The Organization 12 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

Welcome back recruit. I see you are ready to choose a class. (These are not required. Again, these are just vanity and have no effects).

This class is for those of you who don’t wanna risk your life out in the field, or just want to study anomalies from their containment chamber. Although, I will say this job is dangerous. Whilst you can carry a small firearm like a pistol, other weapons like ARs, SMGs, LMGs, Shotguns, or anything else of the sorts are prohibited, and even then, you have to have a gun license as well as security clearance. This means that in the event of a containment breach, you have a high chance at dying. But other than that, it should be fun to experiment with our anomalies.

Like the last class, you’ll be spending a lot of time inside a facility. You’ll be our first line of defense in case of a containment breach. You’ll be equipped with better weaponry, and you’ll guard restricted areas, detaining people or Disposables, terminating personnel, etc.. Not fun, but not boring either. You’ll have provided weaponry.

Field Agents:
Your job is to inspect and survey anomalies abroad for your respective facility. You’ll be sent out to investigate a report of anomalous behavior, breach of secrecy, rouge agents, escaped Disposables, etc. Also, your weapon is your choice. Whilst we have weapons, nothing’s stopping you from using your own weapons. Just no launchers or grenades. Hell, use a bow and a sword if you want. It’s up to you. But remember, Field Agents don’t have ranks.

Here’s the last class. The most elite soldiers we have. Your job: to secure and contain anomalies, assess containment breaches, investigate areas that have reports of anomalous entities, etc. Your loadout is also up to you. Again, we do have weapons for you, but you can use any weapon you have or request.

Well, that’s it. Choose a class, fill out your name (it can be an OC or your Fimfic username), (and if you’re a Field Agent or Striketeam member, put your weapons as well), then I’ll give you a rank and you’re all set!

Melody Song
Group Admin

Melody Song; Field Agent. Weapons: bow and arrow along with spy gadgets

Group Admin

Ooh, okay! Have your free non-anomalous cookie!

Group Admin

M’kay then! Welcome to the Organization! Have the free non-anomalous cookie!

Name: ARandomLonelyDude aka Nub
Rank: Field Agent
Weapons: M1911 pistol, egg

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