東海岸:offtopic 96 members · 52 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

1. Determination

2. Individuality

3. Cult of Personality

4. Perseverance

5. Guilt and Regrets

6. Overcoming the Chains of the Past

7. Dreaming

8. Achieving Dreams

9. Devotion to My Mentality

10. Insanity and Wrath

11. Despair and Close to the Edge of Giving Up

12. Mad With Power

13. Floating Like A Butterfly; Stinging Like A Bee

14. Masochistic Pet Personality

15. I'm A Biter

16. Sticking Out Against Normality

17. Fuck It All! I am who I am, bitch! And you better realize that you can say the same!

18. You're My Friend

19. We'll Always Stick Together


21. Unbreakablility

22. Power, Power, Love

23. When I'm the Sage of Internet

24. Don't Lose Your Way

25. Adventuring Through My Mind
Every Asian Kungfu Generation Song

The Judge
Group Admin

4486028 2muchsongs4me.I would post my own,but on my phone.

Group Admin

this thread will lag so hard

4486028 My themes

1. Ego

2. Ego

3. Ego

4. Ego

5. Getting Beaten By People Better Than Me Because Of My Ego

My theme songs:

1: How I act and what everyone sees me as

2: Me

My theme songs:
1. How I feel about myself

2. What I want the world to be like

3. My thoughts about my crush

4. When I feel really bad*ss

5. When I feel confident

6. When I realize life is pointless

7. When I feel so elated and on top of the world

8. When I am so DONE with everyone

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