Suicide prevention group 94 members · 24 stories
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Midnight Rider
Group Admin

Heya. I'm Midnight nice to meet you. I joined this group to help make sure that anyone who is even thinking of commiting suicide dosent. It isnt the way to go. But you'l find more of that type of thing later on in the group itself. This is just a say hellow and introduce yourself type thread. I'l start then shall i.

My names Midnight Rider. I come from south west england and currently im going through GCSE's. Im a air cadet and a experienced expeditioner/walker. I enjoy the outdoors and the night time especially.

I tried to commit suicide twice by suffocation. I'l have to admit, it wasnt the best option in my life and i completely regret it.

Now you try. You dont have to share if you've attempted suicide or not by the way. You can keep that private if you so wish :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Pvtread here; I live in California, have lived here all my life. On most days; I work in the boating industry; have for going on10 years. I love to hang out with my friends on the weekend and make funny videos with them. My life may seem uneventfull; but I do sometimes go through my bouts of depression here and there. I`l be 33 in august and am single lol.

Group Admin

Lol, wow; this seems like one of those classes you take when you are in rehab lol. Not a bad thing by any means; in fact it is a great was to get to know each other.:pinkiehappy:

Mossy Mare
Group Admin

I'm Mossy, a college student majoring in Plant Science in a rather large college town in the middle of the U. S. Briefly tried to end my life in high school, before I found ponies/friends/Jesus/this guide/love/bonsai/ceramics/music/knitting/crocheting/tatting/ spinning/lacemaking/ ok I have a lot to live for I get it.
I'm 19 years old, female, and also single. I'm on 24-hour suicide watch by my cat, as she disapproves of such things. (In other words, if I die no one will slip her scraps of food under the table. The horror.) I should probably clarify that she looks like this and, err, doesn't miss many meals.

Group Admin

LOL; well then, you`d better not let your cat down. Wow; when I started this group, I had no clue what to expect. I thought I`d be laughed at, and made fun of; but; wow. I`m deeply moved by all the posts, and the stories I have seen. I truly hope that this group thrives and grows in to a safe haven for those who think there is no hope left. I hope and wish that everyone here can feel safe and secure here. If you ever feel alone; and that you have no one to turn to, we will be here for you. Life can be daunting at times; but with support from great friends; you can overcome anything this world throws at you. WE ARE SUICIDE PREVENTION GROUP; AND WE ARE HERE FOR YOU.

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