Damn Those Feels 100 members · 433 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Group Admin

Hello everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who joined and have added stories of their own! Myself and Gearshift18 created this at first just to keep a place where we could share stories we liked together, I never expected it to grow! I've read a lot of the stories posted and have enjoyed all of them. We have almost 50 members now, I thought it would be nice to get to know your interests and personalities, tell us about yourself and make some friends! I'll start by saying I'm a 23 year old male, living west coast California, I program for a living so I tend to find a lot of spare time to read stories hehe. My favorite pony is Dashie. My top favorite stories are A Bluebirds Song and Diaries of a madman. Bluebird is lengthy but certainly not as long as Diaries, both are absolutely fantastic and worth the read, they are both in the list of stories we have and I do recommend taking the time to read them (diaries I understand if you do not, it's incomplete still and I just caught up on his most recent chapter, it still took me about two months to finish reading it often). Tell us about yourself, what's your favorite story?

Group Admin

Hey there just like swingobjects had said i will start by saying that i am 20 now 19 when the group was formed. I am a united states marine so my locations will change from time to time. Gender male and i have to say fluttershy is my favorite pony.

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