Epic Dark Stories 97 members · 151 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Peach Blossom
Group Admin

Welcome to the group of Epic Dark Stories. Here is a list of categories in which the story must fall:
That's pretty much it! Painless, right? The story MUST fall into one of those categories in order to be part of this group. For example, a Romeo and Juliette cross over would work, so long as somepony dies at the end.
See ya around! :rainbowlaugh:

1081127 My story Fluttershy Batwings fits perfectly in this group because there is so much death in it. And the main character has a sad and messed up background. Fluttershy's parents threw her in a icy river as a newborn filly simply because she was born with bat wings and sharp teeth, but she is saved by sewer dwelling rabbits

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