she began to whisper, throwing her voice to avoid direct detection.

"Archangel, Archangel."

The pilot was half drunk already. She could hear the confusion.

"Whus thar?" The pilot was looking around.

"It doesn't matter. Show me your blade." She ordered.

The pilot, not knowing what else to do, yanked out the Assassin's blade. Orion did a double take.

Her mark was clean, embedded into the hilt. It was covered last time she saw it, in her room.

"How did you acquire such a weapon?" She asked quietly.

"I killed the previous owner. Way back during the Anean Continental War, during the military evacuation to Khesed Island."

Orion breathed deeply. It is him... She remembered the tangle, way back then.

(Trying something new like Arch.)

Ponyville, the Summer Sun Celebration...

During the Continental war.

Luna's moon shone dimly over the night-sky as I perched high on the rooftop Ponyville Town Hall, one forehoof gripping the flag-pole on top, looking down at a bunch of festive, colorful lights down in the square below. My white and red hood billowed in the wind as I watched some fireworks go up into the sky and explode, raining down a shower of sparks and debris. Down below, the oblivious ponies cheered wildly at the sight.

I smiled and reached a hoof up, brushing a strand of my brown mane out of my face and back into my hood.

Sometimes, I wished that could be down there with them, living a normal life outside the Creed, but that was just a little filly's dream from long ago.

I watched as a white Unicorn, Vinyl Scratch, I thought her name was, start spinning some of that awful dubstep on her turntable. I slowly nodded with the beat. It was catchy.

But it wasn't the first time I'd been ordered to sit and listen to it. I'd often be asked by the Higher-Ups and my buddy Octavia to provide shadow security at these parties the Ponyvillians so loved to throw. The one called Pinkie Pie threw too many of these confounded parties for her own good.

But that night was to be different.

That night, I was not only providing security; it was an intel gathering mission. The Creed had heard that there was a very important figure passing through, and he was carrying sensitive material on the one we called "Archangel".

Mission? Kill the guy and get said intel. Then kill this "Archangel".

"All alone up here, Orion?" I turned to see another hooded figure approach. I didn't question her. After all, she was my best buddy.

"Octavia..." I spoke softly as I continued to look down at the festivities. I watched intently as another bunch of fireworks were launched into the air. As they exploded and the crowd cheered, I caught the white and red of another assassin standing next to me, looking down at the festivities as well. She was an Earth with a black mane. "Did the Uppers ask you to stand watch as well? Who's grabbing him?"

"Yep... Harmony is going to snatch him."

"I am not surprised..." I let go of the pole I was grasping and sat down on my haunches, holding a forehoof up to my face and, with a quick bending of my hoof, a knife extended out of my bracer. The trademark weapon of The Creed.

The hidden blade.

"It's just security... Cerberus ain't gonna send reinforcements..." I sighed, holding it up to the moonlight and letting the light bounce off the gleaming blade, "I don't understand their intentions at all...the need for three assassins for a snatch and dispatch just seems like..." I shrugged, "Overkill..."

Octavia turned her head towards me and shook her head, "Orion, they obviously knows something we don't..."

I sheathed the hidden blade by flicking my forehoof again and I put my hoof down, "You'd think they'd tell us..."

"Maybe..." She stretched and yawned. "Well, gotta get back to my post. The mark's coming. Hold the fort?"

I turned to her and smiled, brushing a strand of my mane out of my face again, "Don't worry about me...I've got things covered here..."

She nodded, silently turned around and leaped off into the night, low above rooftops so that no pony could see him.

I sighed, stood up, and resumed my last stance with one forehoof grasping the pole of Town Hall.

"I hate to admit it, but..." I gulped, "But Octavia is right...something does feel wrong..."

Down in the streets below, the festivities were in full swing. Ponies alike were eating delicious food, playing all manner of games, and just having fun. Little did they know the hooded man that was walking through the streets was being targeted.

The man wore a black cloak and hood and he glided through the crowds. Anypony watching this mysterious man could have sworn that he was glancing up at the rooftops every now and again.

"What the...?" I uttered as I stood up from my bored sitting position.

The figure caught my eye up on top of the Town Hall just a few moments after Octavia left. I narrowed my eyes as I watched him move. Suddenly he stopped as he entered the square below. In an instant, the figure snapped his neck upward and looked at me, eye to eye.

I gasped and fell backward as I saw underneath the figure's hood. He... matched the intelligence briefing's pictures.

"Archangel...?" I muttered to myself as I stumbled to my hooves and peered back over the edge of the building.

I gasped.

The hooded figure was gone.

I was not sure what to do at all. Part of me wanted to go warn my comrades on the other side of town, but the other part of me wanted to tail the man.

Finally, I made up my mind.

I scowled and stood up, running to the skylight above the Town Hall. I carefully and quietly opened the skylight and grasped the ledge with my forehooves, swinging down inside. I grasped the ledges beneath the skylight and glued myself to the wall. I was too high up for any Pegasi to see me, as they were all hovering down below, awaiting the arrival of the princess.

I quietly jumped out, landing in the middle of the road.

And unfortunately, in front of the man.

Archangel whirled around and snarled, "Assassin!"

"Indeed..." I said suavely, reaching back and drawing my dagger, holding it in my mouth. "Splendid job of revealing yourself to me earlier, by the way..." I smirked, "Saved me the trouble of flinging that hood off of your ugly head myself...

"You shall not live to see the sunrise, assassin!"

"I sincerely doubt that..." I smirked and readied my first attack.

Then, the box of fireworks I was standing next to exploded. The perfect distraction.

Next thing I knew, I was seeing stars and feeling a sharp pain on the back of my head as Archangel sprinted by me and slammed the heel of his hand onto the back of my head in the process.

I quickly recovered and winced in pain, rubbing my head.

As swiftly as I could, I picked up my dagger and sheathed it, and then leaped over the railing and landed in the middle of the ponies running around, screaming for safety.

Once outside, I looked around for the mark. I growled and narrowed my eyes when I saw the ruffian running through the market place.

"Oh NO, you don't!" I barked, pushing past several ponies that were still filing out of Town Hall. Immediately, Octavia and Harmony were by my side.

Then the idiot drew a gun. Firing wildly, he was aiming for me. I chased him along the streets, corralling him to the place where my friends lay in waiting.

Then, I saw Harmony. He was a good Assassin. Quiet, stealthy, and a sight to behold.

If you could spot him before he killed you, that is.

I skidded to a halt when I saw him leap off of the roof of the cottage on the outskirts of the forest, hidden blades on each forehoof extended. Archangel cried out in surprise, but it was too late. Harmony was upon him, landing on the man and lunging one of his hidden blades into his side.

I skidded to a halt on the outskirts and Octavia landed next to me with a smile on her face, "Oh, that Cerberus idiot is going to suffer now..."

"We should help him!" I shouted, and I started to step forward, but I felt Octavia's hoof on my shoulder.

"No...this is his fight, Orion..." She looked down at me from the spot where she was, "He is a Advanced Assassin. He'll be fine."

I slowly looked back to the fight. It was one-sided, with Harmony striking where Archangel wasn't defending.

"You will die now, Archangel. You've been a thorn in the Creed's side for a long time." Harmony drew his ceremonial dagger. His cutie mark was emblazoned on the hilt.

"Not likely. Assassin." With a quick swipe, Archangel hit Harmony. It wasn't deep, from what I could tell, but it did make Harmony lose his balance and his dagger.

"HARMONY!" I shouted, drawing my own dagger and tossing it to him.

It was with a good intention. But the Cerberus guy, he was pumped up on something. He picked it out of the air and stabbed Harmony.

Then darkness. Cerberus had in fact sent reinforcements.

Three day's later, I resigned from the Creed. With my dagger missing, I was not a true assassin. But now... Maybe I could gain another ally... If the Creed still exists...

Orion was still remembering, when Talisman came in, along with Riley and Cole. Unfortunately, Orion was too preoccupied with the memory, and did not react fast enough when the door opened and made the rafter shudder.

She fell ungracefully, rolling at the last minute to save it.

But now, she was in plain view of the four people. Just as she stood up, she was pinned again by Cole. The light dimmed even more as her airways were blocked.

"What are you doing here, you... you...?" He shouted into her face. Orion realised that in the dim light, she could not be properly identified with her hood on.

She couldn't speak, so she did the only thing she could do. Orion's hidden blade snapped out and poked Cole's arm. He retreated like a wounded animal, allowing her to breathe.

"I'm sorry, Cole." She leaped and made it to the safety of the air ducts, quickly disappearing from view.

Group Contributor

As they entered the room, Riley was stunned by the hooded figure. So much, he wasn't able to react before the hooded figure escaped
That's not possible....
I haven't seen that kind of cloak since....
(My turn)

Ponyville, the Summer Sun Celebration...

During the Continental war.

Seeing a city, even a small town like Ponyville, having a celebration in these dark times brought me happiness. The music was good, the locals were friendly, and the environment was upbeat. In all, it put me in a very good mood.
It helped ease my tension a bit.
"Helloooo, earth to Riley," My friend poked me. "You still with me?"
"Huh? Oh ya," I shook my head. "Sorry Phoenix."
The ARC Trooper shook his head.
"You need to calm down, nothing's going to happen."
"Says you."
"You don't think Archangel can take care of himself?"
"I know he can, but I just have a bad feeling..."
"You always have bad feelings."
"Am I not usually right?"
As the two humans walked through the Celebration, they made sure to keep a watchful eye. Humans had become accepted among their Equestrian friends, though some couldn't help but stare at the bi-pedal creatures.
But to all, they were just two humans enjoying themselves.'
No one would have suspected them of being two Cerberus Operatives.
They were so overt, they were covert.
"Hey, I think Vinyl's DJ'ing here." I said.
"Really? We should be sure to say hello later, I haven't seen her in ages."
"Me neither, we-"
I was cut off by the sounds of gunfire, as me an Phoenix looked at each other.
"Archangel." We said together.
We sprinted through the crowds toward the noises, and saw our friend fighting three cloaked figures.
"Assassins!" I snarled, as we moved towards them.
"HARMONY!" One of them shouted, throwing their fellow Assassin a knife.
Oh no you don't...
I reached out with my hand, even though I was a good hundred feet away. I furrowed my brow in concentration.
The knife froze in mid air for a second, just hovering there until Archangel grabbed it and stabbed the Assassin attacking him.
Phoenix and I drew our guns, helping to drive the other assassins back.
That was years ago....
When Orion had brought the Assassins up, he had decided to act dumb, and lie about knowing nothing.
It would be best if no one knew his own involvement with Cerberus, even his own wife.
That secret war between the Human Cerberus and the Equestrian Assassins had ended years ago, as far as he knew.
Well the Maker certainly has a sense of humor. First Cerberus is back, and know we have an Assassin on the ship?

Group Admin


I watched the scene play out before me as the intruder was tackled by Cole the Dipshit, but was quickly warded off by something, the low light making it impossible to identify the assailant as he disappeared into the Fortitudes ventilation ducts..

"You alright Cole?" Riley asked as he inspected the duct where the intruder disappeared into.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine, asshole jabbed me with something. It hurt like hell!" Cole whined, as he joined Riley.

I quickly put aside the drink as I walked over to my bunk and reached under it, an pulled an old foot locker stamped with the old badge of "Militaires Sans Frontieres" upon the lid, with the badly scratched out stamps and plates saying "Cerberus" upon them. My blood chilled at the though of what I was about to do, but it was necessary, we had a threat on board. And my friends were at risk.. Despite how much I currently 'disliked' one of them at the moment.

"Archangel..?" Amber began, but stopped at the sight of the suit I had pulled out. The CBES Prototype Combat Suit. The one-piece suit was worn underneath the users uniform and armor, enhancing their abilities by activating the implants, and acting as a muscle suit that increased the users performance based upon their.. Modifications... I stole it during my escape, and destroying a great deal of data on the suit, leaving them to start over, and come up with a new variant developed for their new special soldiers. The one I currently had, was the only one of its kind in existance. And was specially created for each soldier, and modified to enhance them to what the FOXHOUND program strived for.

The Supreme Warrior...

I quickly stripped and equipped the Black suit, wincing as painful pricks and jabs poked my body, activating the implants, and speeding my bodies natural functions and movements, including dissolving the booze in my system. My eyes snapped open as the drugs flooded my system, the pain increased greatly before dying as the pain-killers kicked in. I reached back into the locker, pulling out the old, and retired uniform of "Militaires Sans Frontieres". It was CADPAT pattern battle dress that still carried the patches of MSF, I dressed fast, equipping my vest and gear, and grabbing the old service rifle of the organization that had betrayed the Order. And likely, it was the last of its kind on the planet. Since I doubt they'ed use or keep a rifle of my design. I thought as I raised the C7A2 rifle with a foregrip, and a 3.4x Sight. pulling the charging handle back, and slamming it home with a satisfying *CHACK!* as I inserted a fresh magazine.

"Riley, alert Hawkeye and Orion, we have an intruder on board. We are to go to Secondary Alert, understood?" I explained, as I fitted one last piece of the uniform to my shoulders, one that was legend in Pre and Post Cerberus. My old unit patch, specially designed for each man in my unit based on their callsign, mine was Archangel Michael, leader of the "Archangels of War".. Before we were destroyed by the FOXHOUND program..

I didn't wait for a response as I approached Cole, and handed him the Creed's dagger. "Give it to Orion when you see her, tell her that her collection deserves a better piece than the damaged one she has." I told him, as I exited the room, and sprinted down the corridors.. The memory behind the dagger began as I thought of what the intruder asked me, as I began my hunt..
(Now Its my turn)
Ponyville, Equestria
A Week since War began between Emmeria and Estovakia...
Operation: Passchendaele

"HARMONY!" I glanced up as a dagger soared through the air towards me, only to softly glow as my squadmate slowed the dagger enough for me to grab, and stab my foe in the throat. he froze as the knife buried into his airway. His blue eyes looking into my brown eyes, as I softly spoke.

"Rest my foe, you have fought well.. I whispered, as he closed his eyes and passed on. I signaled to my teammates to approach as I eased the body down, gently laying him upon the ground. I glanced to the other two assassins, only to glimpse them escaping the scene and disappearing into the night.

"You alright there Commander? Bastard put up a fight eh?" Phoenix asked as he jogged up with Archangel Ariel, a member of my unit.

"I'm fine Corporal tis just a flesh wound, thanks for the assist Ariel." He nodded as I put the fleeing foes dagger into my sheath, and tossed my broken blade aside. The Brotherhood's bladed weapons greater than whatever MSF can ever create.

"Brother Michael, it has been an honor this evening. Even though the mission didn't go as planned." Ariel said, as I sadly smiled beneath my balaclava, our entire squad was required to have them. For security in case of capture, we wouldn't know the identity of our friends.

"I'm saddened by your resignation brother, but I know full well the war needs men. And I have high hopes you'll be one of the greatest marines that Emmeria will ever have." I said, watching him smile beneath his mask.

"Although I'll likely be resigning after the war, the organization as of late has been straying from the paths I had set when I aided in MSF's creation. Even the name change, it's all part of something bigger, but I can't find anything abnormal." I explained quietly as we made our exfiltration, slipping into the back streets, away from the scene of the fight.

"I heard, you and the rest of the unit too?" Ariel asked. I nodded, "Yes, we fight for peace, to help and protect those in need. But again, things are changing in the organization that concern me. But after de-briefing, I'm on leave to fight in the war aswell. My post in the Airforce can't be vacant for too long, even though they won't miss me much, but someone will notice eventually." I explained, as I remembered my brother back home.

"I understand, even the new research projects as of late has concerned me as well." Ariel said, I nodded. He was a volunteer for the Virtuous initiative, giving humans magical abilities. But it was slow going, and constantly running into major problems. Since they were trying to do it using natural and non-invasive techniques, nor anything that would harm the user. Eventually, reaching the stage of having a man, Ariel, being able to use magic, although not as powerful or effective as originally planned for. Calling for another program to be created, using surgery and science to do it.

Silence reigned once more hold as we quietly made our way out of the town, the guards on high alert after the incident near the square. But not trained well enough, nor experienced as us as we stealthily made our way west. We rounded a corner and approached our exfil point, a newly re-painted MSF guntruck now in Cerberus colours stood waiting, Archangel Raphael manning the HMG. And Archangel Gabriel behind the wheel.

"Brother Michael, how was the mission?" Asked Raphael, as we entered the vehicle.

"Botched Brother Raphael, Assassin's were waiting. I killed one, the others scattered." I explained, getting a grim nod from him as Gabriel started the truck, and drove us back to headquarters. I unsheathed the Brotherhood blade as we drove, the finely crafted dagger stunningly beautiful as it was deadly. A very nice prize indeed... Now.. To explain this failure to Celestia, what joy..
That was long, long ago.. I thought as my legs propelled me at breakneck speeds down the ships corridors as I looked for the intruder, flying past crewmen, pilots and security alike as I ran.

Group Contributor

As the three left to carry out Archangel's instructions, Riley stopped them.
"Hey Cole," He said. "Can you tell Orion what's going on when you see her?"
"Sure." Cole said, looking quizzical.
"And Talisman, can you tell Hawkeye?"
"What are you going to do?"
"I have an idea."
"What kind of an idea?"
"I'll tell you later." His wife gave him a worried look. "Just trust me, please."
Talisman bit her lower lip, but nodded.
The two left, and Riley went to his and Talisman's quarters. He locked the door, went into the bathroom, and locked that door as well.
He reached into one of his pockets, and slowly withdrew an object he never left home without.
An Eve Hypo
The blue liquid glowed inside the container, the source of Riley's one time "Magical" Powers.
Back before the Griffin Invasion, Cerberus had been very interested in finding a way to give humans magical abilities. They studied Unicorns, looking for any Catalysts that could help make Magical abilities possible.They found that Unicorns had an increased level of ADAM in their systems. ADAM was the building blocks of any DNA, and Cerberus started looking for ways to do the same in humans. They created what they called EVE, a natural substance that could help increase the ADAM in one's system by using ADAM and DNA transfused in a lab. It was supposed to be safe, but Cerberus would take no chances, they only gave the EVE to volunteers. Riley had been one of these few volunteers, and been one of the even fewer who's body accepted the EVE into their system. It was a success, somewhat. The EVE was incredibly expensive to produce, and the positive results were too little to go forward with without compromising the safety of subjects.
But that was something this new Cerberus didn't care about.
Riley stared at the needle for a moment.
The Eve inside wasn't nearly as powerful as the one's used by Cerberus operatives today, the best he could do with it was have telekinetic Abilities, but it was also much safer.
"Safer" being the ideal word. The Plasmid would still slowly kill him if he used it too much, but Riley hadn't used it since that night so long ago. By now, his genetics had returned to normal, nothing really special about it.
But now, with an assassin on the loose in the ship, he decided that he might need that edge again.
Swallowing hard, he took in a deep breath, let it out, then jammed the needle into his forearm, injecting it's contents into his bloodstream.
All of his muscles tensed and flared in pain, as he clenched his teeth in agony.
Suddenly he was thrusted back in time to the first day he had used the Plasmid.
The cushioned room... slamming himself against the wall in madness....
he could still hear the voice over the loudspeaker.
"Steady now! Your genetic code is being rewritten! Just hang on and everything will be fine!"
His breathing increased, as the pain continued, his mouth opened in a roar of sheer agony, as he crashed against the wall.
He couldn't tell if it was in the past or the present.
It didn't really matter.
The pain continued, crippling his body.
Then finally, it was gone.
He found himself in the corner of the bathroom, sitting on the floor.
The now empty hypo was laying a few feet away on the ground.
Riley reached out, concentrating.
The Hypo flew into his hand, and the Marine smiled.
Archangel Arial was back.
He slowly stood up, caught his breath, then started his own search for the Assassin.

Group Admin


My hunt has lead me to the crowded and filled mess hall, and the vents above showed signs of a possible intruder hiding there. But if he was there, he couldn't have picked a worse time to be in the mess hall.. With NCO's, NCM's, CO's and Brass, all of which digesting the grub that servicemen would call 'slop'. I studied the vents and ducts above, until someone clamped a hand on my shoulder.

"SOLDIER! Care to tell me why the hell you are in full combat battle dress, and carrying a loaded firearm? I should have you court-martialed for violation of regulations!" I turned and glared at the Captain who earned the attention of likely the entire mess upon us.

"Captain, you should learn to follow regulation of treating a Superior Officer. I, am Major Tyler Archangel Lynch, and there is a potential hostile aboard this ship, AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF A FUCKING CAPTAIN MAKES ME LOSE MY FOE!" I Snapped, as the intercom crackled to life.

"ALERT! ALL PERSONEL, WE ARE ON SECONDARY ALERT!, REPEAT SECONDARY ALERT, POTENTIAL HOSTILE SPOTTED!"As the intercom cutout, the warning lights activated, and the hundreds of men began to follow protocall.

I ignored the Captain and studied the ducts and vents once more, focusing upon them as I noticed subtle movements every few seconds. Unless there's two really obese rats fucking up there, that shouldn't be moving like that.. I observed, raising the rifle, and aiming at the supports of the duct. Now, if no-ones up there, that should hold with one gone. If someone IS there, they gonna have one helluva ride...


The rifle bucked into my shoulder just as I remembered as the 5.56mm Ball struck the support braces holding the duct up. The soldiers, Seamen, Airmen, Brass, human and pony alike stared at me like I was mad, but watched as the duct split and dumped a very dusty assassin down upon the ground, along with two.. Fat fucking rats.. Fucking. I smiled as the mess halls heavy security doors began to close.

"Surrender Assassin, you've no place to hide aboard this ship. Coming quietly will ensure you safety." I ordered as I stared into the obscured face of the pony, but I noticed a smile, one I've seen before... Those eyes...

But before I could act, he bolted left, dodging a snap-shot from my rifle as he slid beneath the heavy doors as they thwumped into place, locking down the mess hall. I frowned, I called over to another soldier, hoping to hear what I wanted.

"Hey, hey General! Can we open the doors from here?" I called out.

"Negitive, we have to wait for the bridge to over-ride them and open them from there. That'll take ten minutes at best." Shit.. Sorry boys.

"Clever bastard, very clever.." I mused, as soldiers stared at me. I jogged to the opposite end of the hall, my stupid plan would likely earn my an earful from Orion and Hawkeye later.. But the objective came first, and I'm not letting this bastard escape, not on my watch..

"Back away from the door, I'll open the fucker nice n' wide." I began to sprint, and bracing my body as I accelerated towards it, my muscles becoming more ridged and braced as I neared it, and at the final moment, I jumped into the heavy steel doors and braced for impact.


I slowly raised myself as my body screamed in agonizing pain, the drugs began to flood my system once more, and the pain disapated. But I knew better, I'm gonna feel THAT in the fucking mornin'. I mused as I inspected the corridors to my left, and right. Both empty, and both having the chance of leading towards, or away from my target. If I don't decide, I lose'em either way.. GAH Fuck it, left it is. I began to sprint left as men and ponies looked in shock at what remained of the heavy steel security doors.

As my feet struck the floor in a rapid pace as I scanned while running, my thoughts mulled over the assailants face. That smile, those eyes... Fuck, I've seen them before. I thought worriedly as I continued my search, and re-attaching my helmet. thinking upon the smile and eyes I saw somewhere before..

Group Admin


Orion gave herself half a second to breathe.

That's ten centimeter's of solid steel. Surely...


You got to be kidding me.

She saw the remnants of the door shift as Archangel... Lynch... tried to break out of it. Orion had maybe ten seconds to react.

So she jumped up again, lifting herself up to the piping. She held her breath.

Hope he doesn't look up... Reminder: Find an exterminator.

Luckily, Lynch moved off. Orion lowered herself to the deck.

"Stop right there, Criminal scum!" Orion turned to see her crew members all raising guns, pointing at her.

"Sorry boys, but..." She dropped the smoke bombs in her hoof, taking advantage of the ensuing chaos to slip back to the vents.

"All personnel, be on alert. Enemy has been reported to be able to climb through the ventilation system. Stand-by for emergency vent."

"Bugger." Orion began to gallop, building speed. An emergency vent would purge all the ventilators forcefully, by opening the vents to the outside elements. Her best bet was to keep speed before flying straight out on the winds.

The wind picked up, and Orion felt her hooves leave the ground. She opened her wings and did the one thing Pegasi were built to do.

She flew.

Walls whisked past at alarming speeds as Orion navigated the narrow vents. Slivers of the bright sky peeked through her number one problem.

The fan. Even though it spun at a leisurely ten kilometers an hour, if the blade even nicked her, she could perish.

She zoomed along on the wind, watching rats fly past a grim prequel for her own exit.

She scraped a protruding pipe. She cartwheeled, righting herself at MACH 1. Damn, no more mistakes.

Ten meters... eight... five... three... one... none.

She flipped through, fan shaving the last two centimeters of her tail off.

"Phew. Close." Orion said as she hovered outside the giant ship. She took a deep breath. She loved being able to fly normally, without a plane.

But it wasn't the time. She flew back to just outside her cabin, popping the window and clambering in. She moved to her bed, and slowly took off the Assassin gear, laying it onto her bed. She ran the shower, hoping to get the vent dust and rat poop smell out of her fur.

Just as she cycled the water, the door creaked.

Orion froze. Creaking door, equals somebody coming in, equals him or her being able to look at my bed, equals seeing my cloak, equals my cover blown.

She could only watch helplessly as the door opened even more.

(559666 Hey do you have Metal Gear Solid : Peace Walker? Cause I remember MSF being in that game.)

Group Contributor

The door opened.
"Hey Orion I-" Cole started. Then he stopped, his eyes widening. "Orion....."
Riley sprinted through the corridors, following the sounds.
I will find you, you son of a bitch
He thought.
You will NOT threaten my Wife and friends like that

Group Admin


"Forgive me, Cole." Orion drew out her last resort. A tiny dart, filled with amnesiac and anesthetic fluid, concocted with the venom of the crystal spiders from under Canterlot. Cole would pass out for maybe ten minutes and have no recollection of the past fifteen.

She cocked the dart and threw it with frightening precision.

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The dart flew from Orion's at alarming speeds,
But Cole would not be caught off guard a second time.
With the reflexes of a seasoned soldier, the pilot dived out of the dart's path. Coming up on a knee, he found his pistol in his hand. It was a well practiced move.
"Don't try that again!" He warned, aiming his gun.
Am I really threatening Orion?

Group Contributor

Western Usea, Human Mainland

The room was dimly lit, fitting for the group.

They were from every branch of the military; Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, though most were from one special forces or another.
Among the humans were several Equines, including the now fully healed Daring Do and Storm Chaser. The others were much like them, ponies who had wanted nothing to do with the Civil War, taking up residence in the Federation. Now however, their new home was being threatened, and they wanted to help.
Captain Phoenix entered the dark room.
"Good Morning everyone," He said. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas." A few humans responded.
"And Happy Hearth's Warming, of course."
The ponies smiled and nodded.
"Briefing Lieutenant Maynard?" Phoenix asked.
"Of course sir." The man had an obvious accent.
"Good news first mates, the World's in great shape." A holographic image of the globe appeared over the table. "We got a Civil War still raging in Equestria, Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic Forces, each fighting for territory. Currently the NLR is getting their asses kicked like us, but they're hanging on by a thread." The image changed again. "We've got Anarchy in Yuktabania, Government Loyalists against new rising rebels, and dozens of Nuclear Burst Missiles are at stake."
"Just another day at the Office."
"Here on the homefront, we're getting our asses handed to us left and right, the Solars are pushing out of Gracemeria and moving deeper into Emmeria. We thought we stopped the attacks of Estovakia, but they seemed to be countering every move we make."
"Cerberus gave the Solars the keys to every one of our locks." Phoenix said, hiding the rage he felt "Our radio frequencies, our drone controls, even our Satellite defense network."
"We're asking ISAF for help, but so far our requests have gone unanswered."
"And what's the bad news?"
"We have an assignment on Christmas." There was a few groans, but no one genuinely complained. "We'll be heading to the Solar Empire."
"Our mission?"
"Make life hell at homes. We won't let the Imperials sleep so long as they're on our damn soil!"

Group Admin


(It is Calamity, I am quite the fan of MGS and just lately started playing it again after buying the HD collection.)

My feelings welled up within, Orion... The Assassin from the botched Passhendaele Op? Why, why out of all my friends, of the people I hold close, its her.. I sighed as I slowly approached her cabin the door open as I peeked in, watching Cole dodge a dart, then recovering from his dodge to pull his sidearm on Orion..

"Don't try that again!" What have I done.. I took a deep breath, and braced myself for what I was about to do. I entered, rifle raised as I approached Cole.

"Arch? Oh thank the maker, Orion's the-"

*THWACK!* *thwump*

I screamed internally at myself for striking Cole with my rifle, but it needed to be done. I'm sorry Cole, I really am.. For all of this. I grabbed the dart from behind him, and jabbed it into his back, waiting for the drugs to administer before disposing the dart into the trash bin. My insides churned and burned at what I did, but thanks to me, my return and reveal has brought rifts between us all.. And now we need to be closer than ever to fight, and find the truths buried beneath the lies and cover-ups of war.

I looked up to Orion, she looked baffled by my actions, but held another dart in her hoof, ready to go.

"O-orion.. Go take a shower and clean up, I'll pack and hide your equipment, and call off the hounds.." I said softly, as I popped a piece of pipping from her cabin ceiling and placed it against Cole's head. That'll answer his question of what hit'em.. I thought sadly as I re-holstered his sidearm, and positioned his body appropiately.

I looked up to her gear, and quickly packed it away and dusting off any indications of recent use. But I caught myself as I placed it away, and glanced back at Cole. I no longer need it.. It belongs to its rightful owner. I slowly walked over, and removed the dagger off his belt. Giving it a quick inspection as I walked over to Orion, eyeing me as I approached, dart ready. But stopped as I twirled the blade around, handle facing her.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for everything.. It seems with my return, I've done nothing but hurt and harm my closest friends, while trying to do the exact opposite." I said, handing her the dagger while she looked up at me in shock. "I'm a fucking lab experiment, filled with implants, chemicals, drugs, metal enhancers and metal bone replacements. I can feel them beneath my skin, I'm nothing but a monster.. A slowly.. Dying.. Monster..." I finished quietly, walking out of her cabin and closing the bulkhead behind me. Leaving me with a K.O'ed Cole at my feet, looking like a piece of pipping struck him when leaving Orions cabin.

I looked away with guilt and pain, I'm a monster.. A fucking.. Monster. I clicked into the intercom and reported to the bridge, with the 'news'.

"Hawkeye, this is.. This is Archangel. Intruder has been neutralized, venting the ducts sliced his ass and sent him to the bottom of the sea. How copy.."

"Good copy Archangel, thanks for the update, bridge out." I clicked it off as I made my way back to my quarters, trying not to think of the idea of removing the suit... But knowing I had too, or speed up my clock even faster.. I just hope that they won't hear my screams...

Group Contributor

Riley was still running at full speed when the announcement came.
"This is Hawkeye, hostile down, we're all clear."
"That's just great..." He mumbled. The Eve was still in his system, and it wouldn't do any good for his to be walking around with that kind of power. He decided to head to an observation deck and wait for the crap to be purged from his bloodstream.
Talisman walked out of her and Riley's quarters, tears in her eyes.
An empty Eve Hypo was in her clenched fist.
She didn't want to believe it, but she knew it was the only answer. She couldn't face her husband, not yet. There was only one other person she could go to with a situation like this.

Group Admin


I stood in my cabin's lavatory, my nerves strained and stressed as I had my hands shakily balled tightly as I prepared to remove the suit, and suffer the removal and shutdown stages.. I took one last, deep ragged breath as I mumbled the command...

"CBES.. Dis-engage and.. Purge." Here it comes..

"Command Acknowledged... *beep* *beep* *PHSSSSSSHT!*

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAA!" My lungs burned, my stomach churned, my legs went laxed as I fell to the floor a sobbing mess as I fought back the urges to scream as the drugs were purged, and the implants turned off. But the pain... Oh god the fucking pain..

"BBBBBRRRRAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! FFFUUCCCKKKIIINNGG CCHRRRIISSSTT! OH GOD STOP PLEAAAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed once more as the needles and whatnot pulled from my skin, leaving me on the floor, a sobbing mess. I emptied the contents of my stomach upon the floor, the smell horrendous. But I realized too late, there's another...

"GGGRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAHA!" I breathed rapidly as I stripped off the sweat soaked suit, my body hardly responding as I tossed it aside. But my body was jello, I fell hard to the floor again, between the lavatory and my bunk, wearing just my shorts and my scars in full view and unable to stand. M-m-must.. R-reach.. I struggled shakily as I dragged my half responsive body to the bed, but had no strength to climb in. F-f-fuck it... F-floor w-will d-d-dooo.... I pulled a blanket down as my body began its cold stage, bringing my temperature down, and making me freeze and shiver as the implants and nano's final shutdown stage began...

Group Contributor

Talisman had been walking down the hall, when she heard the screams.
She immediately sprinted down the corridor, pounding on Archangel's door.
Riley had decided against going to the observation deck, wanting to get the Eve out of his system immediately.
He opted to go to a recreation room.The room that he was now it.
It hadn't been hard to clear the room, when a Lieutenant Colonel wanted to be alone, the soldiers let him be alone.
Now, he was playing a game of wallball with himself, using his telekinetic powers to catch and throw the ball back against the wall.
It made his body ache, the plasmid slightly damaging his body.
But it also helped purge the Adam from his system, so he decided to tolerate the pain as he strained his mind.
You're worse than inhuman....
He hurled it back
You're an abomination...
He clenched his teeth so hard his jaw started to hurt.
A pitiful defect...
He started pushing harder.
A failed science experiment in a lab!
The ball flew so hard, it punched through and made a dent.
He sat down, clenching his now throbbing arm.

Group Admin


(Made a change, FOXDIE is now FOXHOUND, while I use FOXDIE as the... Yeah just read and you'll see, the PLOT thickens!... Again)

December, 23 2013
17:34 Hundred Hours (5:34PM)
Ottawa, Capital of the Kingdom of Felis
Department of National Defence, DND
The Map Room...

In a large, well decorated conference room deep within the DND, sat four high ranking officials, the Prime Minister and a doctor. Vice-Admiral Paul Maddison of the Royal Felisian Navy, Lieutenant-General Naomi Hunter, Commander of the Felisian Army. Lieutenant-General Yvan Blondin of the Royal Felisian Air Force, FSIS or Felisian Security Intelligence Service Director Richard Fadden. Prime Minister Jack Bennett, and Doctor Hal Emmerich. The six were sitting around a table littered in charts, reports, documents, coffee that tasted like your ass, smoked cigars and cigarettes butts. The six had been reviewing the global situation, and from whats been learned, it wasn't good.

"So, whats the course of the Coalition Fleet?" Asked Bennett, taking a drink from a glass of long since gone warm whiskey.

"They're currently on course for Gracemeria, to aid in the re-capture and push the Solars from Emmerian and Estovakian soil. Those are the current orders at this time, they seem to be a day from arrival to the Area of Operations. Until then, the land forces will be on their own." Replied Maddison, who was smoking his pipe. A fitting Christmas present if I say so myself he thought quietly.

"Sir, if I may, it may be wise to send in the Royal Marines to aid the Emmerians in the re-capture of Gracemeria. They are the most well trained, and experienced force we can dispatch that has a chance of reaching the AO when the Fleets arrive." Stated Hunter, earning nods of agreement from the other military commanders.

"Do it, if they can be there and deploy as the fleets arrive, we have a large chance of liberating Gracemeria from the enemies grasp. But the Royal Marines won't be enough for later operations against the Solars.. I want the Royal Felisian Rifles, with a detachment of the Royal Felisian Horse Artillery and the Lord Strathcona's Horse Armoured Regiment to be deployed to Emmeria. They'll be late to the battle of Gracemeria, but will be invaluable for future offensives and operations on the Emmerian homeland." Bennett ordered, leaving Hunter signing orders and papers, handing them off to her liason.

"Prime Minister, now that has been addressed, we must address the Ascension Project. We've made a worrisome discovery.." Doctor Emmerich started, earning the attention of the entire group.

"What kind of.. 'Discovery' Hal?" Yvan asked, the worry visible on his face.

"We've discovered a issue concerning the nanomachines inside his body-" Hal began, but was cutoff.

"Nanomachines? Inside him and working!? How's that even possible! We've only started experimenting with the technology, yet he has them?" Questioned Fadden surprised by the nanotech inside the Pilot.

"Yes, he has nanomachines, but they play a big role in this issue. The nano's were designed to run in his body when activated, to help the implants and replacements run, and improve reactions, senses, sight, ect, at a cost... That they slowly degrade his internal organs over time, reducing his lifespan." Hal explained.

"We know that doctor, you told him that he'll likely die in his mid-forties." pointed out Naomi, looking more curious.

"Yes.. But we discovered something about FOXDIE, and its deadly..The FOXDIE virus enters macrophages in the target's bloodstream, then uses enzymes to attach to a DNA sequence that it has been "programmed" to recognize. Once the virus is attached to the DNA, the macrophage starts to produce the cytokine TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) epsilon. The TNF-epsilon is carried along with the blood, to the heart, where it binds to the TNF receptors, causing the myocardial cells to die. This programmed cell death is called apoptosis, which leads to the victim suffering a heart attack. Natural heart attacks occur when the heart cells die from lack of oxygen and sugar, usually caused by a blocked coronary artery.

Made by, and for Cerberus. It was meant, when activated to kill renegade soldiers, rogue units, deserters, etc who were injected by the retrovirus. It'll kill those targeted, while protecting non-targets from the harmful and deadly effects.. Lynch is the only living subject with FOXDIE alive, since when he escaped the FOXHOUND program, he destroyed the data, the trigger and killed the scientists on the program, preventing its production, use and activation in other soldiers.

But, due to the nano's breaking down his internals, the receptors of the FOXDIE are breaking down too. And the nanomachines are changing the eviroment within his body. As a result, the retrovirus is starting to mutate." He explained.

"..Meaning?" Asked Bennett, looking worriedly at Hal. Hal sighed and re-adjusted his glasses.

"... This mutated version of FOXDIE could activate, even if the infected persons genetic pattern dosn't perfectly match the receptors. Which means the virus will become indiscriminate about what targets it kills. Ever since his escape, FOXDIE has been breeding in the nanomachine colony inside his body and dispersing into the air. But with no means of activation, there haven't been any deaths. However if the receptors continue to wear down, it'll become a killer virus that'll attack untold numbers of people." Emmerich quietly stated, as the Prime Minister and his commanders stared in shock.

"We don't know what percentage the receptors have to break down, or how many people will be targeted when that happens." He continued, " But what is certain is that people will start catching FOXDIE through airborne transmission, starting with those closest to him. Then, one by one. They'll lose they're lives.. The part of the virus that distinguishes between individuals will breakdown in an unknown amount of time, we have yet to determine that, and require a few blood samples, and some other tests and samples taken. Those can, and will be done on the NLR Fortitude. And the results sent to my team, and then we can determine a timeframe, and inform him of this. And even then, we won't know how devestating the epidemic will be, whether 1% of the population will activate it, or that we all can." Hal finished, leaving the room dead silent.

"My God... He'll become a walking biological weapon.." Quietly stated Fadden.

"If it were up to me," added Hal solemnly. "He'd be quarantined by now."

"It's not over yet, they need him in the fight," Jack added, standing up and looking out the stained glass window.

"I know, but after the war..." Emmerich paused, looking for an easy way to explain the horrible, painful truth. He felt a tear streak down his face at the thought."..Simply, when the host dies, the virus dies. So when this war is over, and peace once again reigns over our world... Archangel.. Needs to die, so that we all can live..."

NLR Fortitude Ariel Warship
Archangels Cabin...

"Tyler!" I heard pounding against the door as Amber tried to enter, but there was no use. I'd locked the door to keep people out until the shutdown stages were complete. The Nano's got quite hot, and without cooling, would burn hot enough to burn me into a puddle of melted flesh. So suffering being very cold and frozen, I'd take that over becoming a puddle.

"I-I-i'm F-fine A-amber, I'll be o-out in a-a b-b-it." I chattered out, my teeth loudly proclaiming the opposite.

"No you're not, I heard the screaming! I'm coming in whether you like it or not!" She yelled, the pounding getting louder, and the jury-rigged wooden brace holding the door shut cracking from her attempts to open it.

Dammit, doesn't anyone respect personal privacy anymore? Fuck it, prepare for breach! I thought as I shivered and chattered on the floor as the wooden brace snapped loudly in two, revealing a very concerned Amber as she barged in, and rushed towards me and my freezing, fridgedly cold body.

Group Admin


Immediately after Lynch left, Orion pulled out her old Creed Computer. Let's see if the Creed's been busy since I left...

The Creed computer lay open before her, displaying all the Creed knew about FOXDIE, CBES and MSF.

It made for very interesting reading. Orion quickly learned about the Nanobots, and all things to be wary of in an Operative with the FOXDIE. She didn't want to properly read the entire article, simply opting to scan read.

Orion's highly trained ears could hear a pin drop in the middle of a sandstorm, so hearing Talisman scream from ten bulkheads away wasn't a problem.

No you're not, I heard the screaming! I'm coming in whether you like it or not!

Orion immediately leaped off her bed, the Creed computer sailing off to land on the deck. With no regard for the object, Orion stood on two legs and ran her way to the source of the sound, quickly securing a single hidden blade to her right foreleg. Going bipedal wasn't unfamiliar to Orion, with the use of hidden blades, but it did cause a lot of stares.

"It's Lynch's room..." She mumbled as she approached a crosswall, jumping up and pushing off to conserve speed. She remembered about the FOXDIE and the CBES.

"Orion to Medical. I want an emergency Crash team up on deck seven, room 114 ASAP. Prepare stress ties, make sure they're secure."

"Got it Commander!"

She skidded to a halt outside the room in question, shoving the door open. "Talisman! I heard the sc..." Orion trailed off. She could see Lynch suffering, and Talisman quietly crying.

She pushed past the woman. "Sorry, Talisman." Orion crouched and placed a hoof on Archangels head. "Damn hot... That'll be the Nano's..."

"Commander? The wounded?" Orion turned to see the medics peeking in the door.

"This one. Pack him up, cover in cooling packs and strap him down tightly. Change cooling packs regularly." Orion stood and resumed her four legged stance. She slowly pushed Talisman to the side, admitting the medics.

As they packed the shivering pilot, Orion felt a hand on her head. She looked up and saw Talisman holding what looked like an oversized syringe.

"Is that what you came to ask about?" Talisman nodded yes.

Orion considered. "I guess Riley would know about it. You should ask him."

"Should I?" Orion saw the same look of conflict in her eyes.

"If it makes you feel better, maybe I'll follow, give support?" She did the best she could.

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Talisman bit her lower lip,and nodded.
"But let me talk to him first." She said. Orion nodded, and then went down the hall.
"Corporal, where is LC Davis?" She asked a nearby Marine.
"He's in one of the recreation rooms on the lower deck ma'am." The man answered. "Says he wanted to be by himself."
"Of course he did..." She mumbled.
Cole felt groggy, the pain fogging up his mind.
What happenned...?
He removed the pipe from his head.
Did that thing hit me? Why can't I remember?
He looked around.
Why am I in Orion's room?
Riley continued to sit on the floor, hovering the ball with his mind, lost in thought.
"That's a new trick." The ball dropped, and Riley whirled around to see Talisman and Orion behind him. "I'm dissapointed you didn't do that at the wedding reception, you would have impressed many."
"Talisman, how did you-?"
She threw the hypo on the ground.
"You're terrible at hiding things. Especially from me."

Group Admin


I watched helplessly as they strapped me to a stretcher, and began to carry me towards the Medical Bay, slapping icepacks on many parts of my body as we went along. Huh.. I feel cold as fuck, yet I must be hot as hell to the touch..

I saw looks of concern from the crew and servicemen as I was carried along, looking at me with pity, which didn't help me, only made me feel worse.. And feeling like an icepop inside a deep freezer wasn't helping me worth a damn.

As I entered the Medical Bay on the stretcher, a swarm of nurses and doctors surrounded me. The doctors began to examine me, stethoscopes, thermometres, an IV.. All of which not needed, if they'd just listen to me, but instead telling me to 'save you're strengh, and rest.' before slapping the oxygen mask on me, forcing me to shutup..

Then came the barrage of tests, bloodwork, DNA samples, urine samples, skin tissue samples, etc.. Those all equally sucked ass. But hearing that Doctor Emmerich wanted a copy of the results was very concerning, and not being able to ask made it even worse.. But at least the rooms were 'festive' to say the least. The stick on holiday decorations and lights made it feel a bit better.

"Major? You have a call on the line, Doctor Emmerich for you.. He explained the situation about.. this. And I've seen fit to have you released, you passed the worst of it already from what he told me." A Doctor explained. I smiled as he disconected the IV and removed the oxygen lines, my body finished cooling a while ago.. I could only guess its been an hour or so since Orion called the CRASH team.

I walked with the good Doctor, and a phone sat waiting off the hook. He stood beside me as I picked it up and answered.

"Hal ya there?"

"Y-yes.. I'm here Tyler."

"Hal, whats wrong? You sound like shit." I bluntly stated.

"FOXDIE... We've made.. A discovery." His voice seemed to crack, as if he was on the verge of tears.

"H-hal.. Explain everything then, if its good or bad, I must know." Only if I knew, I listened for a while as he explained to me what he apparently told the Felisian heads of Military and State. I was a walking, talking biological doomsday device. That had even less time to live since the nanobot timeline was before the FOXDIE discovery..

"From the data we recieved from the tests from Foritiude.. We already have a rough calculation of the FOXDIE mutation span..." He paused, I listened and waited for a response I didn't want to hear,

"... You have a few months, tops." I felt like someone had hit me with a flatbed, A FEW MONTHS?! BEFORE I BECOME ARCHANGEL THE BIOBOMB!? I let the tears fall, my hopes crushed of having more time destroyed..

"H-hal.. Is there anything you can do? Anti-bodies, surgerys, another virus? A-anything?!" I begged, hoping for a miracle.

"No. Death of the host is the only way to kill the virus... Meaning-"

"I'd have to blow my brains out... To save the world..." I finished for him, I was barely standing, just wanting any piece of good news.

"C-correct.. I'm sending a copy of everything on FOXDIE to your Commander, Orion. She'll need to know as well." I just wanted to live, love and laugh... Now? I'm the walking killer of worlds...

"Thanks Hal... Call again once you have more of an exact count will you?"

"Of course, I'm truly sorry Tyler, for all of this."

"I know you are Hal.. I know..." I quietly replied, hanging up the phone and slumping down against the wall. My head buried in my arms as I wept...

Group Admin


The Doctor watched the weeping pilot with concern, any attempts to comfort him or move him to give him some privacy were meet with ignorance and resistance. He didn't even acknowledge their presence, or his fellow soldiers presence. they tried to speak to him, but Archangel waved them away, instead wrapping himself tighter in a blanket they gave him.

Whatever he just found out, just crushed his soul, and his heart... The Doctor thought sadly as he gathered the printed documents that were sent over, placed them within a file and quickly walked off, to find his Commander.

He stopped a high-ranking officer, and was told she was with a pilot named Talisman, and were heading for the recreational room to speak with Davis. The Doc smiled, I can kill two birds with one stone. Give these to Orion, and have Archangel's friends help him with whatever the hell is happening. He quickly increaced his pace towards the rec-room, unaware of the confrontation between Talisman and Riley...

Group Admin


The doctor took the chance to enter. Orion turned and ushered him out.

"Commander?" Orion had a worried look on her face.

"I'm sure everything is about to get a lot hotter in there. We'll leave them alone for now. Why did you come find me?" Orion whispered to the doctor, hoofing the control pad.

The doctor held out a thick file. "Here. The Felisians sent over a report. Very urgent, apparently."

Orion took the file. "And the second?" She slipped out a thinner file.

"Your injury report." Orion nodded her thanks and sent the doctor on his merry way.

Behind her, the closed door rang like a bell. Somebody is having fun... Orion hoofed it to the empty rest area next to the recreational room, pulled out a folding table and its accompanying chair. She took the sealed cup of coffee from the small kitchen, and sat down.

Orion opted to set aside the Felisian folder for now, and opened the smaller folder. She perused it's contents.

Medical file: #1117
Subject: Orion Featherwing, Commander

Injuries sustained:

Bullet wound.
Entry and exit clean.

Notes: Even though it punctured a lung, medical was able to stabilize it and replace the lung.
Recommendation: Bed rest She's fine.

Knife wounds.
Entry clean, Exit ugly.

Notes: Poison detected in blood test... Trance amounts of Cyanide, Heavy Iron and Strychnine detected. Not enough to kill her instantly, but certainly enough to declare her unfit for duty. Her movements may be exaggerated by the Strychnine, impaired by Cyanide and the Heavy Iron will kill her eventually. Tests show she has maybe thirty years to live if left untreated. Medical treatment on the Moon base is possible.
Recommendation: Unfit for flying duty. Will be fitted with poison suppressant. Requires major magical healing ASAP.

Doctor's note: Orion is a resilient SOAB. She recovered from nearly every thing the Griffons threw at her, but maybe this time she's met her match.

End file:

Doctor Tenderheart.

Orion's hooves started to shake as the medical report progressed on. Unfit for duty... Death... Orion reached for the cup of coffee with shaking arms. Instead of picking it up though, she unwillingly nudged it.

"Fuck..." I can't fly anymore... For the duration of this war...

Canterlot Tower. Solar Empire HQ.

The Primearch was alone with her most trusted Generals. All which brought bad news.

Celestia read through the battle reports. Each development brought a even bigger frown.

"Monolyth destroyed... We're losing Coronet... Major influx of reinforcements..." She mumbled, swapping between battle reports.

"With all due respect Princess, maybe it's time." One general noted.

"Are you nuts?! They aren't ready!" Another argued.

"Quiet, gentlemen... It is time." Celestia looked to the large screens to her front. She breathed a sigh.
"Ready the Arsenal Gear and the Aigion. Have them launch." Several Generals nodded and excused themselves.

In a quieter voice, she said: "Get me the H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. Orbital Satellite control room. Tell them to power up the last few satellites."

Group Admin


Becoming A Biological Weapon... And in four months.. I must die.... The thought bounced off the walls of my skull, reverberating each time. I zoned out for a while it seemed, weeping in the Medical Bay, but I'd recovered enough to start looking for Orion, Amber and Riley. If anything, they should be told of this from the source.

My wondering clad in a wrapped blanket lead me to the rec-room, only to find it was locked, and voices and noises coming from within. Must be having a disagreement, another thing I've done wrong. I walked on slightly, before coming upon Orion, shaking slightly and looking into space. I took note of my folder untouched, and another red folder with her name on it. This can't be any good, lets see if I can do one thing right.

I approached her quietly, pulling up a chair and sitting close beside her. She was completely zoned out, deep in thought, yet shaking. I unwrapped the blanket and drapped it around us, earning her attention. She remained silent, opting to stare at me. I ignored it for the moment, instead reading her medical, and sighing deeply at her 'denied for active duty' recommendation on the bottom. Really? Denied?.. Don't tell me she's going to let that stop her..

"Thirty years untreated.. And your twenty-seven?, same age as me... So fifty-seven is the 'death' date? About twelve years longer than my death date was..." I said quietly, barely above a whisper. "Yet, its treatable... But on the Moon base, and thats on the Moon.. You're lucky in one regard, you have a long time ahead of you. You can have children, a husband, and see the kids graduate and get married before the death date if you leave that untreated. Not to mention, thats only a recommendation, an opinion saying your unfit. To me, and everyone else, your fit for active duty. But me?.." I looked down at the massive folder stuffed with papers, charts, levels, etc. And took a ragged deep breath, knowing what came next would be painful.

"I'll never have the experiences of full love, marriage, kids, a real life. So far, its been war after war, conflict after conflict, and battle after battle... And add in the nightmare of MSF/Cerberus, and you have a life mostly revolving around war, death and pain. My old 'Death Date' as you'd call it, was in eighteen years. And that was a guess, I could die far before or a lil later than that. Because of the nanotech in me is slowly killing me... Now, I learn that FOXDIE is mutating.." I could feel tears once again streaming, "And in four months time, it'll become a killer airborne virus potentially killing millions.. And the only way to stop it, prevent its further mutation to that point?" I looked into her eyes while making a pistol with my hand, putting it to my head and pulling the 'trigger' while mouthing the words "Bang.." before dropping my hand and looking away.

"Yet.. I'm still going to fight, because if I die leaving the world in a worse place than I came into, I'd never forgive myself.. And I'll be damned if I don't find the real Celestia, and kill this imposter sonofabitch before I kill myself to let you guys live to see the sunrise." I finished looking down at the table, emotions sloshing within me.

Group Contributor


Fillydelphia Naval Base, Equestria

The truck approached the checkpoint. In it's cargo hold were a dozen large crates.
Though it was not any cargo the Solar Empire would want.
Driving were two Task Force 141 Operatives, wearing the colors of the Solar Army. They were somewhat nervous as they approached the gate, though they showed no indication on their faces.
The two gate guards looked at the pair of ponies at the front, and the driver smiled at the guards.
The two Lunar Infiltrators smiled back, then waved them through.
The truck pulled around to near the dock, the dark of night above them.
The two Earth Ponies got out and retrieved the crates. They opened them, revealing a dozen human commandos.
"Alright listen up," Phoenix whispered to the gathered group. "That sub over there has enough Cruise Missiles to level Coronet, and we're going to turn that firepower on the enemy. Team One, you're with me. We're going to take that sub. Team Two, go to the control tower and jam their communications."
Manehattan, Equestria

It had been a rocking party, one in which the crowd had been jamming all night.
Vinyl loved these parties, especially these ones that happened outside.
As she finished the final song, the crowd yelled and cheered, and Vinyl let out a small smile.
"Thank you Manehattan and goodnight!" She yelled, pressing down on a button on her control panel.
The two massive speakers on either side of her exploded, the EMP's hidden inside detonating
The crowd gasped and started screaming as everything went dark.
Vinyl suddenly found herself being forcibly hauled off the stage and dragged away.
When they finally let go, they were on the other side of the park.
"Geez Daring..." The unicorn grumbled, getting to her hooves. "Did you have to be so rough?"
"Sorry," The Archeologist said. "But we had to get you out of there ASAP."
"Ya, we may want to get out of heree before the firestorm starts," The other pony, Storm Chaser, said. "Here, take this." He handed Vinyl her Task Force 141 jacket, the symbol coloring matching her shades.
"Sweet," She said, putting it on. "Where we headed?"
"Ponyville," Daring said. "We have some sympathetic friends there that can help us."
"Captain!" One of the soldiers yelled. "Manehattan just went dark! All it's defenses are down."
"Alright," Phoenix said, stepping over the bodies of the sub crew. "Put in the Coordinates."
The team accessed the computer, tossing Phoenix one of the access keys.
"One! Two! Three! Turn!" The access panel flew open, and Phoenix hit the switch. "Missiles now firing!"
The Missiles flew across the dark night sky straight toward Manehattan.
With the power out, the city was defenseless against the attack.
The Missiles struck every military facility in the city. The Bases, the planes, the communication relays, and most importantly, the Naval Control station that was coordinating the fleet that was parked in Coronet Harbor.


Coronet, Human Mainland

"This is Admiral Daala, the enemy fleet is in disarray, now's our chance! Hit those Solars with everything we've got!"

The Battleships began to fire, the shells detonating on the Imperial ships.

"There! A breach in their formation! Red Squadron, move in!"
"Red Squadron moving in!"

The A-10's came roaring in, missiles blazing.

"Red Nine, Firing Anti-Ship Missile!"

"This is Admiral Daala, the Enemy fleet is striking their colors! All units Cease fire, cease fire!"

As the smoke from the fires rose into the sky, squadrons of fighters began to circle overhead. Soon, singing could be heard over the radio.
It was the Federation National Anthem

"O'er azure skies
And emerald plains
Where freedom and justice prevail
With courage and strength
We'll fight to the end
For liberty in our land!"


Comment posted by Setton deleted Dec 28th, 2012
Group Admin


I slowly rose up, leaving Orion with the blanket while I returned to my cabin, my speech firing a new found spark burning within me. And for the first time since I returned, I truly smiled with happiness. Hawkeye.. I'm truly, truly sorry for what I'm about to do. I increased my pace, jogging back to my cabin, thinking of an appropriate aircraft for the plan...


Many Hours Later, NLRSF Fortitudes Hanger Bay..

I grinned broadly at the beautiful white giant before me, re-decorated in my old squadron colours, and my first nose art design, the one I was known for.. It was a highly detailed sharks mouth, trailing 'blood' down the fuselage.. A beautiful sight indeed, upon my original aircraft. Her loadout was Air-to-Ground and Air-to-Ship, part of my 'first strike' plan. The paint took a few hours to-do, killing time until we were within range of Gracemaria. I was aware of the Operation, Operation: Blue Heart.. The retaking of Gracemeria this morning, Christmas morning. But the invasion was still a little while from starting, I on the hand, had different plans..

I suited up quickly, and mounted my war steed. And began start-up checklists as I was towed by a tug, closing the canopy as I entered the Mass Accelerator... I turned, aligning the F-15E with the tunnel as I gave a thumbs up, knowing in twenty seconds.. I could be in Gracemeria, or a ball of scrap floating in the sea. I hoped for the former...

I sighed, giving a snap salute as they began containment procedures, The chamber was literally buzzing with pure power, as electricity jumped and zapped from and to the jet from all angles. The tunnel shut behind me, and the tunnel began to flash as I throttled up to full power..

"Who gave the order for the Accelerator to be fired? Cancel immediately! The hell do you mean you can't? WHO THE FUCK IS IN THERE!?" Hawkeye roared, Sorry boss, but money and fame go a loooong way nowadays. I laughed happily, rising slighly off the deck and raising the gear.. As the massive cannon launched me forth, with a trumendous roar. Blasting me with great speed towards Gracemeria.

My home...My Nation.. I'm coming my darling.


Gracemeria AFB, 8:47 AM, December 25th, 2013...

"Sir! We have a high speed, high altitude object heading straight for the harbour!" Yelled a radar operator, as he tracked the incoming bogey. the distance it was covering and speed were immense, it'd be on them in seconds.

His supierior already had the line open, contacting the bases interceptors, giving them the orders to terminate the bogey if hostile. The radio operator grabbed the attention of everyone in the base command center, when a single voice came through all comms and channels, sending chills down their spines...

"May the Golden King smile upon me."


I de-accelerated over the Kings bridge with a mighty bang, I maintained the throttle as I turned flipped the comms to all, and began to sing loudly and proudly the old, outdated but very loved Royal Anthem across the airwaves. Strafing the sleeping Solar fleet in Gracemeria Bay while doing so. My fighter roaring over the sleeping city as I attacked the invaders of my home..

"God save great William our King,
Long live our Golden King,
God Save the King!
Send him victorious,
Happy and glorius,
Long to reign over us,
God Save the King.

O Lord, our God, arise,
Scatter his enemies,
And make them fall,
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks!
On him our hearts are fix't,
O save us all.

O grant him long to see
Friendship and unity,
Always increase:
May he his septre sway,
All loyal souls obey,
Join heart and voice, huzzah!
God save the King!"

Group Contributor

"How could you?!"
"You what? You lied to me for all this time!"
"I never lied to you!"
"I didn't! I just never told you everything!"
"Oh, so you just have been hiding from me! So much Fucking better!"
"I only wanted to protect you!"
"Protect me?!" Talisman had fury in her eyes, and.... sorrow.... Betrayal. That look alone was destroying Riley's heart. "You thought hiding things from me would protect me?!"
"You... You just wouldn't understand." He said quietly.
"Then make me understand." Talisman pleaded.
Riley hesitated, then sighed.
"Alright. I was young, and full of nationalistic pride...."
You know most of this part.
My mother was Gracemerian, but my father was a General from Usea, which was the Dominant Nation of the Federation at the time. Because of that, I was granted UHF citizenship, even though I was born and raised in Emmeria.
That was how I was able to enlist in the Federation Marines, which at that time offered much better training than Emmeria. That's how I was first stationed in Equestria, and how I first attracted the notice of Princess Celestia.
I was told about the "Soldiers without borders" idea.
How I could help save the world, protect the innocent, all that stuff.
And I joined. I believed in what it stood for.
Even when I volunteered for plasmid inductions, I thought it was for the betterment of humanity.
I never realized how wrong I was.
Even when I left to fight off the Estovakian invasion, I saw the signs.
I knew I would never return to Cerberus, but I never Imagined how bad it would get.
I enlisted back in the Emmerian Military.
And well, you know the rest

Group Admin


Orion was sitting in her room, reading through the Felisians folder, when she heard the cannon fire with a 'THUMP'.

Her Communicator began to vibrate. She stared at the screen for a moment, barely able to register the name on there. "Hawkeye"

She picked it up. "Hallow?"

"So... Um... Somebody used the Mass Accelerator."

"Really? Who?"

"Um... Archangel..."

Orion sighed. "Target?"

"Gracemeria, directly above the Solar's third fleet."

Orion sighed again and rolled her eyes. "Ugh. That idiot... Alright, keep me posted."

She closed the Communicator and lay spreadeagled on her bed. Who am I kidding...?

The hanger was quiet, only one plane as it's occupant, and it was a big one. The WarHawk was a heavily armed VTOL gunship/bomber, designed for slipping through atmospheres and delivering heavy weaponry as needed. The nose was adorned with the words: Ego Vos Proteget

And it only needed one pilot. Orion wore her trademark body suit and her V-helmet. She clambered into the cockpit of the WarHawk. The cockpit warmed and flashed once, activating all flight systems.

"Initiating pre-flight diagnostics. Forward Dual 50 mm Autocannons, check. Lateral 70 mm Turrets, check. Payload, check. Countermeasures, check. Main Thrusters. Check. Auxiliary Boosters. Check. All right, keying engines... now."

The WarHawk roared once, and then settled into a quiet background thrum. The computer double-checked, and gave a green light. Orion twitched her hooves and the WarHawk responded.

"WarHawk, engaging Mass Accelerator." The huge plane hovered into the maw, and it began to spin up. Orion, as an afterthought, darkened the canopy.

"What? Not a-freaking-gain. Shut down the cannon! Come on!"

Orion smiled, and gave the equestrian equivalent of a middle finger.

"Specter, Launch!"

Gracemeria AFB, 8:55 AM, December 25th, 2013.

Another one, sir! This one's bigger! The RADAR operator saw the blip streak over the screen.
"Again? It it a missile?" The Commander asked, having just scrambled the interceptors, which were now warming up on the runway.
"Unknown. Wait... What's it doing?"

The blip changed direction.

"Trace it!"
"No need sir." The RADAR operator said with a hushed voice.

The stallion turned with a haunted look.

"It's here."

Orion laughed as she exited supersonic speeds right over the Gracemerian Airbase.
Shouldn't have pinged me, bro. You dug your own grave.

Orion keyed the thrusters and settled into a hover. Her targeting system scanned the base, picking out targets and prioritising them. And right now, the top targets were Interceptors on the runway.

Tough luck, you chose the wrong side. The 50 mm Autocannons spun up and spat liquid lead, splattering the jets with a hailstorm. One plane collapsed and blew up, triggering a chain reaction as the rest of the planes blew with it.

An AA missile flew past the Gunship. Idiot. Orion tasked the left 70 mm to take out the offender.

And now for a finisher.

The belly of the Gunship opened, and true to its role, it began to rain small Guided Penetration Bombs. The bombs impacted on the runway, and turned it into so much rubble.

"My work here is done." Orion keyed the boosters and left the base after rendering it useless. "Computer, plot course for Gracemeria. Estimate time till arrival."

"Calculating... Estimated five minutes till arrival."

Orion leaned back into the seat. Five minutes, Arch. I'll be there soon...

Hay Ocean, 1000 KM off Emmerian border

WARNING, may get a BIT confusing

The NLR First, Fourth and Seventh fleet steamed on, hoping to reach land in time for the confrontation.

First: "First Fleet to Seventh Fleet. Any sign of the enemy?"
Seventh: "Seventh Fleet, nope. Seas are clear. Fourth Fleet?"
Fourth: "Fourth Fleet here. Same as the last few thousand klicks. Nothing but sea and..."
First: "Fourth Fleet? You're breaking up."
Seventh: "Fourth Fleet! Status report!"
First: "Seventh Fleet! Do you have visual?"
Seventh: "Negative, our sensors are down. We're sailing blind."
Seventh: "Fourth! Do you read me, Fourth? ... All life signs from Fourth Fleet just disappeared."
First: "Up the threat level, Seventh. We're under attack."
Seventh: "Aye, upping threat lev... Wait... What's that?"
First: "Advise engage evasive maneuvers, Seventh. It might be the Mech Fourth was talking about."
First: "Seventh! Respond!"
Arsenal Gear: "You're next."
First: "OH MY GO... *Static*"

(True MGS fans will know what happened to the First, Fourth and Seventh Fleet.)

Group Admin


From the city, it was an awe inspiring sight. Civilians who lived in the downtown and suburbs around the Bay watched as the battle raged before them. A single solid white fighter attacked the anchored occupation fleet, the first attack run detonating a supply ship, which ignited the heavy cruiser it was refueling. Starting a massive blaze, and filling the skies with black smoke. Making the White Fighter stand out even more in the morning sky, as people watched, and recorded the unfolding battle.

"...Hey DJ Zed here! It seems we have a prize fight unfolding over the bay, a single fighter taking on the enemy fleet in the harbour! Its hard to believe, yes, but it seems from the reports coming in, a legend has come back from the icy depths of the North Sea to deal steel rain down upon the enemy. Just as a hint to all you listeners around the country, and in the outskirts to who I speak of. From what we can see, the aircraft is snow white... Like an Angel."

Down in the harbour, aboard the warships. Things were chaotic and getting worse, the surprise attack had destroyed the command ship Celestial Fire, and killed the fleet commander. Leaving the fleet to scramble to their battlestations..

"Get the Duke of Yoke to get her AA and AAA suites online now! And down that hostile craft!"
"Sir! The Alton Castle has been holed, she's listing starboard!"
"I Don't care, use everything on that damned menace."
"The Arizona's magazine is ablaze, we can't control the fire, abandoning ship!"

A Missile fired from Archangel streaked towards an ammunition supply ship, tied up between the Mistwalker and the burning Arizona.. When the missile struck home, a massive detonation of munitions occured, blowing apart the Equestrian Flagships Arizona and Mistwalker in a massive fireball. And began billowing more thick, heavy black smoke into the skies...

I streaked across the downtown districts as the AA and AAA increased as they began to put up effective defences. The sounds of blaring air raid sirens, detonations and confusion of who's attacking were flooding the open radiowaves. The Solars were completely caught offguard, and delt a severe blow to their naval forces. Which would make the invasion that much easier.

I switched over to allied comms, and listened in to the forces as they approached the beachheads. I watched as the landing craft hit the beach, I came in on a west-to-east approached, and strafed the makeshift pillboxes and bunkers.

"Warlock is hitting the beach, move, move, move!"
"Alright Marines! Let show these lasses how REAL men fight, OORAH!"

As I listened in, a new voice spoke over the ground units.

"Damn, thats one helluva firestorm, Archangel you here?" Orion asked quietly, I smiled and responded saracstically. Although slightly miffed why'd she come and help my sorry ass. If I get killed, it's still a good thing for everyone else...

"Ahh Specter, what a pleasant surprise! I wasn't expecting you, so forgive the.. "Mess". But while your here, care to finish off the floating Rats in the livingroom? I did my best to sink'em, but ran out of Air-to-Rat missiles, you wouldn't happen to have anymore do you?" I chuckled loudly, "I swear this might just ruin our date, oh what will the neighboors say of us!" I laughed, hearing a groan from Orion made me laugh even harder.

I calmed down enough to do one more...

"What? Does this mean no sex now?"

Group Admin


Orion sighed explosively.

"What? Does this mean no sex now?"

Orion blanched. That dirty...

"One hurricane at a time, Boyfriend. One at a time. Maybe later, you can try to get me into bed."

Orion began to target the burning ships. Steel rain, mutherfuckas...

The four rotary missile racks within the WarHawk began to revolve, and spat out their loads of AGM missiles.

Group Admin


"One hurricane at a time, Boyfriend. One at a time. Maybe later, you can try to get me into bed."

I laughed, rolling the Eagle across the beaches as I provided CAS to the men in the sand. The 20mm shrieking loudly as she spit hot lead into the entrenched Solar positions.

"Sure Commander, maybe later we can crack open the hard stuff too, and grab a nice dinner together Eh?" I added playfully, climbing high and executing a tight split-S, bringing me on another attack run.

"Now now kids, remember to be safe, and always wear a condom!" Windhover chuckled, and I joined in. While Orion likely facepa-hoofed and/or sighed while we laughed it up.

"Thats good, whats your ETA guys?" I asked, putting my humor aside for a moment.

"Just a few minutes, I'd say five the max. Windhover stated.

"You know, all this sexual talk reminds me of that late night way back in San Loma.." Said Avalanche. I flushed, sighing loudly in embarrasment. Remembering that horrible night in detail..

"Bwahaha! That night?! The one with Talisman and Arch in the ammunition shed? Oh lord that was fucking hysterical!" Snake Pit chortled. Oh for fucks sake... I'm never going to live that down.

"Wait, what happened with Archangel and Talis-" Orion started, but I had other plans. Talisman would behead me if this started up again..

"NONONONO! We are NOT going there, and we are not having this conversation. Thats ancient history now Specter, nothing but a really, really bad memory.." I snapped, but.. It was too late.

"Oohohoho, yes, yes we are. The good mare asked nicely, and I intend to share." Avalanche stated happily. When we land Freddie, I'mma KICK YOUR FATASS!

"Down Arky, now spill Avalanche. What happened?" Orion ordered, God help us when Talisman hears of this again.. I thought as I kept strafing the beach, knocking out bunkers.

"Ok, when we were in San Loma awaiting further orders, one night Talisman and Archangel here went out and got FLAT fucking drunk. We paid no mind, they were just starting into that deeper piece of their relationship. But his brother Anthony wakes us a while later that night, and says he has a surprise for us. So Anthony leads us to the supply shed around the back, and there was Archangel, with Talisman. And.. And Arch's got his shirt off and he's working on this bra and he's tryin to get it off and all of a sudden Anthony just screams out "Tyler your a young man, don't do it!" And so Talisman hears this and she screams and she jumps up and she tries to get running out of the shed but she's still got this shirt over her head. She goes running right into the wall and knocks herself out.

So now Tyler's just so mad at us. He, he starts coming after us, but... but at the same time Talisman is over there unconscious. He's gotta wa... , wake her up. So he grabs her by a leg and he's drag, dragging her. At the same time he picks up a shovel. And he's coming after Anthony n' us, and Anthony's saying, "What are you trying to hit us for? We just did you a favor!" And so this makes Ty more angry. He tries to swing this thing, he loses the shovel, goes outta his grasp and hits a kerosene lantern; the thing explodes, the whole ammo shed almost goes up because of this thing!" Avalanche finishes laughing n' giggling heavily, along with Snake Pit, Orion, Windhover as I continued my attack runs, before flying off station to cool off, as my face burned hot and I felt flustered as my mind recollected that night in miserable detail.

Group Contributor

The suddenly suddenly stopped cold when Talisman's voice came over the radio.
"I am going to kill... ALL of you." She said coldly.
"Ya, back off guys," Riley said, his voice attempting to be stern, but it was obvious he was fighting from laughing to. After all, had been there too, and it HAD been pretty funny. "No need to bring that stuff up again."r
"Right, because it would be a shame if you all woke up tomorrow morning to find your beds were in the middle of the harbor..." Talisman warned.
"This is Quox Battalion," Riley said, his voice becoming serious. "We're five mikes out."
"Cole here," The pilot said. "All squadron are in the green. ETA: Two minutes."
Everfree Forest, Equestria

The Ancient Castle of the Royal Sisters was, well, ancient. It had much history behind it. It had one time been a magnificent Castle that rivaled even Canterlot. It had also been the site of the Nightmare Moon rebellion, where Celestia had banished the Wicked Mare to the Moon. A thousand years later, it was the location where the six Elements of Harmony had redeemed Luna.
And now it was a base for Task Force 141
Computer monitors filled the walls, soldiers both human and pony milled about.
"It sure was nice of Zecora to show us this place." Storm said.
"Indeed," Daring mused. "This is one of the few places we never got to look for artifacts in. We should remember to come back here when it's all over."
"At least Celestia would never think to look here for us."
"...And here we are." Phoenix said, showing Vinyl a small room that looked like a radio station.
"Aw Ya!" The Unicorn said, looking over all the equipment. "What frequency will we be taking?"
"One that spans both Equestria and the Human Mainland," Phoenix replied. "Here, it's spouting propaganda. Over in Gracemeria, it's a broadcast saying how life would be better under the Empire."
"And they won't be able to trace it?"
"Awesome." Vinyl started up the equipment.
"I'll leave you to it then." Phoenix said has he exited the room. Vinyl got ready, then took a deep breath.
I haven't done this since the Griffin invasion....
"Awwwww Yaaaaa!!!!" Vinyl said into the Microphone. "DJ PON-3 here! And this frequency now belongs to the Free Equestrian Radio Network! That's right everypony! Whether it's Griffins or Imperials, we got your back! We're also trasnmitting across all Coalition Armed Forces networks! Republic, Federation, and ISAF; we appreciate what you're doing for us!" She kept her voice upbeat and positive. "And if you're a human who's fighting on the Homefront, this song's for you! Beat them off your turf! Then make your way over here so we can kick the Imperials Asses together! Just like old times!"

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I calmed down when Talisman showed up, now it was my turn to laugh, but was cut short by radio interference.

"DJ PON-3 here! And this frequency now belongs to the Free Equestrian Radio Network! That's right everypony! Whether it's Griffins or Imperials, we got your back! We're also trasnmitting across all Coalition Armed Forces networks! Republic, Federation, and ISAF; we appreciate what you're doing for us! And if you're a human who's fighting on the Homefront, this song's for you! Beat them off your turf! Then make your way over here so we can kick the Imperials Asses together! Just like old times!"

The song that played was fitting to the carnage, but the joking had to be set aside, we still had a job to-do. And I still have to tell them all.. My time is short...

"Alright kids, lets leave the sexual innuendo and.. Tales.. For the bar later, since I have news to share with you all... And its not good either." I said solemly, my White Eagle streaking across the burning harbour in search of targets.

"What, that you and Specter ain't having first-date sex? We got that already." Avalanche chuckled while I groaned in annoyance, Orions sigh I faintly heard as well.

"I'm actually quite serious, the news I have... You'll need the drink." We all will...

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I could feel the concern from Talisman radiating through the microphone, I've done enough to know when she's worried as fuck.

"Talisman darling, I'll tell you, Mario n' Luigi's mentally retarded nephews, Snake Shit and Lieutenant Colonel Broke-Dick when we land-"

"HEY!" The four aforementioned idiots shouted simultaneously, cutting me off.

"Quiet kids, before I beat you four beyond stupid. But then again, you four couldn't be any stupider even if you tried. I knew I should've told your mothers to SWALLOW! Anyways it's about my life, and my remaining time. So now, lets re-focus our concern and attention back upon the men in the sand, especially my dipshit adopted marine who's also your husband. I'll cover the 2nd Royal Marines, Talisman you grab baby Riley's Battalion and make sure he doesn't shit himself. Specter honey, keep on doing what your doing sweetheart and don't forget the dishes. Snake Pit, watch the windows and give us a heads up on any uninvited guests, air, sea n' land. While Avalanche n' Windhover, you two provide CAS-n-CAP on demand got it? Good. Let's get it done kids and show these cocksuckers the front-fucking-door!" I levelled myself above the beaches, and got myself on a good vector while flipping the master arms 'ON'.

Lets see how they like the smell of Napalm in the mornin'

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Specter honey, keep on doing what your doing sweetheart and don't forget the dishes.

"I'll fucking show you the dishes... In fact, I'll show you to an abandoned Ammo shack and a kerosene lamp..." Orion released flares to fox an Aegis Cruiser.

"Fortitude is on station, ready to launch reinforcements." Orion sighed in relief.

"Fortitude, release locks on the Commandos. Give them everything, tanks, APC's, air support, everything. We're weeding out the Solars."

Roger that, we have the First, Second and Third Battalion in the tube. They are ten mikes out.

Orion raised the WarHawk to a high position, and unlocked the Railgun turrets attachment for the 70 mm side cannons.

"All Allied troops on the ground, I'm uploading a targeting solution to your HUD. You'll be able to call down heavy strikes with your tertiary weapons now, so light up any REALLY dug in Solars and I'll light them up. But stay outta range. These babies are very indiscriminate in killing." Orion smiled and fired one off.

Down in the bay, a battleship jumped ten meters into the air and cracked into two.

Celestia waited patiently as the lift descended into a hundred meters of solid concrete underground. She walked into the dingy tunnel, a small light swinging on the roof, barely able to illuminate the words: H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. Fire Control Center.

The computers came online once they detected the monarch, giving her control over several satellites. She noted with satisfaction that each country could be targeted by at least one satellite.

Oh yes, my little ponies. Who should I destroy first...? Celestia thought as she laughed evilly.

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"Ohhhhh that guy has a death wish!" Cole growled.
"Both of you shut up," Riley said. "What are you, teenagers?!"

"Talisman you grab baby Riley's Battalion and make sure he doesn't shit himself."



"Federation ships, move in! Secure the Harbor!"

The massive fleets began opening fire, annihilating anything and everything in their path.

"GhostEye to all Ground Forces, we have Four Soviet-Class Dreadnaughts on standby. Give Coordinates and they'll bring the rain."

Right outside the docks, the four Estovakian vessels floated. At one time, they had been in Gracemeria on a mission of conquest. Now, they were here to help the Liberation.

"Are you prepared to fight comrades?"


"Are you sure this is the right way Colonel?" A marine asked.
"Of course,I know these streets like the back of my hand!" Riley answered.
I should, I use to play on these blocks when I was a kid...
"Should be just a few streets more..."
"Enemy armor!" Another soldier shouted.
Ahead, three enemy tanks were sitting on the street.
"Hold on boys, I'm coming in hot. Heads down."
An F-15 came roaring in.
"Garuda One, Fox Three!"
The missiles impacted with the tanks, destroying each one in turn.
"You're all clear honey."
"Thanks, and for the record Tals," He said with a sly smile. "You're ALWAYS coming in hot!"
Every marine around him facepalmed themselves

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"Riley.. Thats was beyond the fucking corniest thing I've EVER heard." I mumbled, my Eagle flying towards the beach from the sea, my.. Firey payload ready to drop.

"It was not!" Talisman shot back, trying to defend Riley.

"Talisman, I agree with the Demon of the North, White Death, or The Ghost of Gracemeria, whatever they call Archangel nowadays. That, was corny as hell. And as bad as the time he attempted to get a one-night-stand. Remember Arky? "Hey baby, wanna fuck?"" Avalanche said, making me chuckle at the memory.

"I'm gonna stop this one here before it gets any worse, because this one I have to drink too, and I'd rather do so with being able to see Riley's suffering." I dropped the two 1,000Lbs MK 79's down upon the entrenched Solar gun positions as they fired upon the men in the sand.. They struck directly upon the enemy positions and detonated, spraying burning napalm gel across a large area. And igniting everything and anything in their path, including the unlucky bastards in the open..

"Good hit good hit! Repeat, good hit Angel One!" I was stunned, Angel One was my old callsign when I still had a wingman. But it was changed to my nickname to ease the pain of losing my wingman, my brother. But hearing it again brought pride.It's been long enough, if these are my final weeks, the colours and names should be worn n' used proudly. For Anthony.

"... Ark-" Talisman began, but I cut her off.

"Copy Hammerstrike, Angel One leaving station and RTB. Windhover is now on station, Angel One out." I banked the empty F-15E hard, and began flying full power towards the Fortitude for replenishment.

"Hurry back soon, we don't want you to miss your dinner date. Orion's making Chicken-Rice Dish, your favorite~." Cole added suggestively. Orion's likely going to kill him, me, Avalanche and Windhover for all of that..

I ignored Cole as I flew away from the AO, towards the Forrtitude offshore. "Fortitude control, prepare my backup aircraft. Have her RTG when I arrive. I'm bingo fuel, and weapons dry." I spoke forcefully, my chest aching suddenly. Damn suit side-effects, go-way!

"Copy Angel One, hanger two is green, you have the ball." The controller replied.

"Roger, I have the ball hanger two." Wait, who the hell is arriving? A helicopter with THAT much cover is never a good thing.. I observed, as a sleek black VH-1N entered hanger one, with AH-1Z Viper's and AH-64 Apache's as top cover. Must be politicians, or more top brass.. Even then not THAT much security would be needed.. Why can't I shake the bad feeling about this?

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Hurry back soon, we don't want you to miss your dinner date. Orion's making Chicken-Rice Dish, your favorite~.

Orion shuddered in her cockpit. "Ugh, you monster. Just cause I'm vegetarian doesn't mean you should insult me. I'm a PONY, for fucks sake! But you're right about the date thingy." Orion took certain pleasure in seeing Cole's F-22 drop several meters in shock.

"How do you prepare meat for yer carnivorous soldiers, then?" One of the pilots asked her.

"We leave it to the Griffin cooks." Orion replied as she let loose her Railgun, blowing a Solar tank formation to bits. "You're clear. Move up!"

Suddenly, several F-22's with enemy colors buzzed past her. "Damn... Specter, requesting assistance with some Fast-movers!"

She pulled the Gunship into a steep dive.

Skybolt sat at the gunner seat of a specially modified M1A2 Abrams tank, which sported a THEL turret instead of a standard shell launcher. Right now, they were maneuvering through the tight streets of Gracemeria, trying to find the stupid NLOS cannons which were shooting at the human allies landing on the beaches.

"Earthmover one to Earthmover squad, any luck so far?" He radioed the two other specially modified tanks behind his. NLR commando's moved on foot, warily scanning the buildings as the three tanks traveled down the road.

"Earthmover two, no dice. We're switching to take out the AA missile systems, over."
"Earthmover three, I can spot their trails, but getting to them is a nightmare. We're about two blocks behind from your current position, copy?"

"Solid copy, Earthmover two and three. Two, break formation and destroy the AA. We'll need the air support. Three, close up and keep your head on a swivel."

"Earthmover, this is Miller unit. What's taking so long with those NLOS cannons? We're getting ripped apart here!" The rest of the NLR forces had stayed back, half staying on the landlocked side of Gracemeria, while the other half traveled around the circumference of Gracemeria to lend support to the Collated human forces trying to take the beaches.

"Sorry, Miller, Earthmover ain't got a bead. We're so close to it, give us two minutes."


Just then, the two tanks rolled around the corner and ended up in a park.

With the ten NLOS artillery cannons, all arrayed in front of them.

"Open season, Earthmover!" The tank shuddered as the laser discharged, turning one cannon into so much molten steel.

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The F-15E hit the deck hard, slowing to a stop a good distance down the deck. The hanger was in controlled chaos, men and machines moving, loading and being launched from the catapults into the skies towards Gracemeria. I was hurridly guided to a parking space on the chaotic flight deck by one haggard looking Aircraft Director. He ran off as I began shutdown proceedures, with the amount of times I've fully shutdown an F-15, that was likely one of the fastest shutdowns I've done. I opened the canopy and quickly climbed out, doing one last check before leaving her. With the amount of aluminum moving around in here, the time they fully re-fuel and re-arm my bird, the battle would be almost over.

I sprinted my way to the Aircraft Handling Officer, my legs pounding hard against the deck as I ran. My chest pains fading slightly before landing, but still there.

" *Whisle* Hey!" I called out, catching up with him. "Where's my backup aircraft?" he shook his head.

"Sorry sir, had to give it to another pilot. had mission critical objectives in western Gracemeria, sector 5. And besides, you have high profile guests waiting for you on the bridge." Goddammit.. I knew this wasn't good. "I would've had to tell you no then too, make your way up there. And try to look presentable, with the amount of high-polish brass and security up there. I doubt they have anything good planned for you Colonel" My mind went mush for a moment, hoping I heard that correctly.

"C-come again?" No.. No way.. The AHO smiled, giving me a quick salute. Holy hell, he's not joking.

"An early congratulations sir, overheard the news while I was filling out papers." Heheh, looks like I still outrank you in the end Riley. But then again.. Why promote me? Especially now with only a few months left.. Something very big is on the horizon, and I'm playing a role it seems..

"Major Lynch, report to the bridge.. Major Lynch, report to the bridge.." The intercoms boomed through the hangers, I looked back down at the AHO.

"Well, can you tell me who's here at least?" He shook his head once more.

"Sorry Sir, with the nature of this visit, they want to keep it secret a little longer. But I will tell you this much, watch your manners and brush up on some class." And with that, he walked off to do his duties. Leaving me to wonder as I made my way to the Fortitudes Bridge. Well, the VH-1N is unmarked.. That doesn't help worth a damn, and the escorts are NLR and Emmerian.. Which means lots of Brass... And some very special VIP's.. Lucky-fucking-me. I thought as I entered the ship, making my way to Riley's cabin. Don't kill me Rilio, just one more time.. And this time, I won't ruin it.

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I stood before the lavatory mirror in Riley & Ambers cabin, making sure the uniform fit well and wasn't wrinkled. Riley and I shared almost the same sizes in clothes, making situations like this common.. At least back during the Anean War. Their were a few times were my clothes were unavalible, in this case, I have no spare clothes. My fast deployment making my personal effects to be sent later, which has been delayed since my arrival a few days prior. But there was an issue with me 'borrowing' his uniforms, off-duty wear and dress uniforms from time to time...

He's a Lieutenant Colonel in the Republic of Emmeria Marine Corps.. And I'm an Republic of Emmeria Air Force Major-now-Colonel.. Two VERY distinctive and different branches of the Armed Forces, and two VERY different colour scheme's.

Not to mention the LAST time I borrowed his dress uniform, Amber n' I.. 'stained' it. I wonder how angry he'll be if I borrowed this again?... Nah, he wouldn't be that angry, if he is, I can just order him to be quiet. But hot damn.. Do I EVER look smashingly sexy, heheh. Talisman may be.. Distracted to say the least, she always liked how I looked in a Marine Dress Uniform. Air Force has nothing on the Marines in the Dress department. I smiled as I slid on the white gloves, and replaced his markings and rank with my own. Now, last but not least that damned hat, must be in the closet.

I took one last overview of the Dress Uniform as I left the lavatory, striding towards their closet in search of his white cap. The room was tidy enough, some of my lessons actually remained with him after I disappeared. I glanced at a wedding photo on the dresser, beside one of me and Talisman. I knew he was good for Talisman and I only need to look at him to see that. I stepped in front of the closet.. Good Mother of God was all I could think of while opening that closet, my jaw dropping looking at the hangers and cubbiholes stuffed with...

Lingeries!?.. Holy hell that's a lot, how many do you own Amber!? Hot damn, you treat that boy WAY too fucking nicely for his own damn good. Oh.. There's the cap. I reached and dumped a pile of lace, satin, and silk lingeries onto the floor as I brushed off the white cap. And fitted it to my head, a deep blush burning my cheeks while doing so.

heheh, there's a gag gift. A skimpy lingerie for Talisman, and a condom for Riley! But then again, I really need to get them, Orion, and the others something nice for Chistmas, heartwarming, whatever.. Since this is my last one I'll get to enjoy.. I sadly smiled as I left his room, making my way to the bridge to meet the Top Brass and the special guests aboard the NLRSF Fortitude's Command Deck.

the halls were bustling with activity as I marched towards the bridge, my nervousness increasing as I approached. But I stomached it as I stopped at the double doors to the bridge, taking a second to collect my nerves before entering and closing the doors behind me. With a solid thunk, they shut behind me. I looked around, I saw no Brass or any political guests standing on the bridge. Just a annoyed, agitated and nervous looking Hawkeye on the Command dias. I approached him with some caution.

"Rear-Admiral Hawkeye, Major Lynch reporting as ordered Sir!" I snapped to attention, saluting him incase the guests were watching. He looked over and returned my salute, and simply pointed towards the conference room behind him.

"At ease Major, your guests are waiting in the briefing room.. Why are you wearing Riley's dress uniform?"

"Sir, my personal effects have yet to arrive from the Fredericton. Leaving me with little choice, but to raid leftenant-Colonel Davis's wardrobe. I wanted to be somewhat presentable for this meeting as from what I hear, Top Brass are present?" I explained, he nodded with a sigh.

"Well, it's better than nothing. Head on in Major, and try not to embarrass yourself in there." He added with a smirk, he knew something I didn't. And I REALLY didn't like that, not one damn bit. I thought as I entered the room, sitting at opposite ends of the conference table were the 'Top Brass'...

...President Daniel Hastings of Emmeria, and Princess Luna of the New Lunar Republic.. Both now looking at me with interest. On the outside, I looked like a soldier at attention. But on the inside, I was screaming and freaking out.

TOP BRASS MY ASS! THIS IS MAJOR POLITICAL BRASS HAWKEYE YOU ASS! I thought angrily, hearing his stiffled giggles coming from the outside just faintly.

"Ah Major, glad you could join us! Please have a seat, we have much to discuss.. Oh, and at ease Archangel." Started hastings, This is going to be a very long ass afternoon.. I can feel it. I thought, closing the door and taking a seat at the table.

"Wonderful, now lets begin."

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"3...2...1..." The Soldier counted down. "Mr. President, you're on with Princess Luna and President Hastings."
The screen in front of him lit up, showing the members along with Archangel. President Rousey leaned forward in his chair.
"Gentlemen, Princess." He said. "I apologize that I can't be there in person. The actions of our Task Force One-Forty-One has put a pretty large target on my back. Combine that with the fact that most of our coastal regions are currently in the hands of the Empire, my security deemed it too risky to travel at the current time." He nodded at Hastings.
Though Emmeria was officially a member of the UHF, each nation still had their own Governments to rule over their respective regions. Rousey may be the President of the Entire Federation, but Hasting's presence was invaluable to the meeting. Emmeria was the being hit the Hardest of all. Even Coronet hadn't faced such a mighty assault.
It's obviously a message. Rousey thought. Celestia wants to break our spirits.
He was about to say something else, when Archangel's outfit caught his eye.
"Colonel, might I ask why you are in a Marine's uniform?" He chuckled. "And one belonging to Lieutenant Colonel Davis at that?"

"Damn... Specter, requesting assistance with some Fast-movers!"

"Rogue One responding."
The Human rolled his Raptor into the enemy formation.
"I'm going in, cover me Dare."
"Right with you lead!"
The two jets got right on the bogey's tails.

"Gunner! Third Story building! Eleven O'Clock!"
"Target acquired!"

The Abrams let loose with a deadly explosive shell, making a large hole where the Solar Trooper use to be.

"Talisman, you have three bandits coming in from your Five O'Clock!"
"Dammit, give me a second to shake these guys!"
The F-15 flew overhead, a group of F/A-18's in pursuit.
Ahead of the Marines, a group of well dug in Solar Infantry was blocking the path.
"This is Delta One, we got an enemy formation in front of us." Riley said into the radio. "Requesting Heavy Artillary strike! Coordinates Victor-Echo-Foxtrot-Lima!"
"This is Zulu-Niner. Coordinates locked down, shells on the way."
There were a few heartbeats of silence, then the entire enemy formation was engulfed in explosions.
"All clear, move up!"
"Delta One, be advised," GhostEye said. "You have a Friendly AC-130 above."
"This is Thor, we'll keep you covered LC."
"This is Quox Battalion!" Riley said as he moved forward. "We are two blocks away from the Palace and we'll be taking it back in minutes!"
"Rogue One, we have a new group of signals." GhostEye said slowly. "We have a new group of bogeys approaching from the East."
"Solar Empire... It's Rainbow Squadron."
Cole's heart stopped for a moment, and he felt like he'd been punched in the gut.
"How do you want to handle this Colonel?"
Cole hesitated for a fraction of a second.
"I'll try to talk her down. If we can't... well we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Rogues, form up!"

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Solar Empire... It's Rainbow Squadron.

Orion leveled off and soared over the rooftops of Gracemeria, delivering her last twenty shells.

Rainbow Squadron... I've heard of them. Orion mused as she turned back for the Fortitude.

"Control, get my FALKEN on deck and fueled up. I'm foreseeing an interesting battle ahead...."

Skybolt reveled in the efficiency of the THEL. Every blast was a confirmed kill.

"Earthmover squad, saddle up. We're moving to the Palace!" He watched the troops on the ground begin to climb onto the Abrams. The three tanks rumbled towards the large assault group. He decided to rendezvous with the human Riley's battlegroup, Quox.

The three tanks eventually managed to rumble their way to the group in question, setting several Solar tanks ablaze on the way.

Celestia wondered if she would be noticed, if the Metal Gear Ray's were sufficient for the job. But locked away in the core of Arsenal Gear, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. She was safe, unless there was an idiot small enough to fit into the service corridor.

The submersible was surfacing near the mouth of the Gracemerian Harbor, and immediately began to release the bipedal monstrosities.

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I explained to President Ramsey my.. Wardrobe situation, he was amused by it to say the least. Hastings had his assistant retrieve some folders containing documents, as did Luna and Ramsey. I sat patiently, waiting for them to get prepared so we could start. But I couldn't help but notice Luna.. trying secretly to eye me from where she sat, unnerving me slightly.

Is there something on the unifrom? I-is the cap crooked?.. Wait, she's looking me up and down... Like she's.. Oh. She's checking me out... Oh heaven's me, Princess Luna is checking me out... I could feel myself blushing slightly, she must've noticed and quickly looked away, trying to hide the deep blush just showing slightly beneath her dark coat.

"The first order of business-" Ramsey began, drawing my attention away from the blushing Princess to the Smartboard. "-is your promotion Colonel Lynch. Me, Hastings and the Emmerian Promotions Board have seen fit to promote you to Colonel for your service and outstanding combat efficiency on the battlefield, and under extreme circumstances. Also, we are promoting Amber Davis, Leftenant-Colonel Davis's wife to Major. Once she lands, you'll be presenting her the news and her new Oak Leaf pins." He explained, I smiled at that. Guess that takes care of Talisman's christmas gift, for Riley's.. I'll need help with that.

"We'll also be assigning you your own Command Colonel, a large Joint-Nationality Battalion consisting of troops from Estovakia, Emmeria, Nordennavic, Usea, Osea, Belka, Yuktobania, New Lunar Republic, Felis, and Ex-Solar Empire forces." My mind struggled to piece that together, WHAT?! M-my own C-command?!? Holy Hell.. If Anthony could see this now, but Ex-Solar Forces? I must of had a questionable face when Ramsey mentioned Ex-Solar, because hasting's cleared his throat.

"The Ex-Solar troops are turncoats Colonel, members of the old, now defunct 'Royal Guards' of Canterlot Castle. They switched sides when the war began, opting to fight against the Queen than to fight for her. As her superweapons were a threat to all, and they didn't want to serve a tyrannt." I nodded, all the information overwhelming. "They're leader is now your Sargeant-Major, your Second-in-Command, Ex-Captain of the Royal Guards, Shining Armor."

"Shining Armor, Princess Cadence's husband? He abandoned my sisters military?" Luna asked, Hasting's nodded.

"That he did Princess, along with the rest of the battalion wil be arriving in two days time. And Colonel, your battalion is part of the 1st Royal Emmerian Rifles, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Battalion." he finished, I looked back up to Ramsey. He, and his senate were clearly visible behind him. I sit before the most powerful leaders of the free world, while those who keep the free world free, spill their blood, drip their sweat and shed their tears so that millions upon millions of people, can be free from the chains and shackles of tyranny and slavery..

"And I shall be staying aboard after the conclusion of this meeting Colonel. We have much to plan for in the times ahead, your previous.. Knowledge will be invaluable in an upcoming raid." Luna said, as she finished hawkeye burst in with a gravely concerned expression.

"Rear-Admiral Hawkeye, what is the meaning of-" Luna started, but I raised my hand towards her and looked to Hawkeye. I could hear mumbling coming from Ramsey Senate behind him. Dammit, this better be important.

"Hawk, What do you have for me?" I asked, he went to the Smartboard and split the screen. Keeping the feed with Ramsey and his senate on one side, and showing another on the left. A loading screen appeared while Hawk turned and faced us.

"Archangel, this THING just appeared in the Harbour and is launching large mechanical beasts that are engaging the boys on the sand." With a tap of his hoof, the screen showed a large grey mammoth at the mouth of the harbour. No.. It can't be. I could feel the colour draining from my face, my body felt numb. The senate members behind Ramsey were clearly heard as they voiced their reactions to this new superweapon.

"Another weapon of hers?! How many does she have!"
"Look at it, it's massive and the bipedal.. Things it deploying!"
"How can we keep fighting weapons like this?! We'll keep losing ground at this rate!"
"Our casualty rate is already unacceptable! At this rate surrender is a better option!"
"What is our Policy for fighting these weapons?"
"What is our aim by fighting these weapons? We destroyed one and she shows another, what are the possiblities of more?"
"Who the hell designed these monstrocites?! I'll have the bastard who did burned alive if I ever find him!"

They all cheered in agreement to the last remark, my anger soaring and barely contained within.

I can't even imagine the horrible monster who designed or thought of these wretched devices and machines. It must be the most demon being upon the face of the earth! Because from these weapons, only a mad, genocidal maniac could concive!"

"Really Senator? Because your looking at him.." I snapped coldly, the room instantly becoming silent. I could feel them all staring at me as I slowly rose up.

"What? YOU designed these superweapons?!" A senator shouted from behind Ramsey.

"Lynch.. explain yourself." Ramsey ordered, although he sounded calm and looked it. His eyes were burning with anger, as were Hasting's. I felt my anger rise.

"Years ago, when the world all thought me for dead. I co-founded with Celestia, "Militaires Sans Frontieres-"

"The pre-cursor to Cerberus, the pro-humanity terrorist organization?! You co-founded the very organization that kills and murders innocents arcoss the globe, using children in horrifying laboratory tests that maim, disable and torture thousands! Horrors, that we can only imagine, and YOU-"


"I've made mistakes.. Unknowingly created a organization that now stands for the opposite of what I originally created it for, but I'm paying already paying grave price for that. And yet.. I continue to fight and sacrifice, continue to spill blood, continue shed tears and continue to fight for what I believe and stand for." I removed the white marine cap, and placed it upon the table. A large deal of loose hair fluttering down to the table with it. I raised an eyebrow as I ran my hand through my hair and more came free and fell to the table, upon the white cap. Great.. Can this day just get ANY better? I sighed somberly.

"...What they did to me, to explain with great detail would take time we don't have. But in short, I'm dying slowly. Before I recieved a call yesterday, I was told I'll be lucky to live past Forty-Five. Now... Because of my bodies degradation, and changing internal eviroment. I have a few months... Before I must die, so you all can see the next goddamn sunrise. If you want details, ask Hasting's or get a copy of the file from Doctor Hal Emmerich.. Everything related to what I did in MSF/Cerberus is there.. and so is what they did to me." I glumly stated. I turned on my heel and walked to the door, my emotions and feelings making me feel very nauseous. My hands shaky as hell, but I stopped before leaving the conference room, and faced the men once more. I took note of Luna's pained expression, looking at me.

"And I say to the men who ask, I have nothing left to offer and give but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many weeks, months of struggle and suffering.

You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human and pony crime. That is our policy.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs – Victory in spite of all terrors – Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival..." I paused, adding one last thing.

"...I've already sacrificed greatly for my country, and will do so until my final hour. Can YOU say the same? Can you say you've greatly sacrificed like I have for our freedom and Liberty? It's alright for you to hate me, for what I've done. For the mistakes I've made, but I'm not the only one. Was there ever any question, on how much I could take? They kept feeding me utter bullshit, hoping I would break. So I ask is there anyone out there, is there anybody, anypony who cares?..." I mumbled softly and quietly. I saluted, and briskly walked out onto the bridge, leaving them in the conference room.

I wanted to puke my guts out for that, for my outburst in front of the President Hastings, Ramsey and the UHF Senate, and especially Princess Luna.. I walked towards the computerized map grid before the command dias, and began entering critical target points all over Arsenal Gear, and on the Metal Gear Rays that were marked on the board. At least I can do this right, while I'm fucking everything else up by existing...

Group Admin


While Orion waited for her FALKEN to be armed up, she decided it might be prudent to have a quick peek back into the Command Bridge.

She popped her head into the bustling bridge. "How's everything, Hawkeye?"

"Well, you might as well go into the Briefing room." Hawkeye suggested.

"Um... Okay?" Orion moved to the heavy metal doors and opened them, going in without announcing herself...

Right into the eyes of both human presidents and her Princess Luna, who was trying to stifle a giggle.

Orion was stunned. They all stared at each other for a bit, before Orion broke the silence.

"Oh... Hai?"

"Ah yes, the Commander. May I ask...?" Luna noted her haggard apperance. Orion tried to smooth out the flight suit.

"Um... Just landed, was going to takeoff again, um... Yeah... I'm so sorry, bye!" Orion tried to bolt out the closing door.

But Luna's magic seized her tail and closed the door.

"Just who we were looking for. Examine this, Commander. Suggest a suitable course of action." Luna shoved a Datapad concerning the Arsenal Gear into her face.

Orion's eyes grew wider by the second.

"Well... I've heard of this weapon... And it's possible that an EXTREMELY small boarding crew can take it down. They would have to be specialists, though... Assassin status." Orion murmured.

But where in the world can we get Assassins...?

Group Admin

(I had to re-do this after my damn tab/window closed, nearly giving me a heart-attack..:twilightangry2:)

I stood beside the Command Dias, enjoying a nasty habit I picked up while serving for MSF. I tapped the end of the cigarette, knocking off a piece of ash as I stared at the computerized battle map of the AO. Targets and units highlighted and shown upon the board, and their current objectives. I marked area's of weakness on the RAYS and Arsenal Gear.. We may be only disable the AG, but if we can get a small team aboard. We can disable any weapons she may be carrying, and activate her self-destruct.

"...You should stop this pointless fighting, end the bloodshed..*static*..acing a unbeatable force of mighty military power...*static*..ople in your homelands cry out of peace, members of your goverment ask for peaceful accommodations..*static* should end your arguements with them, and agree with them instead.." I glared in disgust at the intercom, they have the balls to blast horsecock propaganda through OUR networks?! Oh nononono, that will NOT stand. I stood facing the speaker, when an idea came to me, and it will kill two birds with one stone..

I strided my way onto the Command Dias, placing the headset on and activating the ships intercomms. tuning the frequncies so I could be heard across and units, ships, aircraft, radios, networks and avalible radio-waves. Friend and Foe alike. I only hope she can hear me, god let her be listening.

"Hey asshole, let's set the fucking record straight. There's no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there's only one guaranteed way we can have peace—and we can have it in the next second—surrender.

Admittedly, there's a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning WorldPeace friends refuse to face—that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only unconditional surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand—the ultimatum. And what then—when Queen Celestia has told her people she knows what our answer will be? She has told them that we're retreating under the pressure of this World War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, militarily and economically. She believes this because from our side she's heard voices pleading for "peace at any price" or "better Solar than dead," or as one commentator put it, he'd rather "live on his knees than die on his feet." And therein lies the road to defeat, because those voices don't speak for the rest of us.

You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin—just in the face of this enemy? Or should Princess Luna have told the children of Equestria to live in slavery under the Griffin's? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at the Centennial Bridge in Silvat Town have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard 'round the world? Should I, Archangel have not protected Garuda team while they attacked the Chandiler saving Gracemeria? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it's a simple answer after all.

You and I have the courage n' strength to say to our enemies, There is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which they must not, and shall not advance! We'll fight to the last gun, the last man, and to the last fucking round. We'll fight until the last human and pony fall fighting for Freedom and our Liberty. Because if we fail, if we are defeated, and we lose the last vestages of humanity and ponykind, Freedoms and Liberities.. We'll sentence our children to take the step into a thousand years of darkness...

But I say NO! We will fight the insurmountable odds against us, and overcome! We've faced the forces of evil and tryanny before, and have overcome! We've faced the end of days, and have overcome! We've faced great crisis and disasters, and have overcome! Because we stood side-by-side as brothers-and-sisters upon the frontlines and at home, upon the fields of battle, in the bombed-out streets, upon the high seas, and in the heavenly skies above. WE SHALL OVERCOME! For when we stand together as one, together as a united people and force. We are the weapons and tools of freedom and peace, and no matter how long it will take us, to fight and overcome against this great evil. As the United and Allied nations of the globe, shall in their rightious might, win through to absolute victory!" The thunder of applause and stamping hooves filled the bridge, the airwaves, the communication networks, radiowaves across the bandwiths. Their cheers, whistles and applause were sign enough that my speech was great. Now for the key piece..

"FOR WE ARE THE PATRIOTS OF FREEDOM AND THE SONS OF LIBERTY! AND WE SHALL OVERCOME!" The thunder of applause grew louder, as did the cheers. But now I had to wait, for if she responds with the correct sentence. I'll know the real Celestia isn't upon the throne, and that she's really in need of my help..

Please respond Tia, please tell me that really isn't you upon the throne..

Group Admin


So here's what we got now. Fortitude is a while's away from the border of Emmeria. We have the Solar Third Fleet in the Harbour, Celestia's new toy in the river mouth, and the P-112 Aigaion inbound.

The combined Emmerian-Estovakian-NLR forces are in the city, pushing towards the Palace. The Yuktobanian navy remains relatively far away, on peacekeeping duty near Equestria. ISAF is somewhere on Equestria.

Orion listened into the speech with half her mind. The other was considering if the Sub was gonna try to get away.

"Arsenal Gear trying to submerge! Estimated time, five minutes!" The PA blared.

"Five minutes... We can't possibly get it in five minutes!" The Emmerian president was clearly disappointed.

Orion thought quickly. "Princess, I need something."

Luna looked over. "Name it."

"Give me the codes for Project X-1562-alpha-J." Orion rattled off the name.

Luna was thoughtful. "Yes... It might work... Okay. Here." She typed in several numbers.

"All due respect... What's this Project X-something-alpha-J?" The door swung shut as the UHF president asked.

Luna blew a lock of hair out of her face. "I'm sure you've heard of the D-21 project? Project X-1562-alpha-J is the troop carrying version. A supersonic Single-seat troop carrying jet."

Orion dropped past her room on the way to the launch pad. She had to pack sparsely.

She looked at the bulky Space suit that the jet required. Her eyes moved, and lay on a different subject altogether.

"Oh yes..." Orion smiled as she pulled out the Advanced Sneaking Suit.

Group Admin


I knew it'd be a tight fit, but Orion would need to deal with it. Because whether she likes it or not, I'm coming along. As her friend and former enemy. Personally, I wouldn't allow her to go on this mission, but I knew better. Once Orion's set on something, she'll keep going until her body gives in and until her heart stops beating. She reminds me of myself back during the War.. She's one helluva mare thats for sure. And there's no-one else I'd rather have as my number two. Despite our..Colourful past. She's one-of-a-kind, and deserves to see through this nightmarish war in one piece. And I'll make damn sure she does.

I only wore and equipped myself with the bare essentials, my stealth black CBES suit and the tactical vest. A few small piece's of equipment including my cigarettes, Boss Brand Filtered. Although if Talisman caught me smoking, she'd have my head and beat me to within an inch of my life. My custom nickel Colt .45 1911 Talisman bought me for our first anniversary, with a suppressor. And lastly, my blades, my primary is a Gerber Mark II Combat Knife.. A gift from Celestia herself when we founded MSF years ago. Engraved with my personal motto in blood red upon the double-edged spear-pointed wasp-waisted blade..

If It's Hostile.. You Kill It.

Simple, true and striaght to the point. And my secondary has a history, it being my former primary from my service in the Air Force. But the blade itself, was far older, it being from the Second World War. My grandfathers blade, when he served in the Emmerian Special Forces, JTF-2. The Fairbairn-Skyes Fighting Knife still was very deadly and lethal, I just prefered the Gerber more.

I got looks as I walked down the halls, the conforming bodily enhancing, muscle suit grabbing the eye's of a few female and mare service-personel. and even a few cat-called me, I returned those with a smug smile. But the mares gave me an idea, one I'd have to discuss with Princess Luna.. Because it might, by the grace of god..

Let me live... To see another sunrise.

It was a longshot idea, but one I must try. I've come too far, gone to and beyond the call of duty. Served my nation through our darkest hours, and now the worlds darkest days.. Fought like hell to survive, to see my friends again. Only to discover I'm destined to die to save them, my countrymen, my brothers-in-arms, and the people of the world from myself? If anything ths wacky, nutjob idea of mine is my salvation from certain death. And if it does work.. I'll have a new lease on life, but at a cost.. But one I'm willing to pay.

I stopped before Orion's door, giving myself a final once over as I made sure I had everything I needed. I pulled another cigarette from the pack, and lit it as I entered, spying a suited up Orion in an Advanced Sneaking Suit. The suit, similar to my CBES suit was made of a highly advanced materials and technologies. Mine was the first generation, the pre-cursor to what she was wearing now. A second generation. Although our suits were different, mine was for activation of the implants, nano's and bodily enhancers. An example would be jet fuel to a fighter, you need it for it to work. Her's was made and built pure sneaking, a dream for a Brotherhood Assassin like her.

Her suit conformed and hugged every inch of her body, fitting her tightly like a rubber glove. Hot Damn.. Reminds me of Celestia when she tried on the First Generation APCS's, Just stunningly beautiful and ungodly sexy.. Now back to the matter at hand.

"Orion, you ready to leave, time's wasting." I blew the cigarette smoke into the air vent beside me as to not stink up her quarters.

"Yeah, good one. That's not happening. Your staying Lynch."

"Sorry to inform you, Commander. You have no choice in this matter, I am going with you whether you like it or not." She turned from her equipment and glared at me.

"As you Commanding Officer I order you to stay aboard, are we clear Major?" BWAHAHA! She dosen't know? Oh this will be fun. I grinned, taking a long drag on the cigarette.

"Did you just try to pull rank, on a Colonel?" She winced ever so slightly, "Yeah, I was promoted and apparently have my own fucking command to boot. Now, I'm going with you. I designed that mammoth sonofabitch in the harbour. A fucking monument to my sins, that needs to be destroyed. because as long as the MSFNS Archangel remains afloat, she'll have the biggest trump card in this war. And besides, how do you expect to get past the security system on the main computer? It's DNA activated, a fresh living sample by me or Celestia is required to use it. And the passwords? Trust me, you'll need me. Besides, your little rocketship has room for two sweetheart. It'll be a tight squeeze, but we'll fit just fine. and I don't need the damn space suit, this does all the work for me." I kept smiling, knowing the positioning would be crucial. But we had only two choices.

We either Sixty-Nine it, or go in face-to-face, milimeters apart either way due to the laying down seating and posture of the pilot.

Yeah, telling her THAT will just go over smoothly.. Lord help me now.

Group Contributor

"We're inside the Palace!" Riley reported. "But we've been cut off by Solar Support Staff. HEY YOU PONIES! ARE YOU GETTING PAID ENOUGH TO GET SHOT?!"
Talisman flew over the Solar fleet, marking targets with her computer and transmitting them through GhostEye AWACS.
"This is Garuda One, how about we take out these enemy ships?"
"This is Sky Kid. Attack Support? Roger that."
"This is Dreadnaught Dragonav, we fire now, Da?"
The rain of missiles and rockets fell on the Fleet, annihilating anything flying a Solar Banner.
"Enemy forces are taking hits!"
"Ya, but we've still got that big Behemoth to deal with."
"Archangel and Orion are on that."
"Does it involve something crazy?"
"Doesn't it always?"
"Dash, It's Cole. I know you can hear me on this channel."
"Listen, don't do this. You're one hell of a Pilot Rainbow, but we both know how this will end."
"Then don't make me do it!" The Mare's voice was choked with emotion. "I don't want to fight you guys, but I will if you don't stand aside!"
"You do what you have to do," Cole replied calmly. "Just do me a favor. Look out into the city."
"...What is this suppose to accomplish?"
"I just want you to think for a second. This is Gracemeria, Talisman and Riley's home. You remember Riley? He was only the man who risked his life to save YOUR home. I know you remember. It was right after the fall of Canterlot. All our forces were in disarray, and a large army of Griffins were headed straight for Ponyville. What was their only defense? A ragtag group of Militia Spearheaded by Four Human Marines led by a Young Lieutenant: Riley Davis. He was willing to give his life to save you ad your friends."
"What's your point?"
"My point is that you're the Element of Loyalty, and it's time to ask yourself what that means. Are you loyal to your Princess who has declared war on the Entire world? Or too your friends who would have done anything to make sure you and your people were free?"
"Ah yes, and before I forget." Rousey said. "Princess Luna, I have a gift of good faith. Consider it an apology for our foolish support of the Solar Empire." Luna raised a brow.
"And what would that be?"
"Two Companies of our most Elite Marines are on Standby, and can be anywhere in the world within one hour., don't ask me how. I imagine you would like them to help you hold off the Solars."
"Why have you not used them on the Imperials already in your borders?"
Rousey leaned back in his chair.
"Have you ever heard of the Robogian Gambit Princess?" Luna shook her head. "It's an old Usean Card game that dates back to the unification war. The rules are complicated, but the goal is simple: Be the only player that never ever plays his last card." The President smiled. "And right now, Celestia is playing her entire hand."

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